The Iron Fist
Ben Craig
Director of The Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research; Vice-Secretary of State; CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Location: Sposia , Intelligence & Security Center , Level RDirector of The Military Department of Advanced Weapons Research; Vice-Secretary of State; CEO of N&Z Umbrella Corporation
Dress: Link
Tags: Imperius / Aurelius Baldor , Erick Pryde
The Union had gone quiet shortly after the proclamation from the Chancellor of the Left. In fact, no one knew where either of the Chancellors had gone. Whether they had been assassinated or were off on some secret journey somewhere in the galaxy. The turbolift passed the last unrestricted floor in the Intelligence and Security Center and went deeper underground through the various "restricted" levels. Each level had its own purpose, whether it be a secret storage room, laboratory, or the various "re-education" centers. The turbolift stopped and chimed announcing they had arrived at their destination. Not many knew of this place, even most of the Union High Command were unaware of it's existence. Designated Level RE, it was one of the lowest levels and most secure levels within the spirling black tower. Ben swiped his keycard, typed in a passcode and scanned his hand. Once all three stages were complete, the doors of the turbolift opened into the deep dark hallway. Out stepped Director Ben Craig and Vice-Secretary Erick Pride. "Welcome to level RE. Where the most dangerous criminals, terrorists, political rivals, and former Union assets are contained." They walked down the hallway. Secured doorcells lined the hall with elite Executor Troopers standing guard.
They arrived at the last cell where former chief of the Exterior remained. Ben nodded to one of the guards, "Open it up."