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Unreviewed Ravix Lunok - The Reaper

Ravix Lunok

Full NameRavix Lunok
Criminal AlliesThe Reaper
ProfessionSerial Killer
AffiliationsCriminal Underworld
Force SensitiveYes
Modus OperandiSplices his victims DNA with plant DNA and then harvests them
Criminal SignaturePlaces seed pods in victims throats
Template Inspired By:Romi Jade

  • Intent: To create an NPC criminal who can pop up as a villain in cop stories
  • Image Credit: Midjourney AI
  • Role: A criminal the Jedi Investigators apprehended
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Age: Several Hundred Years
  • Force Sensitivity: Force Sensitive
  • Species: Neti
  • Appearance: Grey/Greenish skin with several branches coming out. Spots of mold and tree rot due to time in carbonation
  • Name: Ravix Lunok
  • Loyalties: Only loyal to nature
  • Wealth: Average
  • Notable Possessions: N/A
  • Skills: Plant Surge
  • Languages: Basic and binary droidspeak.
  • Personality: Very determined and task oriented. Great attention to detail and obsession with his goals.
  • Weapon of Choice: The Force - using plants to fight for him
  • Combat Function: He fights by utilizing the Force or using plants he creates in a lab to fight for him
  • Force Abilities (Force Users Only) Plant Surge
  • Intelligence
  • Affinity with plants
  • Does not have to eat because he feeds on sunlight
  • Weak in hand to hand combat
  • Wanted criminal
  • Fire because he's a plant
Ravix was born on Onderon and spent a lot of his young life in the jugnles of that planet. He was born three hundred years before the Clone Wars and mostly kept to himself, focusing on nature and the jungles around him. When his home was burnt by a company wanting to deforest the area he became enraged with the galaxy. He fled his home world and joined a group of eco terrorist who were committed to stopping deforestation. During his time with this group he learned to make a complex chemical element that could morph DNA into a plantlike substance. He vowed to use the substance to destroy the men who burnt his homeworld.

When he returned to Onderon he captured the loggers and experimented on them, eventually splicing their DNA to turn them into walking plant like zombies. When his victims died he would place a seed pod in their throat so they would grow new life in their death. His actions as a serial killer eventually caught the attention of the Jedi Council and he was placed in Black Marsh Prison for his crimes. The time in stasis caused a horrible form of rot to take over his body. When Black Marsh was destroyed he was freed and began terrorizing the galaxy again.


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