Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Re assigned


As the Shuttle touched down in hanger near the senate tower Renfroew slung his long blaster rifle over his shoulder and made his to Republic army HQ. when he arrived he met a Colonel who took to the debriefing room where sat 2 senators, and 3 Generals and Admiral. The Colonel spoke “ Take a seat Sargent this is likely to take a great deal of time let start with cliff notes version of your after action report.”

“Yes sir.” He replied as he took his seat, "We had successfully stormed the enemy stronghold a fortress built in and around an active volcano we proceeding to take the enemy field commander, when found him he was surrounded by Imperial troops, our XO turned around, and shoot the captain point blank. As the Captain fell he looked at rest of us saying something about the Republic abandoning on a previous mission and not valuing their warriors as the Imperials did, he gave a choice join him or die, several other members of squad went with him I refused. A fire fight broke out and he and the other defectors escaped in shuttle I did managed to eliminate the mission objective with some assistance from the main assault force.” Renfroew finished and glanced around the room.

A senator spoke up “So you and your commander had no idea before that moment that the XO was a traitor, I find that hard to believe.”

“Yes ma'am he hid his intentions till the last minute, I and the captain had no idea what he plotting.” Renfroew replied

At that moment a Jedi emerged from a hidden room “He is telling the truth, he had no foreknowledge of the traitor’s plan.”

After several hours of closed door discussion, the Colonel returned “Well Sargent I've good news and bad news for you, the good new you have been cleared of any wrongdoing on the OP the bad news that unit is being disbanded and re assigned to other units your are being assigned to one of our elite Spec Ops teams Havoc squad it is commanded by a man named Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn you should go report him Asap.”

Renfroew stood saluted “yes sir.” And set off to find Kaiden.

[member="Kaiden 'Papa' Rohn"]

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