Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Raven Fiction

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"You know what they call a quarter pounder bantha burger on Atrisia?"

"I don't know, what do they call a quarter pounder bantha burger Atrisia?"

"A royal with cheese."

Patricia Susan Garter Red Raven Chief of Staff sighed at her mercenaries comments and made a rather epic face palm. They had arrived at the planet Katanos VII in the outer rim, a planet once owned by the notorious ASA. Now a world gripped by chaos fighting over what small Cortosis mines remained on the world. The planet had turned from a civil and ordered planet into Mad Max fighting over the last scraps of Cortosis the ASA had left behind after the netherworld. Regardless it would be irresponsible of the Ravens to leave this operation going under. So the plan was to target the organization who held the biggest mining operation on the planet, and kindly remove them from the equation to set up and take control of the existing mine.

A small landing craft from the Red Ravens dropped out of hyperspace and quickly broke atmosphere to head down to a very large mountain region where the last large Cortosis operation was. It was controlled by a very sleazy organization of people, a small crew of criminals that were on the Republic's most wanted list at one point or another back when Patricia still upheld the law. But now it was about high time to get her own form of justice by making sure these fine folks were taken care of once and for all. She had set up a meeting for a buy with the leaders and now she and her men were moving into action to spring a trap.

on the mostly strip mined planet outside of the facility by the mountain Patricia and a few ravens exited a landing craft wearing black suits and ties. They went along the path inside and had arrived early to catch the sellers off guard.
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"], of all people, had supplied a dress code. The woman practically lived in her one little polka dotted dress, she was clearly not suited to telling people what they ought to be wearing. Besides, Chiasa showing up in the same thing everyone else was wearing? Never. But suits and ties were always fashionable, at least when they were on the right sort of people, and Chiasa was definitely the right sort of person.

Still, the narcissistic Twi'lek had refused to get the same black suit everyone was supposed to be wearing, and had opted for white instead. All right, so it might get dirty on a mining site, and yes it probably made her more of a target, but these were the sacrifices one had to make for fashion. And to show up ones co-leader.

If she hadn't had her poker face firmly in place, she might have sent a venomous glance at the petite blonde at that point. She couldn't fault the woman for her skills in things such as handling projects, paperwork and basically anything else she herself did not want to be bothered to do, or secretly had no idea how to do, but that didn't mean she had to like her. Sharing power. What had Cryax been thinking? Clearly he hadn't been, which was why he was off having his little breakdown.

Still, in this one matter they were in agreeance. They wanted this cortosis mine.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The group of five figures dressed in black suits, and one bimbo wearing white had left their transport and were now walking down the halls of the processing plant. Patricia wearing the suit and glasses looked back at Chiasa and rolled her eyes underneath her shades. She was doing the whole Rebel Without A Clue thing and as long as it made her happy and shut up Patricia honestly didn't care. The two had very different ways of running things and while Patricia was very protecting over their planets civilians, Chiasa was a bit of a sociopath who cared about no one but herself. That wasn't saying she wasn't a good figurehead, a terrible politician yes but she could smile and wave better than anyone else in the business.

"This way." Patricia said to the group of hitters as they walked through the empty processing facility.

They had arrived pretty early and no one had shown up yet to get started on work for the day. They entered through the landing pad connected to the side of the mountain and had taken a path down into the main facility. It was a pretty small but functional place and Cortosis littered the conveyer belts from the refinery that they now stood in.

"Did you hear about what happened to Jalek?" One of her men asked the other

"Nah what happened?" Another said in response

"Well I heard Cryax tossed him off a roof top. Now he stutters and shit" The first guard answered back

"Now why the hell would he do something like that?" The second guard sounded surprised

"Well word is that Cryax caught Jalek giving another man a foot rub so he tossed them both off a building." Patricia rolled her eyes again and let out a silent humorous scoff over it.

"That's just what I heard man." The first guard said as they walked through the offline mining facility, past a few railways leading deeper into the mine.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Objective: Take over the Mine
Location: Katanos VII

Lurcano shook his head as he kept on walking. He was sandwiched uncomfortably between both Patricia and Chiasa, and was forced to endure their various death stares and attempts at showing each other up. Chiasa had come in a white suit which looked completely out of place in the dirty mining world, and didn't match their suits at all. Despite that, Lurcano had to admit she did look ravishing. 'Mm, I'd like to take a bit out of her.' Patricia was on his other side, and she had been the one to tell them to dress up. Lately Lurcano hadn't been to fond of her. She was a good commander, and someone he wouldn't want to cross. Despite this, after her orders on the Mon Calamari world Dac; and the fact that she'd made him dress up in a suit, one could expect conflict. Then again, Lurcano thought. Some of it might have stemmed from the fact that she was engaged and no longer on the market. Lurcano thought about, before smiling to himself and thinking, 'Yea that's probably some of it as well haha.' Lurcano just shook his again before remarking to no in particular.

Lurcano Car'dann: "Why the kark did we have to where these annoying as chit suits? It's like a hundred karking degrees outside and it's not like anyone gives a rats ass what we're wearing to a shady business deal such as this. It just seems wholly unnecessary...I mean, what's wrong with my regular leather jerkin, combat pants and boots?"

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

"So you're telling me he threw his ass off a building, cause he gave another man a foot rub?" The second raven Hitman said.

"Mmm well giving a foot rub is an erotic thing man, almost as erotic as se-" the first raven hit man was cut off

"No man, a foot rub is just a foot rub, nothing erotic about that." Said the second hit man

"So would you be ok with another man rubbing his hands all over your wife's feet. Caressing them and shit." There was a bit of silence and Patricia just smiled at the two men's conversation

"I'm just saying throwing a dude off a building for a foot rub seems a bit much."

Patricia listened to Lucarno queen and complain about the suits they were wearing, the suits were cool dammit. And if he was going to complain about them then could suck an egg. But the woman of course was going to remain with her professional attitude that she had developed over the years of her working above people on the pecking order.

"If you want to complain about the dress code. I can see to it next time you can decide, I know there's a few operations on Hoth that involve Ropo gathering. You're more than welcome to pick the clothes on those missions." Patricia took the tone of addressing a small child with the man and rolled her eyes at all the whining and gossip.

Looking down at the facility again as they crossed over a walkway she could see two processing lines, a smelter at the end of them, and of course the rails that lead deeper into the mine. All and all the place was pretty small, around two hundred meters at the most. A corner where all the gear for mining was stored, and of course the little processing plant where the material was refined and crafted into ingots or what not before being bought on the galactic market place.

"We've got a mole in their operation, word is they've gathered early today and they should be up ahead in the lounge." Patricia gave the basic information to her team then lifted up one of her Czerka machine pistols loaded with BANG slugs for the men they were about take care of.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Objective: Take over the Mine
Location: Katanos VII

Red Dress: "If you want to complain about the dress code. I can see to it next time you can decide, I know there's a few operations on Hoth that involve Ropo gathering. You're more than welcome to pick the clothes on those missions."

Lurcano just shook his head, resisting the urge to respond back to the woman. 'Don't patronize me damn it!' Despite his inner thoughts, Lurcano just shrugged his shoulders. Lurcano was much like a small child, in that when he was sulking; one needed to baby him and play along with his delusions to get him through it. Lurcano of course would never admit this much to himself and he'd likely try to fight anyone who attempted to press the issue, but he knew what he was like and he accepted it. He checked his weapons, making sure his two WESTAR 34's were in their proper place, and fully loaded with the same slugs as Patricia had. He felt a bit vulnerable without his regular armor, but you wouldn't catch him saying such a thing out loud. 'If she's fine with being out in the open like this with no armor, then I am. Ain't no way you're going to find me bitching about that chit."

Red Dress: "We've got a mole in their operation, word is they've gathered early today and they should be up ahead in the lounge."

Lurcano Car'dann: Lurcano just nodded his head as they continued to walk towards their destination. "Hey, ready when you are. I'm happy to kill whatever the kark needs killing. Especially if it's something as dishonorable as a mole." Lurcano paused for a few seconds before deciding he needed to clarify his latest comment. "Not that I have a problem killing someone that's honorable, I just enjoy it more if they are dishonorable...Not to say I don't enjoy killing someone that's honorable. I just enjoy hurting people in general. That strange?" Lurcano wondered if he had said to much, but he didn't care enough to try and gauge his comrades reactions. He was a weird guy, and his fellow Ravens would just have to get used to it.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
"Technically if there's anyone in there we might let live it's the mole, dishonourable though they may be. We are criminals Gaonukisi, honour isn't really a priority, credits are."

The Twi'lek commented, using the pet name she'd arbitrarily assigned to [member="Lurcano Car'Dann"]. It didn't much matter whether he liked it or understood it or not, that's what she intended to call him.

Chiasa for her part was unarmed, and while she wouldn't put it past the rest of the Ravens to get themselves killed, she had her two RICO units flanking her as usual, just one more way she stood out from the crowd that [member="Patricia Susan Garter"] blended into, poor plain little human that she was. At least she'd found that nice hairy boy. May they have many small, hairy dull spawn together that Chiasa never had to deal with.

"Strange it may be, but as long as it's useful.."

The orange skinned female shrugged. As long as he was hurting Raven enemies, what did she care if he enjoyed it or not? technically it ought to make him better at his job, as long as he didn't get stupid.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Patricia was probably the only none sociopathic criminal here, between little miss clueless and Thugs R Us she really didn't want to have to sit down and baby the both of them. How they had made it to where they were now without getting themselves killed was beyond Patricia, they were the type of people Patricia would of been sent to remove when she was working for the republic. Hell they were the people she was sent to remove, they were psychopaths and Patricia knew for a fact that Chiasa would burn down villages if it meant preserving her image and gaining a few credits. But there was one critical thing the both of them were failing to grasp at the moment, the men with Patricia were loyal to her. If either of these bozos got uppity with the way she was running this operation she had no problem saying they slipped and fell down a mineshaft.

"Everyone shut up." Patricia said as the group crossed the cat walked and entered a crew quarters.

This was the area of the mine where workers on break headed up when lunch was on, or when it was quitting time. There were a few rest areas and rooms for workers who lived off world but for the most part labor seemed to come from on the planet with the lack of anything going on. Down the hall there was a solitary door and a few voices were heard from it. Patricia lifted up her data logger and checked it, the mole's signal was coming from that room. It was game time, but first she had to brief dumb and dumber.

"Alright, let me get one thing across. We are not going in guns blazing, the mole will open the door and we will talk to these fellows. Once they give us the deeds and paperwork we kill them, we leave the mole alive. Now Chiasa, those droids are staying outside in case trouble comes. You are coming in with me Lucarno and two of our men. The rest of the men and the droids will cover our rears." Patricia fished into her suit coat and cocked back a Czerka machine pistol.

"Woman up Nancy Grace." She said holding the weapon to the woman

Handing the pistol out she gave it to Chiasa and of course the safety was on, Patricia trusted that Chiasa was incompetent enough that she wouldn't try anything but this was more of a growing experience for the woman. She had to learn to get her hands dirty and actually lead her men rather than stand there and look pretty and pretending she knew everything in the galaxy. It was time to woman up.
"That's an idiotic plan. One droid is as effective as two, but if you'd like to continue your little holoshow charade, fine."

The Twi'lek took the gun with a languid look of disdain, checked it over and flipped the safety off. As if she didn't know how to use a blaster. Just because a person knew how to use a hammer was no reason to do so when you had a peon with a drill to do it for you.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] clearly thought she could make her co-leader feel uncomfortable and vulnerable by stripping her of her droids. A smarter plan would have been to have one droid stay out and one come in. It played to their strengths better, but Chiasa had no intention of letting the little twit think she was intimidated for a minute. Besides, all she did was give the Twi'lek more insights into her psyche so when the woman eventually pushed too far or tried to oust her from the position she'd earned, she'd anticipate it that much sooner and deal with it that much more quickly.

The fact that the gossiping men were the best Patricia could do in terms of a 'loyal' crew said volumes.

Safety flipped back on, she put the gun in her waistband at the small of her back. If they weren't going in guns blazing maybe handing a blaster to the woman without a holster who was likely going to have most of the attention on her was not the best idea, but one couldn't expect the commoners to think of obvious details like this.

[member="Lurcano Car'dann"]

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Objective: Take over the Mine
Location: Katanos VII

Red Dress: "Alright, let me get one thing across. We are not going in guns blazing, the mole will open the door and we will talk to these fellows. Once they give us the deeds and paperwork we kill them, we leave the mole alive. Now Chiasa, those droids are staying outside in case trouble comes. You are coming in with me Lucarno and two of our men. The rest of the men and the droids will cover our rears."

Chiasa: "That's an idiotic plan. One droid is as effective as two, but if you'd like to continue your little holoshow charade, fine."

Lurcano just squinted as if he was hungover as he tried to follow the back and forth between the two scary woman. It was like two tigers, circling, waiting for the other one to make a mistake so they could pounce and rip each others throats out. It was actually quite arousing, and he along with the men Patricia had brought were laid back and enjoying it. He had checked everything he'd needed to, and his two dual blasters were safely hidden away by his jacket. As everyone else finished their preparations in a stony silence, Lurcano decided to lighten the mood a bit considering they were about to enter a life threatening situation where if it went wrong, they could all die. 'Probably going to regret this, but kark it. It's going to be funny as chit.'

Lurcano Car'dann: "Damn, the sexual tension between you two is hot. I mean we can practically feel it all the way over here. I'll be the first guy to admit, it's getting pretty damn hot in here. You guys agree? I mean, really. I've had some good fantasies, but I think this one might just top the cake."

As Lurcano spoke, the other guys in the squad struggled to restrain their choked laughter, half amused, half concerned about the well being of their newly promoted Seargent-At-Arms.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
It's probably been stated and proven multiple times, but Jarven is a hunter. His stealth was quite advanced and well-executed. It didn't take long for Jarven to keep pace with the party and not be noticed. You see, Jarven was trying out his brand new Mimetic suit. Not only did it cover his whole body, but it had built in sound and heat dampeners, making it nearly impossible to be picked up by scanners, ears, and eyesight. Unless, of course, he messed up and gave away his position. Only in broad daylight was the faintest of shimmering possible to see.

Jarven was standing closely behind [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] when he heard the man say,

Lurcano Car'dann said:
"Damn, the sexual tension between you two is hot. I mean we can practically feel it all the way over here. I'll be the first guy to admit, it's getting pretty damn hot in here. You guys agree? I mean, really. I've had some good fantasies, but I think this one might just top the cake."

My, that's disrespectful. Thought Jarven. So, he used two fingers to put a lot of force into the ear flick that he gave Lurcano while the men laughed. After doing so, he quickly dropped down and silently scuttled a little bit away, the sound dampeners and the laughter of the men covering any possible noise from his quick retreat.

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Patricia wasn't a saint, she was a loud mouthed blonde who would tell a mother Karker off if they upset her, and right about now that person was Chiasa with her high and mighty holier and more powerful than thou attitude. It had to get checked, and Patricia was going to be the one to adjust it for her.

"Listen to me when I speak to you, and listen good." Patricia said in a very cold tone.

"You are nothing but a pretty face and a figure head. You bring nothing to this operation besides the filth you drag home. Now I want you to understand this, you are next to worthless. Lucarno and I secured us a three thousand meter flag ship, Lucarno and I secured and build mining operations on Demonsgate. I saved your life on Dredd, I have saved you and this operation multiple times. And I have done more than you ever will for Cryax you selfish narcissistic queen." Patricia shot daggers at the woman and cocked back the hammer on her pistol.

"I'm a badass queen who is not about to bend over for you, and I am more than happy to share power with you. But when it comes to operations and combat you listen to what Lucarno and I have to say. And if you so much as look at me my fiancé or my kids like that ever again, I'm going to shoot you in the lekku. Now, if you are done we have a job to do." Patricia turned around with her senses on full alert in case Chiasa or her droids tried anything.

With a few knocks on the door there was a shuffle and a few voices and the door opened to a young Karunnai. Not noticing Jarven stalking them she began walking inside Patricia looked at two men lounging around in the room.

"No please, don't get up." She said in a serious tone.
As the men and his fiance filed into the room, he carefully followed behind the last guy and snuck in. When he was inside, he angled for an empty and open spot inside the room. He slightly brushed the ankle of one of the guards. The man looked to the guy next to him and quietly said, "No foot rubs, man."

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Red Dress: "Listen to me when I speak to you, and listen good. You are nothing but a pretty face and a figure head. You bring nothing to this operation besides the filth you drag home. Now I want you to understand this, you are next to worthless. Lucarno and I secured us a three thousand meter flag ship, Lucarno and I secured and build mining operations on Demonsgate. I saved your life on Dredd, I have saved you and this operation multiple times. And I have done more than you ever will for Cryax you selfish narcissistic queen. I'm a badass queen who is not about to bend over for you, and I am more than happy to share power with you. But when it comes to operations and combat you listen to what Lucarno and I have to say. And if you so much as look at me my fiancé or my kids like that ever again, I'm going to shoot you in the lekku. Now, if you are done we have a job to do."

Lurcano and the rest of their men watched Patricia with their mouths opened. In the inside of his head, thoughts raced all around. 'OH CHIT! SHE WAS JUST PUT A BLAST! WE GUN' SEE SOME CHIT GO DOWN!' Lurcano was absolutely speechless, and a little bit flattered as well. 'Damn, I might have to rethink this whole policy. That was hot as kark.' It helped that Patricia had mentioned his name in her long list of admittedly, impressive accomplishments. He resisted the urge to blush at her words, and did the smart thing. Patiently awaited for her speech to be finished, and not look her in the eyes. He followed her into the room, his head down meekly. As they stepped inside he saw the two Karunnai lounging lazily on the couch. He studied them further, looking for any weapons they might or might not happen to have on them. His brain was still trying to recover from Patricia's glorious speech.

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]
Luckily for [member="Patricia Susan Garter"], Chiasa was in fact a professional, and had been pulling this sort of thing for years. She had all sort of things to say in return, vis-a-vis not having any interest in Patricias pathetic little excuse of a family who may or may not be related to each other in a consistent biological fashion up until she'd been reminded at which point the snotty nosed little brats could say hello to a knife in the dark and Patricia could come home from a long day of being a giant mouthy queen and sometimes shooting a gun which any fool could do to find her little babies smeared all over the walls and THEN, then it would be her turn.

Not that Chiasa would dirty her hands doing it. Again, just because you knew how to use a hammer.. What did this idiot know about subtle manipulation and diplomacy? About the patience to make your enemies do exactly what you wanted? A real 'badass queen' didn't need to tell anyone. Only a pretty face indeed.. Quite frankly the whole outburst had her mentally rolling her eyes and taking the woman much less seriously than she had before. Anyone that tryhard was not in control.

But there was work to be done. And Chiasa meant to have these mines, Patricias idiocy aside. So her face was pleasant and there was no sign that she was harbouring murderous thoughts as the door opened.


Her rich voice purred out. There was an art to being a pretty face. No doubt Patricia could, and based on the rumors had, manage to get into bed with lots of men, as evidenced by all her little bastards, but men had been known to sleep with Gamorreans when drunk. The true art was in getting them to do what you wanted without ever giving them anything in return.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

Patricia looked down at the two men, one lying on the couch the other eating a bantha burger on a cluttered table. They looked like they had just seen a ghost, as they looked a almost a calm yet horrific looks upon their faces. Patricia strode forward in her black suit and tie and looked down at the sitting man.

"Good morning." Patricia said with a smile.

"We are associates of your business partner [member="Cryax Bane"]. You do remember Cryax Bane right?" Patricia asked the man at the table

"Uuuh yeah." He said taking a gulp of food, sounding a bit scared.

"What are you boys having?" Patricia asked the man

"Uuhh burgers." He answered

"What kind of burger?" Patricia said as she walked a bit closer.

"Bantha burg-" the man was cut off by the little blonde

"No where did you get them from?" She asked genuinely wanting to know.

"Uuuhh McYoda's." The man said in a frightened voice

"McYodas? Ive never been to McYodas, I hear they got some tasty burgers though. Mind if I try one?" Patricia said reaching down and taking the bantha burger off the table.

Taking a bite out of it she chewed slowly then looked at the tasty concoction of processed meat and veggies. It tasted pretty damn good.

"This is a good burger, and I rarely get the opportunity to have one of these. You see my fiancé is a big health nut, which pretty much makes me a health nut. But I do enjoy the taste of a bantha burger." Patricia said as she set the burger back down

"You know what they call a quarter pounder on Atrisia?" She asked the man.

"Uh, no." He said quietly

"Tell him Marty." Patricia said to the guard standing next to Chiasa

"A royal with cheese." The guard responded to the man as he walked over to the cabinets

"You know why they call it that?" Patricia asked him and began to scan the sweaty man.

"Because of the imperial measurement system?" The man answered almost as quiet as a church mouse.

"Yeah that's right, you're a smart man. Look at the brain on you." She said as she paced over to the man on the couch.

"Hey you know why we are here?" She asked the man on the sofa.

"To buy-" Patricia shot a death glare back to the man at the table and yelled

"I don't remember asking you a gorram thing!!" She exclaimed

"To buy some Cortosis." The man on the couch said.

"No see that's where you're wrong. You see you guys sold us a ton of Cortosis, at three times the market value. And you didn't bother to run that past us, so we rescheduled this little meeting to now so we can talk about this." Patricia said and turned back to the man at the table.

"Listen, we're sorry things got so karked up with Mister Bane. We got into this with the best intent-" the man was again cut off by Patricia as she reached back and pulled the trigger with a loud bang, killing the man on the sofa with a bullet to the heart.

"Oh I'm sorry, did I break your concentration? You were saying something about best intentions? Well you're finished? Well allow me to retort." Patricia said as she stalked over him and the table.

"What does Cryax Bane look like?" She asked in a serious voice

"Wha-What?" The man said and Patricia immediately flipped the table.

"WHAT PLANET ARE YOU FROM?!" She yelled at him.

"What?!" The man said stuttering in fear


"What?!" The man shrilled out


"Yes!" The seated man yelled out

"Then you understand what I'm saying to you! Describe what Cryax Bane looks like!"

"What?"the man asked to which Patricia pointed her gun in his face.


"He-he-he's Blue!" The man exclaimed

"GO ON!!" Patricia yelled gun still pointed

"He's hipster!!" He yelled again

"DOES HE LOOK LIKE A queen!?" Patricia asked him knowing the answer was kind of yes.

"Wha-What?!" The man said then screamed as Patricia shot him in the shoulder

"DOES. HE. LOOK. LIKE. A queen!!" Patricia yelled loudly

"NO!!" The man screamed in pain clutching his shoulder

"Then why you try to screw him like one man!!" Patricia said her face looking very angry

"But Mister Bane doesn't like to be screwed by any-" Patricia cut herself off then thought about that. Cryax was probably waste deep in dudes hitting that right now and well it wouldn't be right to say.

"Oh @&$# It! Lucarno waste this chit stick, I'll get the deeds." Patricia let her new Sergeant at Arms handle the situation while she went to go find the deeds to the place
These kids. Honest to gods. While Patricia went about impressing everyone with what a 'badass queen' she was, Chiasa moved over to the one lonely filing cabinet in the room, opened it, rifled through it, and took out the folder marked deeds.

"Good job kiddies. So glad I had you along. very helpful."

With that and a roll of the eyes she turned on her heels and walked out adding as she left.

"Go shoot some people, you're good at that. I'll be a real grown up and send these to our lawyers. You know, the ones I hired because we didn't have any..."

She strode past the folks left to guard their rear. Snapping as she did

"One! Attend. Two, havoc."

She keyed in the code to call her own ship down, she was done playing with the other children, they were ridiculous. She went up the ramp without any problems, and though she closed it, she didn't bother to take off yet, after all, Two was still down there harassing miners. He'd developed a penchant for attack, he might as well be allowed some fun.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Red Dress: "Oh @&$# It! Lucarno waste this chit stick, I'll get the deeds."

Lurcano chuckled, muttering the words gladly. He'd noticed the distaste from Chiasa, but Lurcano couldn't help but snicker at the performance that was being put on. The fact that the man whom Patricia was threatening would under, normal circumstances, tower above her, only made it all the more amusing to him and the men. At her words he nodded his head and pulled out his Tehk'la blade. He ignored the screams of protest from the man, and as he tried to run away he leaped forward in a single bound and grabbed the man by the hair. As the man sobbed and begged for his life, moaning in pain; Lurcano's lips curled.

Lurcano Car'dann: "If only you had a set on ya. Might've just let you live."

And with that, Lurcano plunged his blade into the mans eye. A strange, gurgling noise resonated from the back of the mans throat; before he fell down and laid still. Lurcano let go of the mans hair and he dropped to the floor with a dull thump. He turned and wiped his blade clean on the couch. He ignored the strange looks that the rest of the men gave him. He knew his relationship with them was tenuous at best. He would leave that to Patricia. Lurcano just killed things. He stepped forward, loosening the tie on his suit and searched for Patricia. After a few seconds, he grew impatient and just shouted out for her.

Lurcano Car'dann: "What's taking so long? I want to get the kark out of this suit. I stink something nasty when I sweat."

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Patricia Susan Garter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Lurcano Car'dann"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Jarven Zexxel"]

"You forgot the schematics asshat!!" Patricia shouted at Chiasa as she left the room with the deeds.

Patricia rooted through the file cabinet and pulled out the mining facility schematics, they had just killed the owners and Patricia knew enough about law to know that the woman left without enough information to properly transfer the mine's deeds to them. They needed to have the dead men's signature and then they had to get it notarized before submitting it to what was left of the local government. While the planet was under siege from various bandit groups fighting over the remaining Cortosis, they did need to file this so it was recognized as accorded and claimed territory. Which it wouldn't be a problem really, the men didn't need to be alive to sign. And the ravens had plenty of dirty notaries that would work the system with greased hands. Taking out a few signed forms from the dead men, Patricia walked over to Lucarno and sighed.

"Give these to Chiasa, and have the men load up the Cortosis on the line. Afterwards change out of that suit, you've got blood all over you." Patricia gave the man a little smile then turned back over to the cabinet to lay out some schematics of the place.

As she read them she could see that the mountain was still rich in Cortosis ore, but the current small facility could not process too much at a time. She saw exactly what she noticed on the way in, two processing lines, a refiner, and a small forge with railways that lead deeper into the mine. All and all it was a pretty simple place about two hundred and fifty meters long, and it would do fine for the ravens purposes.

Lurcano Car'dann

"Kark you, I won't do what you tell me."
Red Dress: "Give these to Chiasa, and have the men load up the Cortosis on the line. Afterwards change out of that suit, you've got blood all over you."

Lurcano returned the smile with a wink for good measure. He turned and motionied for the men to follow him. He them to start loading the Cortosis on the line, and started to search for Chiasa. As he looked he took off his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt all the way and threw him into the mining pits behind him. He walked towards the ship, wiping away the beads of sweat that had collected on his forehead. He headed for the ship, looking for Chiasa and her two killer droids. 'Well, this was fun. I got to see a struggle for dominance, had some nice fantasies, and now their is one less pussy in the galaxy. I should get nominated for some kind of award.' Lurcano chuckled to himself as he entered the ship. He called out for Chiasa so he could be done with the job Patricia had for him.

Lurcano Car'dann: "Hey Chiasa! The hot blonde told me to give you these. Where are you?"

[member="Patricia Susan Garter"] [member="Chiasa Kritivaas"]

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