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Raveem Vas'ah

Raveem Vas'ah
The Merchant
Name: Raveem Vas’ah
Faction: Unaligned/Himself
Rank: Merchant
Species: Bothan
Age: 24
Sex: Male
Height: 5”5’
Weight: 161lbs
Eyes: Black
Hair: Auburn
Skin: Fur, auburn colored
Force sensitive: Yes


Paranoid: Having been born and raised in Bothawui, Raveem was exposed to all sorts of plots and schemes, both against his parents during his youth and against him during adulthood. This has caused him to suspect everyone he encounters of plotting or being part of a plot against him and/or his business, leading to him treating them with caution and sometimes outright hostility. His paranoia makes Raveem a hard person to befriend[SIZE=12pt],[/SIZE] and makes him generally unpopular among those who are not Bothans.

Untrustworthy: Although this may not count as a weakness, it does count toward his hard time making relationships with other people. Raveem has developed a reputation for selling any kind of information to the highest bidder, and for backstabbing clients and even friends for the proper amount of money. To outsiders, Raveem will seem untrustworthy, and distant. And, it may gain him enemies in the future.

Coward: Raveem is no fighter. He may be an experienced and well-informed merchant, but he will flee at the first sign of trouble or a fight. He despises wars and conflict in general, as his trade business could be disrupted and his profits would plummet. In addition, he is easy to intimidate with brute force, crumbling at the first sight of a weapon pointed at him. At this [SIZE=12pt]point[/SIZE] he will attempt to bargain with the person intimidating him, which, in most cases results in success. Finally, Raveem (despite being Force-sensitive himself without knowing them) fears Jedi and Sith equally. To him, anyone who wields a lightsaber means trouble… and he is especially distant and cautious when he rarely deals with Jedi or Sith, attempting to treat them with respect and reverence. All out of fear.

Easily bribed: Raveem can be easily swayed with enough Credits. Some may even convince him to betray his closest associates for the right deal… and for the right price.


Economist: Raveem has been in the world of galactic trade since he was little. Being taught about the ins and outs of buying and selling goods for maximum profit from an early age. This, along with studies in economics, has granted him extensive knowledge of the complex system of galactic trade. Using this knowledge he has become an astute businessman, knowing where to put his money… and when to bail out.

Shrewd: A good businessman must keep a sharp and astute mind in order to strike favorable deals that in the end, result in high profits and a good reputation.

Intuitive: As a trader, investor, and businessman, a reasonable mind is needed in order to organize one's finances, deals and avoid bad deals or attempts at manipulation which could lead to his downfall. This also allows him to partially read the subtle fur movements of his fellow Bothans and to a much-limited extent other races, particularly Humans.

Mathematician: Economics involves all kinds of formulas, and counting money requires some level of mathematical skill. Although “counting money” may sound archaic and in some ways, outright ridiculous, Raveem knows that some would have the audacity to promise a payment and only deliver half… or even less. Keeping his finances in order make his talent at numbers extremely useful.


Raveem maintains a clean, and presentable image. Both by combing his fur and beard and maintaining a firm and confident posture. In a place of schemes and plots such as his home planet, the image is everything, especially when cutting deals in person. Looking ragged and unclean may have other assume he is some lowlife merchant or a smuggler. No. He keeps a tidy and almost noble-like appearance. His wardrobe is largely varied, but all of them have one thing in common: it makes him look wealthy. Clothes with intricate designs or complicated composition lead to the belief that Raveem has wealth, wealth that he can use to purchase what he wants or bribe who he wants or strike deals with who he wants, and he has money to back all of that up.


Raveem Vas’ah was born into a wealthy family of traders and merchants. His clan had, for centuries, acquired its wealth through intergalactic trade and investments in appropriate corporations and governments, especially those related to the arms industry. Raveem was the only son of the patriarch of the clan, who led the family’s finance company settled in the capital of Bothawui. Since he was little, Raveem lived a life of comfort and luxury. Every whim was satisfied, and everything he wanted he could have. But his life wasn’t was easy.

His family was often the target of assassins or elaborate plots by rival clans and trade companies who wanted to put his family out of commission. Once, there was an attempt at holding young Raveem for ransom, which ultimately failed when his family hired bounty hunters to find their missing son. This experience left Raveem scarred for life. An experience which would contribute to his constant paranoia and distrust of strangers. His kidnapping was but the first of many events that endangered his life, and that of his family. He lived in a world in where you had to look over your shoulder to avoid being caught in a plot and losing. From an early age, he learned about the family business and learned first-hand the many plots going on in Bothawui, something that would grant him his skills in the future.

In his teens, Raveem had the chance to become the go-to person to broker deals between planetary governments and his family’s trade company. Along with his father, he learned the art of bartering, persuasion, and manipulation. From these travels, he learned which races were the easiest to bait into agreeing to “unfair” trading tariffs and favorable deals for his family… and he also learned those who would not fall for such schemes. Such as the Muuns and the Hutts. And here, is where Raveem finally learns about the side-business of his family’s company. Sure, they were honest traders and investors, but information was and still is a valuable commodity. Hiring spies and informants were commonplace in [SIZE=12pt]Bothwaui[/SIZE], and his family had plenty. From Bothans to others races, they would travel the galaxy searching for sensitive information which could be sold to anyone. Underworld criminals looking to bribe or blackmail governments or politicians; Sith or Jedi looking to undermine each other; or even Bothans themselves who wanted to rid themselves of rivals… either by destroying their reputation or blackmailing them. This knowledge would serve him well in the future.

A dark period struck Raveem during his late teens. In a move by one of his family’s rivals, his mother became the victim of an assassin, and his father was left permanently mute after the assassin failed to slash his throat properly. In this moment, Raveem would unleash the rare feeling of fury and urge for revenge. He had bounties placed on the rival clan and spent half a fortune to have them all assassinated. From here on out, Raveem would always keep that ruthless side of himself. This world that surrounded him was full of people who were willing to do anything to advance his goals, and if he wanted to survive, he would have to play the same game.

His father died shortly after, a death, which along with his mother’s permanently left him in a permanent state of grief. Although he hides it, Raveem owes everything he is today to his loving parents, who, despite their work and their wealth, took care of their only son. It is rare for Raveem to spare anyone from his shady deals and plotting, but he came to realize when he lost his only family that even in a world filled with ruthless Bothans, he could survive with his own code. Since then, he has made rare exceptions when it comes to assassination targets or blackmailing families. Something he still keeps on doing in the present.

In the present day, Raveem is a renowned and accomplished trader and businessman, taking over his family company shortly after the death of his parents. Due to his paranoia, Raveem did his best to learn and tone his skills at piloting. Although he had been taught the basics by his family’s hired pilot, Raveem had to do extensive research to be able to fly one and fly it well. And to a lesser extent, he has recently adopted to having a weapon with him at all times… though he seldom uses it and relies on hired bodyguard or bounty hunters and prefers to flee in combat situations.


Modified Courier-class yacht:

A mixture of both luxury, status, protection and speed, Raveem chose the best ship for his line of work... and personality. Having acquired the vessel a year after he inherited the family company. According to Raveem, his Courier-class was acquired as payment from a heavily indebted customer. The ship, now called Deceit, underwent several customization jobs to accommodate Raveem's interests. Some of these additions included a luxury lounge, bedroom, and shower. In addition to the luxury additions, Raveem also ordered more practical modifications to the ship, outfitting it with new engines, an extra escape pod, an emergency temporary shield, countermeasures and automated laser cannons. Though reduced in number, the laser cannons fitted to the fore, mid and aft section of the yacht can be controlled for the cockpit without the need for gunners, which allowed Raveem to use them while flying the Deceit. Finally, Raveem added extra storage space along with hidden compartments scattered all over the yacht (some are large enough to hide inside). In addition to these heavy modifications, the Deceit, in its original design is highly maneuverable and fast, allowing for the crafty Bothan to use it in cases where deals... go south.

Possessions (assets, items):

Data Pad: A customized data pad which Raveem keeps on his person at all times. He uses the pad to keep track of all deals, contracts, contacts, accounts and all kinds of information. It is not truly fully "customized" but it is outfitted with a failsafe which would delete all information within if stolen... or if Raveem were to be killed.

Specialized communicator: Not something one would see as odd at first glance, but the communicator device Raveem holds is specially designed for quick discreet communications. These can range from audio to holographic (if placed on a custom communications console in Raveem's ship).

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