Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero
[member="Hatake Mutashi"]
Multi-colored blaster fire traded across the streets. Rayl had gotten himself involved in a little criminal business on Nar Shaddaa. Things went not so well when he cut the head off their boss, and after some running he was hold up behind the wheels he'd rode in on. This rock was still as scummy as when the Suns controlled it, probably worse. The Syndicate was recognized as the rulers, The Republic was not really welcomed by the non law abiding. And that meant rivals Rayl had to stamp out. A few shots were cracked out at the scrubs across the street. Ones head literally exploded when the laser impacted, which sent blood splattering across his chums. Funny in a morbid way. "Alright kids. Daddies done playing". The heavy artillery was being pulled out. Rayl popped the door to his ride. On the passenger seat was a magnificently dangerous weapon Black Sun made. A Hellgun S 151 aA Heavy Chain Blaster. Only a grin was his reaction as he slipped it off the seat. Holding the gun in one hand as he slipped the power pack over his back to be mobile. "Ready to die"! Rayl hauled himself up and started the barrel motor to firing speed.
Hell was unleashed on their asses. The gun got a bit away from him at first, Spraying about onto everything like a loose fire hose. Rayl reigned the beast in and those who were about to die just couldn't shoot worth a damn. They were cut down like ripe hay leaving the only one man standing; himself.
Multi-colored blaster fire traded across the streets. Rayl had gotten himself involved in a little criminal business on Nar Shaddaa. Things went not so well when he cut the head off their boss, and after some running he was hold up behind the wheels he'd rode in on. This rock was still as scummy as when the Suns controlled it, probably worse. The Syndicate was recognized as the rulers, The Republic was not really welcomed by the non law abiding. And that meant rivals Rayl had to stamp out. A few shots were cracked out at the scrubs across the street. Ones head literally exploded when the laser impacted, which sent blood splattering across his chums. Funny in a morbid way. "Alright kids. Daddies done playing". The heavy artillery was being pulled out. Rayl popped the door to his ride. On the passenger seat was a magnificently dangerous weapon Black Sun made. A Hellgun S 151 aA Heavy Chain Blaster. Only a grin was his reaction as he slipped it off the seat. Holding the gun in one hand as he slipped the power pack over his back to be mobile. "Ready to die"! Rayl hauled himself up and started the barrel motor to firing speed.
Hell was unleashed on their asses. The gun got a bit away from him at first, Spraying about onto everything like a loose fire hose. Rayl reigned the beast in and those who were about to die just couldn't shoot worth a damn. They were cut down like ripe hay leaving the only one man standing; himself.