Beltran Rarr
"X-JCV," Debbis Endo spoke, keying the comlink he had installed in his Worshyr wood desk. "Who is my next appointment?"As he waited for his reception droid to answer, he turned in his bantha leather office chair to look out the window. The endless urban sprawl of Denon's planet city sat, splayed out before him. From his office, located near the top of the massive building known as "The Spire"-where Obsidian Star maintained it's headquarters as well as it's primary R&D and manufacturing facilities-he could see for probably about a hundred kilometers. Seeing the city from all the way up here always had such a calming effect on the businessman. It was as if the world itself was assuring him that he was, in fact, superior to all the little peons down there.
"I have the representative from APEX Technologies here, sir." The droid answered a moment later, pulling Endo from his reverie.
"Excellent," He replied, bringing his keen business mind back into focus. His first appointment of the day had ended satisfactorily, and now he hoped to make it two for two.
Standing, he went to the door just as he opened, revealing the APEX representative. "Hello! Hello!" He said, flashing a big smile. "Please do come in, I've been looking forward to meeting you Miss...." He paused, allowing the being in front of him to introduce herself. It wasn't that he hadn't done his homework, but sometimes business representatives changed at the last minute and he didn't want to assume anything.
Once her introduction was made, he would invite the being inside and offer her a glass of his finest Alderaanian brandy. He would then take a seat opposite her. "So I've been told that your company is interested in acquiring the schematics to one of our products? The OS-108 Energy Buckler, is that right?"