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Approved Tech Reav-12 jetpack

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  • Intent: A mobile jetpack for scouting
  • Image Source: Here
  • Canon Link: Here
  • Permissions:-x-
  • Primary Source: -x-
  • Manufacturer: Reav Clan
  • Affiliation: Zet Reav
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: JT-12 Jetpack
  • Modularity: No
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Firepower removed for extra fuel
    Shielded against EMP and Ion (Stealth system fails first)
    Gyroscopic stabilizers
    Stealth Mode
    Can be used in space or in atmosphere.
  • Speed: This model has a higher mobility, speed and altitude limit (100m). Skilled pilots used to defying gravity can make good use of the gyroscopic stabilizers and perform daring maneuvers, even while locked in combat. When flying in a straight line it can reach maximum speed within a few seconds, sacrificing lateral mobility to keep up with the speed of starfighters and speeders.
  • Scout's Favorite: The stealth mode makes the engines go almost silent and the flames are reduced greatly.
  • Safety First: The fuel tubes and tanks are hidden under the plating for protection, to prevent explosions or accidents.
  • Fuel Efficiency: This model was tampered with to be lighter and more efficient, now capable of enduring almost six minutes of continuous burn, less if Stealth mode is used.
  • Maybe not so fast: The faster it goes the less evasive maneuvers it can perform, and slowing down/braking will demand more fuel. The safest method is to use 2/3 of the fuel reaching and keeping maximum speed, and the remaining 1/3 slowing down and landing.
  • Stealth: The stealth consumes more fuel than it's normal mode while reducing the speed and maximum altitude and increasing the time needed to reach it's maximum speed.
  • Weight: This model is lighter compared to other jetpacks but it is still quite heavy to carry around constantly.
  • No Missiles: It has no firepower.
Visually speaking it is just like any other jetpack of the same model, with most of it's changes being internal, just with a new coat of red paint on it. Designed by a clan of raiders, this model was used to scout on enemy forces from a higher ground with binoculars, be it a safe area or sustaining flight., but often enough it was just a means for a safer retreat. In space the stealth mode is almost useless, but the reduced flames makes it a bit easier to move from cover to cover while avoiding curious eyes staring through a starship's windows
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Zet Reav Zet Reav

Nicely made. This is a simple tech, not an armour. So please delete this part from the submission, it is not necessary:
  • Classification: Other (Locomotion)
  • Weight: Average.
  • Resistances:
    • Extreme Heat: Extreme
    • EMP/Ion: High
    • Energy: High
    • Lightsabers: High
    • Extreme Cold: High
    • Kinetic: Average
    • Force: None.
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