Miss Blonde
Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"You know what they call a quarter pounder bantha burger on Atrisia?"
"I don't know, what do they call a quarter pounder bantha burger Atrisia?"
"A royal with cheese."
Patricia Susan Garter Red Raven Chief of Staff sighed at her mercenaries comments and made a rather epic face palm. They had arrived at the planet Katanos VII in the outer rim, a planet once owned by the notorious ASA. Now a world gripped by chaos fighting over what small Cortosis mines remained on the world. The planet had turned from a civil and ordered planet into Mad Max fighting over the last scraps of Cortosis the ASA had left behind after the netherworld. Regardless it would be irresponsible of the Ravens to leave this operation going under. So the plan was to target the organization who held the biggest mining operation on the planet, and kindly remove them from the equation to set up and take control of the existing mine.
A small landing craft from the Red Ravens dropped out of hyperspace and quickly broke atmosphere to head down to a very large mountain region where the last large Cortosis operation was. It was controlled by a very sleazy organization of people, a small crew of criminals that were on the Republic's most wanted list at one point or another back when Patricia still upheld the law. But now it was about high time to get her own form of justice by making sure these fine folks were taken care of once and for all. She had set up a meeting for a buy with the leaders and now she and her men were moving into action to spring a trap.
on the mostly strip mined planet outside of the facility by the mountain Patricia and a few ravens exited a landing craft wearing black suits and ties. They went along the path inside and had arrived early to catch the sellers off guard.
"I don't know, what do they call a quarter pounder bantha burger Atrisia?"
"A royal with cheese."
Patricia Susan Garter Red Raven Chief of Staff sighed at her mercenaries comments and made a rather epic face palm. They had arrived at the planet Katanos VII in the outer rim, a planet once owned by the notorious ASA. Now a world gripped by chaos fighting over what small Cortosis mines remained on the world. The planet had turned from a civil and ordered planet into Mad Max fighting over the last scraps of Cortosis the ASA had left behind after the netherworld. Regardless it would be irresponsible of the Ravens to leave this operation going under. So the plan was to target the organization who held the biggest mining operation on the planet, and kindly remove them from the equation to set up and take control of the existing mine.
A small landing craft from the Red Ravens dropped out of hyperspace and quickly broke atmosphere to head down to a very large mountain region where the last large Cortosis operation was. It was controlled by a very sleazy organization of people, a small crew of criminals that were on the Republic's most wanted list at one point or another back when Patricia still upheld the law. But now it was about high time to get her own form of justice by making sure these fine folks were taken care of once and for all. She had set up a meeting for a buy with the leaders and now she and her men were moving into action to spring a trap.
on the mostly strip mined planet outside of the facility by the mountain Patricia and a few ravens exited a landing craft wearing black suits and ties. They went along the path inside and had arrived early to catch the sellers off guard.