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Character Rear Admiral Liram Angellus 2.0

That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell

Liram Angellus

AgeWell, I'm half Shi'ido... sooo I really am in my mid 40's
SpeciesHuman-Shi'ido hybrid
GenderReally? I'm a guy.
WeightNext Question
Force SensitiveNoooo no no no no no... noohohohoooo


Rear Admiral Liram Angellus stands tall at six feet two inches, with a lean, muscular build that's a testament to a lifetime of military discipline. His skin is tanned from years of space travel, with a sprinkling of silver in his close-cropped, jet-black hair that gives him an air of distinguished maturity. His eyes are a piercing shade of cobalt blue, seemingly endless pools that reflect the cold depths of space. They're framed by sharp, angular features and a strong jawline that's often set in a firm, determined expression. He has a few scars on his face, souvenirs from his days as a fighter pilot, each one telling a silent story of valor and daring. His uniform fits him like a second skin, adorned with a plethora of medals and insignia that glint under the harsh lights of the spaceship's bridge. The crimson stripes on his sleeves denote his rank, while the golden eagle emblazoned on his chest signifies his lineage from the storied Angellus military bloodline. Despite the gravity of his position, Liram moves with an unmistakable grace that hints at his past as a starfighter ace.


Buzzer Air/Landspeeder
"Sunshower' Luxury Yacht
"Titan" Cruiser style Speederbike


Liram is known for his biting wit and dry sense of humor, which often serves as a shield against the weight of his responsibilities. He has a sharp tongue that can cut through the thickest layers of bureaucratic nonsense, yet he wields it with precision to uplift rather than cut down. His time in the cockpit has honed his reflexes and sharpened his mind, making him adept at making split-second decisions that can mean the difference between victory and defeat. Despite his snarky exterior, he is deeply empathetic and cares for his crew like a fierce guardian.

He is a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak for themselves. Yet, when he does speak, his voice carries the weight of a thousand battles won and lost. Prefers to be addressed simply as 'Admiral.' This not because any sense or level of hubris, but more for respect to the station. Despite his rank, Liram remains accessible and approachable by his crew and subordinates, no matter the rank or position. He does not know every name in his fleet, but he is working on it. What little free time he has lends itself to his love of learning and the Admiral enjoys navigating the treacherous landscapes of interstellar warfare, seeing it as a test of both wit and skill.

His ship, the colossal supercarrier 'Celestial City,' (one of his designs) serves as his mobile command center, with its own formidable arsenal. Liram, despite his snarky nature does have a deep respect for both his adversaries and his allies. Ultimately, Liram believes in the power of diplomacy, but never hesitates to defend what he believes in. He is innovative, known for his unconventional thinking in combat situations, defying expectations. This stems from his high level of bravery; Liram leads from the front, inspiring his troops with his courage and determination. This can rally his forces to overcome obstacles, believing in their capabilities. The successes brought a confidence to him that makes Liram comfortable and decisive in both his command position and as a pilot. This can make him seem a bit snarky, and BOY is he, but that is tempered with a respect for his people, fostering their respect for him.

  • INNOVATIVE - Known for his unconventional thinking in combat situations, defying expectations. This gives him the natural ability to lead from the front, inspiring his troops with his courage and determination. Can rally his forces to overcome obstacles, believing in their capabilities.
  • SNARKY -Liram has a quick wit and a sharp tongue. While he respects his opponents, he is not shy about expressing his disdain for those he deems incompetent or arrogant..
  • "BORN INTO THIS" - Comfortable and decisive in both his command position and as a pilot, Liram is more than that. Being a part of a legacy that dates back to the Mandalorian Wars, fleet, ground, air, and sea actions are in his blood.
  • UNCONVENTIONAL TACTICIAN -Liram's greatest strength lies in his ability to think outside the box during combat situations. He is unorthodox and unpredictable, often surprising his opponents with unexpected tactics.
  • CAN BE TOO PROTECTIVE - A leader's job is to complete their mission, not get every man or woman home. He HATES this, so much that Angellus will fight tooth and nail to try and do both.
  • "HE'S COOL ONCE YOU GET TO KNOW HIM..." - Snarky if you don't know of him, intimidating if you do. Liram is not like his "Vanagor" cousins, but the Admiral is not normally one to make the greatest of first impressions.
  • INSUBORDINATION - He doesn't openly ignore orders, but Liram will focus more on his crew and team than his orders. That could become problematic the further up the chain that he goes.
  • LEGACY - Being a part of such a legacy can be a great thing, but it also brings a huge level of expectations, not to mention the wonder whether he is accomplishing this on his own or because of his name.


Liram Angellus was born into a legacy of valor and sacrifice, the Angellus military family, with a lineage dating back to the Mandalorian and Sith Wars. His ancestors were instrumental in the victory during the original hyperspace war, a conflict that shaped the galaxy into the interstellar tapestry it is today. Raised on tales of heroism and the weight of expectation, Liram knew from a young age that he would follow in their footsteps. He enlisted in the academy at the tender age of seventeen and quickly distinguished himself as a natural pilot. His sharp instincts and tactical prowess earned him a spot in the elite fighter squadron, the Sovereign's Talons. Over the years, he climbed the ranks, his exploits becoming the stuff of legend.

The Battle of Echo Nova was a pivotal moment in Liram's career. As a young captain, he led a daring raid into enemy territory, which resulted in the destruction of a critical enemy battlecruiser. His unorthodox tactics and unshakeable courage earned him the moniker "The Nova Hawk." Despite the accolades, the loss of his wingmen weighed heavily on his conscience, leading him to seek a position where he could influence the outcome of battles from a strategic standpoint. His transition to a command role was swift, and his leadership style—a blend of empathy and decisiveness—soon earned him the respect of his peers and subordinates.

Much of his success has come thanks to Liram's greatest strength and that is his ability to think outside the box during combat situations. He is unorthodox and unpredictable, often surprising his opponents with unexpected tactics. He is equally adept at commanding from the bridge of the 'Celestial City' as he is at leading starfighter attacks in his X-wing. His versatility allows him to respond effectively to any combat scenario. Despite his snarky demeanor, Liram is a charismatic and inspiring commander. His unwavering optimism and belief in his crew empowers them to perform at their best it may come at a cost to his own career, but he is elevating those around him.

That light at the end of the tunnel leads to Hell


  • Fleet Name: Galactic Alliance Defense Force 5th Reactionary Fleet - Codename "Vanguard"
  • Classification: Reactionary / Peacekeepers
  • Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
  • Fleet Symbol: Shield with an upwards Broadsword
  • Description: Their operations and mindset can be described in a simple quote "If you don't want to see us, do not do something to make us want to see you."
  • Headquarters: Corellia
  • Ports of Call: Hosnian Prime, Commenor, Thyrsus, Metellos, Byss, Rakata Prime, Ord Providence
  • Goals:To respond and react to threats in and around Galactic Alliance space. They do not have an assigned territory or sector. The 5th reacts to and provides security against uprisings, incursions, and general issues that threaten civilian life. They do so in a manner that allow those ships/fleets that are assigned to a specific area to continue to do so without taking their focus away.
  • Reputation: The majority of their reputation comes from their time in the SJDF, but the 5th (formerly the 9th in the SJDF) is a well known commodity that focuses on starfighter capabilities and using capital ships and carriers in support.
Rear Admiral Liram Angellus -
Flag Officer / 5th Fleet Commanding Officer
Lieutenant Bren "Michael" Alazar - Commanding Officer of Omega Squad

Line Captain Gym Halpern -
Captain of the "Celestial City", XO of 5th Fleet
Captain Zev Tantor - Captain of "Silver City"
Captain Rojuh Pouil - Captain of "Valhalla"
Captain Scott Pouil - Flight Director of 5th Fleet, Operating on "Silver City"
Master Chief Petty Officer "Chief" Gribbs - Non-Commissioned Officer In Charge of 5th Fleet. Operating on "Celestial City"
The SCARs. The 73rd. The entire Nirvana Fleet (well, not ENTIRE, but a huge majority) followed Admiral Angellus from the SJDF to the GADF. This is not to say that if there was a problem with "The Silvers" that they would not help, but this group was too close knit not to. This was the design of the group itself. Liram made a point of knowing as many of his subordinates as he could. Each enlisted, each commissioned, they fought for the "man next to them" (or woman) more aggressively than they had to.


There was the story of who their Flag was, the stories of when he was a CAG of the SJDF "Liberation" and had to take emergency command of the ship with the command staff killed. The story of he and his second(who eventually became his second in command of the fleet) staying behind after giving the order to abandon ship. They sent the fatally damaged "Liberation" ramming into the Sith flagship, sending the symbol of the Worm Emperor's might into a fireball. Slowly but surely, with engagement after engagement and new technological advancements, this rag tag bunch of sailors and jockeys bevame a cohesive unit and the primary reactionary fleet in the SJDF.

Until the disbanding...

It started with Angellus who looked for a transfer over to the GADF, but after he was accepted, the Admiral began bringing his people in. Of course this could have been considered a form of "nepotism" in a manner of speaking, but the proof was in the pudding, as well as the fact that he was choosing people already established in the GADF equally.

The difference between the 5th fleet's orders and the orders of other battlegroups is that they do not have one specific sector to patrol, they patrol everywhere. The purpose of this is to assist and react to threats against Galactic Alliance alligned planets in manner that allows the embedded fleets to contiue patrolling without focusing solely on one issue.

Spacial open warfare, Surgical strikes, starfighter superiority, atmospheric and land operatios, the 5th fleet is more than capable in all modes of combat...
notable battles, etc. ]
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