Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Raxis Expeditions #2: Journey to the Badlands (Jedi types/NFU's) OOC

As the first instalment finishes up, so rolls the second instalment of the Raxis Expeditions. This one has a little more structure to work with, and a lot more loot to plunder. As always a prize will be awarded for those who write well and finish.​
Thread will close on 9-30-15​
By that time I will hand out prizes. You may continue to RP till conclusion if you wish.​
Instalment three: Coming soon!​
Location: Orrazerus
Spawn point: Orra, the last Colony
Initially a Frontier Corps mission to Orrazerus to re-stablish contact, the mission has turned out to be an all out conflict for life over death of the inhabitants. Shortly after arriving our explorers found Orra, the last colony on the face of the planet. It has been built up over the years of salvaged space ship parts, blast doors and cheap materials. Hammerlocks Ranger used to keep it safe from the beasts that roamed the wilds, but as of late Sir Hammerlock has disappeared, and strangely enough new developments are occurring. Jedi types across the stars have received a distress beacon from Vassara and crew, before it faded out and contact was lost.
On the surface it appears that the Blazing Chains, a Dark Jedi Pirate fleet have been on the surface for a while influencing events. Their alchemists have managed to turn simple creatures into an army of horrors. Snake like species that shoot razor sharp spines, fast armored beasts with four legs and bone crushing jaws.
The planet has been largely overrun. Formerly it was owned by the Red Ravens, but after their collapse, the planet was left to fend for itself. You have landed in a time of great distress as the dark tides push inwards towards Orra...
According to the IC, it was plausible that Coryn could have picked up on the distress beacon before it faded correct? If so, I'll have him arrive via his own ship. Otherwise, I'll have to figure out some way that he got there.
[member="Vassara Raxis"]
[member="Coryn Raxis"]

Yes or you can just happen to be there in the colony somewhere, drawn in by the force.

Don't matter. You can spawn in the village, instead of travelling.

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