
- Intent: To expand the lore and update previous subs
- Image Credit: Squirrel Girl: Fantastic Four
- Canon: N/A
- Permissions: N/A
- Links: N/A
- Name: Re-Al
- Designation: Sentient
- Origins:
- Average Lifespan: 80 years
- Estimated Population: Scattered
- Description: Bright eyed and bushy tailed, the Re-Al are average in stature but big in their personality.. with an overbite few species can match and the ability to catch currents of wind under their arms. They can move on the breeze and smack things around with their massive tails. Thick thigh muscles as well as a love of berries and nuts that they can smash with their front teeth.
- Breathes: Type 1
- Average Height of Adults: 1.75m
- Average Length of Adults: N/A
- Skin color: White to Black
- Hair color: Differing Shades of Brown
- Distinctions:
- The more humanoid of the Re are short with buck teeth and tails. Thin membranes between their arms and torso that are left over from their other cousins.
- The more hairy and animal like Re are huskier with fur across their bodies and have a slightly shorter stature.
- Races: N/A
- Force Sensitivity: Standard
- Strong Teeth: The Re are skilled at cracking shells and nuts with their front teeth. They are overdeveloped and the closing impact force can dent metal (think alligator) but opening is substantially weaker)
- Membrane: Both of the species have membranes and skin connecting their torso to their arms. Limiting the range of movement but able to catch the air if they are jumping to glide around.
- Allergy to Meats
- The membrane between their arms can bleed profusely if severed removing their ability to fly
- Obsession with shiny objects
- Obsession with trying to bite everything
- Allergy to tomato products
- The species as a whole is fearful of water and does not know how to swim
- Diet: Herbivore: Allergy to meats, Allergy to dairy, Loves nuts and berries
- Communication: Verbal, Tail twitch
- Technology level: Galactic Standard
- Religion/Beliefs:
- A simple species in most regards, they are nomadic choosing to only keep as much as they can carry on their belts and in their packs. Art to them is not as important but they do enjoy a sense of community, they enjoy being family together. The leaders are chosen by popular vote somewhat but not really it is more the one everyone is willing to follow compared to elected. The one with the best interests of the group at heart.
To outsiders their trusting nature might seem naive and simple but they believe in working towards being kind at all times. Kindness and courage against oppression and a great deal of traveling. When no longer enjoying the area they are in they can easily move on not needing to bring a lot with them. Crime and punishment within the clans however is handled severely with a need and lower population in clans they must all protect each other.
There is no greater sin than to harm each other and at times this can be taken to dangerous degrees. They will sacrifice their own honor and integrity to adhere to not harming another Re, sometimes this can be good but they view themselves so much as a species it can become abused by others. Those who break this decree are left in a ship to never see their friends or family again.
- A simple species in most regards, they are nomadic choosing to only keep as much as they can carry on their belts and in their packs. Art to them is not as important but they do enjoy a sense of community, they enjoy being family together. The leaders are chosen by popular vote somewhat but not really it is more the one everyone is willing to follow compared to elected. The one with the best interests of the group at heart.
- General behavior: Among themselves they are friendly eating communally or working together to repair the ships they are in. Usually seen as vagrants to outsiders with their well worn clothing that is repaired and stitched. They protect each other spinning old and new tales of heroes and legends their people had, of things they have added to along the way with new beings like jedi and sith. Tales of wonder and excitement.
A strange species who came out of the Farlax sector, their history known to them but they weren't generally welcoming to talk about it at first. It took the galactic community several decades to learn about what they had done. Their planet was invaded by a species under the direction of the Arkanians. Created as living weapons that could be sent as soldiers these NuBeings were a destructive race unleashing radiation onto the planet that severely reduced their population.
With their world in ruins the Re retreated into space abandoning their homeworld and trying to survive in space as they abandoned the sector. The species and worlds within it not proving safe while these creatures were being set against the different species. They found their ships moving off into the galaxy at large to drift as a nomadic race going from system to system working where they could and learning how to live on the ships.
The species for a time stopped over at a desert planet setting up and allowing a couple generations to keep their immune systems able to fight. The desert also providing a place to repair and fix the ships rather than wait for them to break in space. The elders bartering with the people of the world exchanging their services as labor for credits to get supplies. They worked within mines using their bulkier and stronger children who could help then the smaller ones who were able to get into the knooks and crannies.
The few centuries they spent on the world making sure their ships were upgraded and better able gave them the time they needed to watch and prepare. Saving up some credits and eventually they left the world some choosing to stay behind. The ships upgraded and able to last in space for a few more centuries traveled towards the outer rim following the galactic disc to come to several more worlds as they met different species.
As they continued outwards throughout the galaxy they found a new home with a bunch of planets and moons that could support life. The worlds on the edge of the galaxy they could call home after so long and they settled on the fifth planet of the system meeting one of the tribes in a flying city.where they were able to make a real home. Helping the ones there and the people who welcomed them the Re found a sense of peace for centuries.
They lived there as the last of the taung died out and the other races came to it, sith purebloods from the sky seeking to claim all within their vision. A powerful statement and the Re helped repel some of them to the third planet but the species was older and dying out. With the human's of the worlds working to make them a better place they had found community and soon joined the Silver jedi when they came to construct a temple on Cazador.
With the attacks on the Asobi system by the sith many escaped with the relocation efforts. They relocated to several worlds with jedi and offered their force sensitives to aid in the battles against the sith. With a strong sense of wanting justice they shared their skills as farmers and scouts. The Atrisians welcoming many of them to join them across the planet to preserve the forests and in some cases work on the new choushin ships that were living trees ships.
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