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Approved Tech RE-28 Main Weapon Battery

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  • Intent: Design the Main Weapon Battery for the RTL Reliant Capital Ship
  • Image Source: N/A
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Permissions: x
  • Primary Source: Mass-Driver Cannon
  • Classification: Hybrid Kinetic Artillery / Ion Weapon
  • Size: Extremely Large
  • Weight: Extremely Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Dedicated Powerplant, ASP/KA Shells
  • Ammunition Capacity: Large (48)
  • Effective Range: Extreme
  • Rate of Fire: Low
  • Damage Output:
    • Kinetic: Extreme
    • Ion: High > Average (At Extreme Range)
  • Recoil: Low
  • ASP/KA Shells - Utilises 440mm Armor/Shield Piercing Kinetic Artillery (ASP/KA) projectiles are specialised Kinetic Shell with a two-stage design. The first layer consists of ionically charged matter that is designed to dissipate upon making contact with a Deflector Shield potentially overloading local shield emitters to enable the Kinetic payload to strike its target. Shells are limited to about 5km/s to prevent degradation of the coils.
  • Autoloader - The loading mechanisms are mechanical.
  • Programmable Munitions - Coil induction is utilised to programme munitions enabling improved precision and pinpoint targeting. Additionally, shells may be prematurely terminated in case they miss their target to prevent future incidents. No one likes a random kinetic shell landing in their backyard.
  • Liquid Nitrogen Cooling - Temperatures are maintained via Liquid Nitrogen cooling loops that extend throughout the weapon's structure.
  • Dedicated Targetting Computer - The Weapon System is equipped with a dedicated targetting computer to better calculate firing solutions at extreme ranges.
  • Dedicated Powerplant - The RE-28 is equipped with a Dedicated powerplant reducing its overall draw upon the Capital Ships' main power supplies.
  • Kinetic Artillery - The RE-28 is designed to deliver a powerful 'alpha strike' against large Capital Ships (Heavy Star Destroyers, Battlecruisers, and SSDs), its dedicated targetting computer is programmed to enable long-range engagements not often seen in conventional Capital Ship warfare. If used against an unprepared or lightly shielded target the resulting impact can be devasting particularly if it strikes critical subsystems.
  • Adjustable Payload - The RE-28 has some flexibility when it comes to payloads with access to High Explosive, Chemical, and Standard variants.
  • Shock Absorbers - By using Condensed-matter Composite the RE-28 can absorb much of the initial recoil improving overall accuracy and preventing unexpected movement and reducing overall stress on the hull and firing mechanisms.
  • Ablation - Atmospheres, particularly dense ones drastically reduce the effectiveness of this weapon due to the ablation of the Shells from heat generated by extreme friction. In such circumstances, the weapon's effective range is drastically reduced.
  • Spinal Cannon - The RE-28 is mounted on the spinal column of the Stargazer Class Star Destroyer in a fixed position, its firing arc is significantly reduced as a result and flanking or broadsides can prevent this weapon from being brought to bear on targets. Most nimble smaller Capital Ships can have success at evading the weapon.
  • Charge - There is a delay of a few minutes between shots as shells must be loaded into a specialised chamber to be ionically charged before firing.
  • Behemoth - To reach the speeds necessary significant amount of space must be dedicated to the weapon, additionally if any key components are damaged the weapon may not be able to fire.
  • Ionic Discharge - If fired over excessive ranges the Ion energy will begin to dissipate before reaching its intended target thus mitigating one of its primary advantages.
  • Multi-layered Shielding - Assuming Secondary Shields are equipped and active, the kinetic shell will typically be deflected albeit with significant strain to localised shields.
Sometimes referred to as 'four-forty' by Officers the RE-28 was designed to be used by the Stargazer Class Star Destroyers as a countermeasure to larger Starships. In line with RTL regulations and the experimental nature of the Stargazer, steps were taken to ensure no shells would accidentally strike civilian targets by integrating programmable munitions technology that is only available to kinetic weapon systems. The system works by taking advantage of the magnetic coils and slight variations in power that help define the fuse timer once exceeded the shell self-detonates.
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MANIAC MANIAC - I've made the following adjustments and thought processes;

+ Production Scale decreased 1 Step to Limited
Presently, RTL has no plans to field more than one Stargazer with the Battery equipped but that may change in the future and I suppose it would make more sense if it were limited as opposed to Semi-unique to facilitate that.

+ Increased Kinetic Output to Extreme
I was, and still am debating this one, it was between this and decreasing the recoil to very low (due to the Condensed-matter composite), but even so, it's still a massive piece of artillery that theoretically could do a lot of damage to ships in its weight class and higher if utilised correctly. Essentially, it's a Capital Ship equivalent of an anti-material sniper meant to be a deterrent to larger factions just dropping Battlecruisers and SSDs on us (not that I expect it to ever happen, but that's the IC reasoning).

I understand that even with the above changes it'd be scaled at slightly underpowered (-1), however, I am happy with that since I can't reasonably adjust anything else that would make sense to me at least conceptually.

Please do let me know what you think in regards to the points above, as I say #2 is something I'm still debating, and your advice would be greatly appreciated! And sorry if I'm being a bother, still new to the technology side of this forum although you seem to enjoy some of Corvus' subs (the Information Technology ones anyway :p).
T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Quauhtli Sacul Quauhtli Sacul

It is good, it can be underpowered if you want, that is never a problem. Just you didn't mention it is deliberate, this is why I asked. This is the reason why I always add a note to my subs if those are intentionally underpowered, so FJ doesn't have to ask about it.
Enjoy your new weapon!

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