Dark Messiah

Affiliation: The Primeval
Manufacturer: The Primeval Fleet
Model: Raze-class Transport
Modularity: No.
Production: Mass.
Material: Alusteel chassis, Durasteel plating (bottom only), Glasteel viewports
Classification: Transport
Length: 280 meters
Width: 88 meters
Height: 60 meters
Armament: 4 capital guns, 2 warhead launchers, 8 defense guns
x4 forward turbolaser cannons
x2 concussion missile launchers
x1 forward dual light repeating laser cannon coaxial dome turret
x4 broadside (split x2 each side) coaxial laser cannons
x2 point defense turrets (Top only)
x2 dropship squadrons
Special Features:
Standard shield generator
Standard communications array
Standard encryption
Standard sensory array
Standard targeting & tracking computers
Standard life support
Standard navigation computers
Atmospheric flight
Maneuverability Rating: 6.5 space, 14 atmosphere
Speed Rating: 7 space, 10 atmosphere
Hyperdrive Class: 4
Large troop count.
Durable from bottom.
Can enter atmosphere and land.
Can carry two dropship squadrons.
Slow in general, slower in atmosphere.
Weaker hull plating everywhere but the bottom.
Not particularly well-armed.
Lacks in anti-missile defenses along the bottom.
Description: The Raze-class troop transport -- originally designed after super freighters -- is one of the most commonly found ships in The Primeval Fleet. Their key to every invasion; this starship class is slow, militarily flawed, and old-fashioned but it makes up for all that in its massive hull space and landing capabilities; allowing it to deploy large numbers of troops. The Raze-class is generally accommodated by two dropship squadrons and a large troop count but can also double as a supply ship; providing for ongoing invasions or using its dropships to transport consumables between it and larger vessels.
Troop capacity: 2,200
Cargo capacity: w/o troops: 12,000 tons| w/troops 600 tons
Minimum crew: 20
Optimal crew: 60
Consumables: 4 months
Development Thread: N/A
Intent: To create a proper troop transport for The Primeval
Who Can Use This: The Primeval