Rayyell Kopos
Rayyell Kopos
NAME: Rayyell Kopos (Ray for short)
FACTION: Currently none
RANK: Former sith apprentice, Former Jedi Knight
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’3”
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Able to use telekinetic powers of the force very well.
Has enhanced speed from the force.
Is inexperienced and not too combat strategic
Isn’t used to fighting against users with lightsabers
Inexperienced with politics.
Scrawny but looks ready for a fight. Looks like he’s always wearing beaten up clothing. Like he’s never owned anything new. Moderately tall, and thin with brown hair, brown eyes and white skin.
After accidentally causing the death of his family as a child, Rayyell was trained by a sith lord to do his bidding but could not follow his teachings. After being lied to by his master, Rayyell was rescued by the Jedi council and began his training as a padawan. Years later as a Jedi knight, Rayyell saw the weakness of the Jedi when his old sith master slew his Jedi master. After killing his former master, Ray sent both bodies to the Jedi temple along with his resignation from the Jedi order. He is now wandering the Galaxy as a lone protector, between a sith and a jedi.
Rayyell flies a stolen HWK-290 light freighter. It is painted black with a white decal of a broken lightsaber. It carries 6 passengers and 75 tons of cargo. It was modified to only require 1 pilot and specializes in speedy getaways from combat. There are two guns in the front but they are not very strong, this ship does not specialize in fighting.
NAME: Rayyell Kopos (Ray for short)
FACTION: Currently none
RANK: Former sith apprentice, Former Jedi Knight
AGE: 20
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6’3”
WEIGHT: 180 lbs
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Brown
SKIN: White
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Able to use telekinetic powers of the force very well.
Has enhanced speed from the force.
Is inexperienced and not too combat strategic
Isn’t used to fighting against users with lightsabers
Inexperienced with politics.
Scrawny but looks ready for a fight. Looks like he’s always wearing beaten up clothing. Like he’s never owned anything new. Moderately tall, and thin with brown hair, brown eyes and white skin.
After accidentally causing the death of his family as a child, Rayyell was trained by a sith lord to do his bidding but could not follow his teachings. After being lied to by his master, Rayyell was rescued by the Jedi council and began his training as a padawan. Years later as a Jedi knight, Rayyell saw the weakness of the Jedi when his old sith master slew his Jedi master. After killing his former master, Ray sent both bodies to the Jedi temple along with his resignation from the Jedi order. He is now wandering the Galaxy as a lone protector, between a sith and a jedi.
Rayyell flies a stolen HWK-290 light freighter. It is painted black with a white decal of a broken lightsaber. It carries 6 passengers and 75 tons of cargo. It was modified to only require 1 pilot and specializes in speedy getaways from combat. There are two guns in the front but they are not very strong, this ship does not specialize in fighting.