Luna Nox
New Member
Raven Fade
NAME: Raven Fade
SPECIES: Zeltron (mostly)
SEX: Female
EYES: Light pink
HAIR: Blueish purple
SKIN: Pink
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Quiet, reserved, with loner tendencies. Has trouble describing feelings, tends to be unemotional. Not very affectionate. Can be insensitive to the misfortunes of others. More interested in intellectual pursuits than relationships or family. Disorganized and messy. Can be a risk-taker who lives in the moment. Loyal to peers and own value systems, but not overly concerned with respecting laws and rules if they get in the way of getting things done.Excellent skills with mechanical things. Detached and analytical, excels at finding solutions to practical problems.
Raven has a lithe build rather than a more burly build as her up bringing might suggest. Her skin tone is a light pink that is common among zeltrons, and she keeps her thick blue-ish purple hair cut to manageable length usually in something close to a bob reaching to just above her shoulders. Her eyes are a amberish orange in color, almond in shape and with a slight slant to them. A prominent nose , softly pointed chin and full lips fill out the rest of her face.
When it comes to clothing she chooses clothing in darker colors in modest cuts that are made for both travel and to allow freedom of movement. Facts that might make her stand out amongst the local zeltron community of where ever she might be staying at the time. Jackets, pants, shirts, and boots tend to be her most common wardrobe choices. She also does not tend to wear much jewelry save for thin silver rings on most of the fingers of her left hand, two on her index, ring, and thumb.
Born on Begeren and the product of loyalist parents from a loyalist family. They were involved in a breeding program of sorts. Small children were bred for the purpose of serving which ever sith lord might be in control of the planet at the moment. Willingly given up by her parents Ravens childhood consisted mostly of training in combat, slicing, espionage, and for those like her who were force sensitive, enough force knowledge to be useful but far from enough to be pose a threat to her superiors.
Raven was odd as she was aware of the greater galaxy beyond Begeren and was aware that she was being raised to throw her life away should it be needed. On the other hand she was raised to do so, and still believed her purpose in life was to serve until she could no longer do so. More or less resigned to her fate she lived her life the same as she always had. Not the best in her class nor the worse she could simply drift by as best she could with out most people paying her much mind.
Feeling safer that way, she did her best to blend and be over looked. This was her way of making sure she lived as long as possible, being loyal in her own way but lacking the desire to throw her life away if she could help it. As a result she tended to be left behind unless it was a standard mission where she could simply slip into the rank and file, go about her business and go home. It served her well most of the time. Until, as it happens the lord did not return from some errand or the other. What it was exactly was never clear and rumors abounded over that exactly happened.
Not really interested in what the truth was Raven saw her chance to make a break for freedom and she took it slipping out one night. Under the cover of darkness she managed to get to a settlement and from there stow away on an old freighter who ran trade in and out of the system.
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