Raz Asai'il
Raz Asai’il, the Lotus
“All are one in the force. To deny compassion to your enemy is to deny compassion to yourself.”
Faction: CIS(knights obsidian)
Rank: Master Jedi Consular(Self Exiled)
Species: Sith Pureblood Hybrid(40/60)
Age: 128
Sex: Male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 189lbs, lean and muscular
Eyes: Gold, slit pupils
Hair: black, tied into an elegant top knot
Skin: Deep red, tattooed with intricate gold depiction of the Sith Genocide.
Force Sensitive: Yes(light and dark)
Strengths and Weaknesses
[+]Reflexes: Raz’s reflexes are extremely precise and quick, even by jedi standards
[+]mediation: Raz is a fantastic negotiator and is very persuasive
[+]Insightful: Raz has a knack for understanding the minds of others, easily picking out lies whether people are lying to him or themselves.
[+]Martial Arts: Raz is a master of the Soresu style of lightsaber combat, making his defense nearly impregnable when combined with his natural reflexes and high force potency.
[-]pacifism: Raz is VERY slow to use any measure of direct violence, and has only taken 1 life in his 100+ years of life.
[-]Self Sacrificing: if asked to choose between harm to himself or harming another, Raz will take the hit every time.
[-]Way of the Lotus: Raz is focused on the long game, and sometimes overlooks immediate problems as a result.
[-]The Shield: Raz will defend innocents as long as it takes to ensure their safety, whether that be hours or days or years.
Appearance: Raz is a tall and muscular sith pureblood hybrid. Inheriting the deep red skin and golden eyes of the sith, he lacks many of the more defining features such as brow ridges and tentacles, though he does have a small pair of horns protruding from his forehead, and he has 4 fingers on each hand rather than 5. He has black hair that he keeps up in an elegant top knot, and his skin is intricately tattooed with golden ink depicting the jedi genocide of the sith home planet as a reminder to those in the order that confuse adherence to the light side with the inability to do wrong. His normal attire includes baggy brown pants and a white satin sash covering his midsection along with simple black shoes. However, in those rare times when he feels it is necessary for him to be directly involved in battle, he dons an unmarked white cuirass, wrist guards, and greaves for added protection.
Biography: Raz Asa’il is living proof that pacifism and inaction are not synonyms. A fierce proponent of mediation and non violence as core tenants of the Jedi Way, he grew up a sith hybrid on Coruscant and was accepted into the order with great trepidation due to his heritage. However, this caution proved unnecessary, as Raz heartily accepted the teachings of his mentor and close friend, the human master Rol Kasai. While Rol did not live to see Raz graduate from knight to master, his fierce belief in the inherent goodness of all species and his dedication to peace lived on in Raz, who soon gained many admirers and detractors for his outspoken opposition to what he saw as the increased militarization of the jedi, his most noticable gesture being the intricate tattoos on his body depicting the jedi genocide of the Sith Pureblood homeworld. Eventually, believing that the order was lost and needed to see great action to recover, Raz went on a self imposed exile, sneaking into Sith Empire territory and living in secrecy, attempting to slowly convert and heal the damaged spirits of the sith from the inside. He continues this work today, helping the less fortunate where he can and offering wisdom, council, and kindness to whomever he can in the hopes that it will spur lasting change within the sith empire. While he is very slow to use violence, Raz is no stranger to conflict, as he routinely sabotages the armaments of both sides in a conflict, provides medical care to the wounded, and protects those caught in the crossfire. In all his time alive, Raz has only found it necessary to kill one time, a sith acolyte suffering from a deadly and painful viral infection. With no hope of medical help arriving and Raz finding that the virus was resistant to force healing due to sith alchemy, he attempted to comfort the terrified acolyte. Finally, at the tearful behest of the acolyte, Raz killed him to end his suffering. He still carries the ring of the acolyte on his person at all times, wearing it despite its sith iconography as a penance for his act of violence and as a remembrance of the fallen foe.
“All are one in the force. To deny compassion to your enemy is to deny compassion to yourself.”
Faction: CIS(knights obsidian)
Rank: Master Jedi Consular(Self Exiled)
Species: Sith Pureblood Hybrid(40/60)
Age: 128
Sex: Male
Height: 6’2”
Weight: 189lbs, lean and muscular
Eyes: Gold, slit pupils
Hair: black, tied into an elegant top knot
Skin: Deep red, tattooed with intricate gold depiction of the Sith Genocide.
Force Sensitive: Yes(light and dark)
- Notable Force Powers:
- Force Concealment
- Thought Shield
- Force Empathy
- Force Speed
- Control Pain
- Force Sense
- Battle Precognition
- Tutaminis(Energy absorb)
- Telekinesis
- Force persuasion
Strengths and Weaknesses
[+]Reflexes: Raz’s reflexes are extremely precise and quick, even by jedi standards
[+]mediation: Raz is a fantastic negotiator and is very persuasive
[+]Insightful: Raz has a knack for understanding the minds of others, easily picking out lies whether people are lying to him or themselves.
[+]Martial Arts: Raz is a master of the Soresu style of lightsaber combat, making his defense nearly impregnable when combined with his natural reflexes and high force potency.
[-]pacifism: Raz is VERY slow to use any measure of direct violence, and has only taken 1 life in his 100+ years of life.
[-]Self Sacrificing: if asked to choose between harm to himself or harming another, Raz will take the hit every time.
[-]Way of the Lotus: Raz is focused on the long game, and sometimes overlooks immediate problems as a result.
[-]The Shield: Raz will defend innocents as long as it takes to ensure their safety, whether that be hours or days or years.
Appearance: Raz is a tall and muscular sith pureblood hybrid. Inheriting the deep red skin and golden eyes of the sith, he lacks many of the more defining features such as brow ridges and tentacles, though he does have a small pair of horns protruding from his forehead, and he has 4 fingers on each hand rather than 5. He has black hair that he keeps up in an elegant top knot, and his skin is intricately tattooed with golden ink depicting the jedi genocide of the sith home planet as a reminder to those in the order that confuse adherence to the light side with the inability to do wrong. His normal attire includes baggy brown pants and a white satin sash covering his midsection along with simple black shoes. However, in those rare times when he feels it is necessary for him to be directly involved in battle, he dons an unmarked white cuirass, wrist guards, and greaves for added protection.
Biography: Raz Asa’il is living proof that pacifism and inaction are not synonyms. A fierce proponent of mediation and non violence as core tenants of the Jedi Way, he grew up a sith hybrid on Coruscant and was accepted into the order with great trepidation due to his heritage. However, this caution proved unnecessary, as Raz heartily accepted the teachings of his mentor and close friend, the human master Rol Kasai. While Rol did not live to see Raz graduate from knight to master, his fierce belief in the inherent goodness of all species and his dedication to peace lived on in Raz, who soon gained many admirers and detractors for his outspoken opposition to what he saw as the increased militarization of the jedi, his most noticable gesture being the intricate tattoos on his body depicting the jedi genocide of the Sith Pureblood homeworld. Eventually, believing that the order was lost and needed to see great action to recover, Raz went on a self imposed exile, sneaking into Sith Empire territory and living in secrecy, attempting to slowly convert and heal the damaged spirits of the sith from the inside. He continues this work today, helping the less fortunate where he can and offering wisdom, council, and kindness to whomever he can in the hopes that it will spur lasting change within the sith empire. While he is very slow to use violence, Raz is no stranger to conflict, as he routinely sabotages the armaments of both sides in a conflict, provides medical care to the wounded, and protects those caught in the crossfire. In all his time alive, Raz has only found it necessary to kill one time, a sith acolyte suffering from a deadly and painful viral infection. With no hope of medical help arriving and Raz finding that the virus was resistant to force healing due to sith alchemy, he attempted to comfort the terrified acolyte. Finally, at the tearful behest of the acolyte, Raz killed him to end his suffering. He still carries the ring of the acolyte on his person at all times, wearing it despite its sith iconography as a penance for his act of violence and as a remembrance of the fallen foe.
- Lightsaber(green)
- J-3 Tranquility Armor
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