Alor of Clan Gred, Mando'ad'jetii

Time: Evening
It had been some hard work. Reclaiming old Sith agricultural equipment, cultivating the local food products again, and rebuilding a home, all to get to here. The first harvest was finally coming in, and it was successful. They had crops. It was odd to some people to think of Mandalorians as anything but warriors, but for those on Concord Dawn farming was part of life. With that came a much need celebration for an agricultural world. A harvest festival.
New Dawn was decorated and games and food stands were put up. A lot of people had been invited to come celebrate with Clans Gred and Krayt. It was just supposed to be a fun time all around. Dinks, games, crafts, food, and of course a fighting pit. Most people there were still Mandalorians or soldiers after all. Heck, they'd even managed a mini airshow for everyone to enjoy. Considering everything that happened, everything they all went through, it was time to celebrate for a change.
I: Drink and be Merry
Have fun and drink some Tiharr with the others. Watch the fighting pit too and maybe test your luck.
II: A Fair Tale
Enjoy the games, food and fun of the celebration. Maybe try to ride a Blurrg?
III: Flying High
Just enjoy the small display of the skilled pilots
Objective: II
Tags: Open
Mig smiled as he walked around, seeing all the people there just seeming to enjoy the festival. He was watching his daughter, Leddie, who was currently trying to win something at the shooting gallery. She was doing... surprising good. He smiled, patting her on the shoulder as the person running the stand pulled out a toy for her, a stuffed mythosaur. She smiled, showing her dad smiling.
"Look Jagyc'buir!" Mig just smiled.
"I see. You're getting really good at that. I'm guessing Vaux's been showing you a thing or two, right?" Leddie giggled and nodded before running to another game, and Mig just shook his head. "How about getting some food first Ledd'ika?" She stopped and nodded before running over to see what was cooking. It only left a smile on Mig's face. Her and the boys were growing up so fast. He wanted to get every one of these moments he could.