Standard Profile Template
NAME: Reaku (Re-a-ku) Ansetus
FACTION: Formerly the Sith Empire (old one)
RANK: "Darth Anarchis"
AGE: 49 (frozen in carbonite since the early days of the Old Republic era)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 210 lbs
EYES: A gold that gleams with sheer power (originally blue)
HAIR: White, shaved his head recently however.
SKIN: Black (was tan before this, and white before that. Science!)
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Knows a lot about The Force's existence
+Has existed since early Old Republic era
+If he wasn't a force user, his luck could have gotten him through life's troubles.
+Has a mean backhand. (xD)
=Mechanical hands and feet (standard for the era he's from)
-Seems to love wearing capes and cloaks too much for his own good.
-Hates the Jedi order, but ever since his awakening, he knows he is too old for this fething crap.
-A bit out of shape compared to most of his era
-His left hand and leg shake a lot for reasons unknown
-His depth perception is a bit off as his left eye's vision is fading.
Reaku was once a light skinned jedi with auburn hair and blue eyes, then over the years of stress his hair became all white and using the Dark Side corrupted him to the core... his eyes became the purest gold with sheer power gleaming from them and his skin was tanned by the sun of Tattooine, almost permanantly.
Reaku Ansetus was born on Ord Mantell in the early days of the Old Republic era, joined the Jedi order at age 12, was ridiculed by the other younglings, and his master died in front of him 5 years later... and this was the start of his descent. Reaku roamed the galaxy, but was almost constantly attacked by The Sith Empire when he was a Jedi in space. His luck may have gotten him through, but he felt unwelcomed in life. Reaku went to Korriban at the age of 26 and joined the Sith, turning his force alignment to Dark for the first and last time after pretty much beating 5 acolytes with his master's lightsaber. Then he finally found a purpose... destroying the Light in the galaxy. He went under the pseudonym of Darth Anarchis at age 27 and studied the Dark Side of the force until he became a true sith lord. Reaku was even attacked by a pack of Vornskrs and had his hands and feet ripped off, but quickly replaced. Then finally, it happened at age 49... he was frozen in carbonite by a bounty hunter simply named "Silas" for centuries on end... his carbonite statued self was passed down from generation to generation until someone in the One Sith finally wondered just where this old man was. Then they found him on Ord Mantell, Silas's descendants murdered and him still in a statue state. (Will add more if needed)
None, his ship was destroyed by "Silas"
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.
Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
(This is where I'd put a RP from another site... IF I HAD ONE!! jk... Seriously though, the links I would give would be substandard for a site like this and I never joined a site as him before. Plus a Fairly Oddparents reference was long overdue from me xD)

NAME: Reaku (Re-a-ku) Ansetus
FACTION: Formerly the Sith Empire (old one)
RANK: "Darth Anarchis"
AGE: 49 (frozen in carbonite since the early days of the Old Republic era)
SEX: Male
HEIGHT: 6'3"
WEIGHT: 210 lbs
EYES: A gold that gleams with sheer power (originally blue)
HAIR: White, shaved his head recently however.
SKIN: Black (was tan before this, and white before that. Science!)
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Knows a lot about The Force's existence
+Has existed since early Old Republic era
+If he wasn't a force user, his luck could have gotten him through life's troubles.
+Has a mean backhand. (xD)
=Mechanical hands and feet (standard for the era he's from)
-Seems to love wearing capes and cloaks too much for his own good.
-Hates the Jedi order, but ever since his awakening, he knows he is too old for this fething crap.
-A bit out of shape compared to most of his era
-His left hand and leg shake a lot for reasons unknown
-His depth perception is a bit off as his left eye's vision is fading.
Reaku was once a light skinned jedi with auburn hair and blue eyes, then over the years of stress his hair became all white and using the Dark Side corrupted him to the core... his eyes became the purest gold with sheer power gleaming from them and his skin was tanned by the sun of Tattooine, almost permanantly.
Reaku Ansetus was born on Ord Mantell in the early days of the Old Republic era, joined the Jedi order at age 12, was ridiculed by the other younglings, and his master died in front of him 5 years later... and this was the start of his descent. Reaku roamed the galaxy, but was almost constantly attacked by The Sith Empire when he was a Jedi in space. His luck may have gotten him through, but he felt unwelcomed in life. Reaku went to Korriban at the age of 26 and joined the Sith, turning his force alignment to Dark for the first and last time after pretty much beating 5 acolytes with his master's lightsaber. Then he finally found a purpose... destroying the Light in the galaxy. He went under the pseudonym of Darth Anarchis at age 27 and studied the Dark Side of the force until he became a true sith lord. Reaku was even attacked by a pack of Vornskrs and had his hands and feet ripped off, but quickly replaced. Then finally, it happened at age 49... he was frozen in carbonite by a bounty hunter simply named "Silas" for centuries on end... his carbonite statued self was passed down from generation to generation until someone in the One Sith finally wondered just where this old man was. Then they found him on Ord Mantell, Silas's descendants murdered and him still in a statue state. (Will add more if needed)
None, his ship was destroyed by "Silas"
Post the names of the PC characters (characters role-played by real people) that your character has killed. If possible, include a link to the thread in which your character killed him/her.
Post the names of any bounties you have delivered and the amount of money you gained for it. If possible, include a link to the thread in which it happened.
(This is where I'd put a RP from another site... IF I HAD ONE!! jk... Seriously though, the links I would give would be substandard for a site like this and I never joined a site as him before. Plus a Fairly Oddparents reference was long overdue from me xD)