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Approved Starship RDI- Deathhead Class Heavy Cruiser

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The Admiralty
Codex Judge

Intent: To create a heavy type cruiser for the Lords of the Fringe
Development Thread:None
Manufacturer: RDI
Affiliation: LoTF
Modularity: Yes
Production: Minor
Material: Durasteel
Description: The Strengths of the Deathhead Crusier is it speed and firepower. It rolls fast and rolls heavy. It also has a heavy plating allowing it to withstand some heavy hits.

The Weakness is that it has no fighters and very little shield capacity. A couple hits will overload the shields, making it reliant upon armor and speed to survive.

Classification: Heavy Cruiser
Heavy fire support
Height: 100M
Width: 200m
Length: 900m
Power Core Generator/Reactor: Hypermatter Anhilation Reactor
Hyperdrive Rating: 2
Minimum Crew: 2000
Optimal Crew:2500
10 Dual Heavy turbolaser batteries
20 Proton Torpedo tubes-25x Each
12 Concussion Missile Launchers-25x Each
2 Shuttles
Non-Combative Attachments: Sensor Arrays, Shield generator.
Passenger Capacity: 65
Cargo Capacity: 5,000 Tons
Consumables: 1 Year
Sublight Speed and Maneuverability: 7
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