Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME: “Raw”
FACTION: the First Order
RANK: Slave, Apprentice
SPECIES: Cathar Juhani
AGE: 22
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 5’ 8”
WEIGHT: 160 Ilbs
EYES: Aqua Green
SKIN: Golden Fur
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum):
+Trained fighter
+Natural senses allow better hearing, scent, night vision and reflexes
-Mental and physical stress caused by years of slavery and abuse
-Higher sense make his easily disoriented by attacks to effect senses; e.g. flash-bang grenades or blinding attacks
As one of the Juhani “Raw” looks less cat-like that the usual Cathar. Along with more humanoid features Raw has long, spiked red hair on his head. His green eyes are also more human but when angered develop more feline features. There are a few scars on his body from his time as a slave but most are unseen due to his slave clothing that covers his body. During his time fighting for his masters he was given metal armor pieces; including a shoulder pad and shin guards.
He was born on Panatha. He had a mother. A father. He recalls someone his age being with his family. He doesn’t remember if she was a sibling. He was so young then. He never knew what his real name was. He could barely remember anything before the slavers came. Before his home was taken over and whatever life he was destined to have was stolen. He even forgot his own name, only the name they had given him. “Raw”. Raw for the “raw meat” he would be if he didn’t obey his masters.
Raw was forced to serve to the needs of those in command of Panatha. As a young man there was much potential for him, both as a warrior and as a servant. When not tending to his master’s needs he was thrown into the fighting pits to go tooth and claw against other slaves and whatever horrors of the galaxy they caught and used for entertainment. Raw only knew the wills of others, never his own.
In time his masters learned of Raw’s unnatural abilities. Some knew it as “Force Sensitive” while others called it a dangerous development. While some would seek to enhance these gifts Raw’s owners chose to supplant them. It was best to keep someone like Raw away from the unwanted eyes of other Force Users who would seek to exploit him. For all their planning and careful hiding of Raw it made no difference when the First Order turned its attention to Panatha.
The First Order descended onto Panatha and, during their invasion, liberated the slaves wishing to fight back. Raw was among them, with some slaves seeing him as a savior for his superior gifts, and aided in destroying his former masters. His talents soon caught the attention of the planets soon-to-be new queen, [member="Ara Zambrano"] a master of the Order’s Knights of Ren. Upon his discovery Ara took a special interest in Raw and decided personally recruit him.
Unaware of what his powers mean or what the future of his planet and people hold Raw remains vigilant. However it is clear his devotion comes now to the ones who freed him, and the First Order has become like a long awaited arrival of saviors to his home.

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