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Approved Tech Reav Assault Rifle

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  • Intent: To bring to life Zet's weapon in the bio (Also for pew pew pew)
  • Image Source: Artstation
  • Canon Link: Wiki
  • Permissions: -x-
  • Primary Source: -x-
  • Manufacturer: Reav Clan
  • Affiliation: Zet Reav
  • Market Status: Closed-Market
  • Model: Mandalorian Assault Rifle
  • Modularity: It can be customized, since it is already a custom version as well.
  • Production: Unique
  • Material:
  • Classification: Blaster Rifle
  • Size: Large
  • Weight: Heavy
  • Ammunition Type: Power cell
  • Ammunition Capacity Large
  • Effective Range: Long Range (500m maximum) (Personal for Stun gun)
  • Rate of Fire: High (Very Low for stun gun, one shot at a time)
  • Damage Output: Very High (None stun gun only stuns temporarily)
  • Recoil: Low (None for stun gun)
  • Quick cooling for a High rate of fire
    Comfortable grip
    Available modes: Semi-auto and Full-auto
    Despite it's different look, it's interior is not entirely different and can use parts for other assault rifles fairly easily
    Module Friendly (Scope, enhanced power cells and stun gun currently)
    • Stun gun attached below the barrel (can be replaced for a lamp)
    • Scope, which only zooms in, can be replaced for better models
    • Power cells are easily switched
    • Shoulder strap can be placed
  • Kinetic Power Even if it hits armor the impact causes can cause some damages, or even pierce through heavy armor of inferior quality. Stronger materials/armor can endure but the denting on the armor (and/or the pain on the poor soul inside said armor) delivers the message.
  • Accurately Accurate- It can shoot with some precision at several ranges. 330m optimal, and 500m maximum.
  • Heavy It is heavy enough it can be used as a cub if it runs out of ammunition.
  • Module Slots It has a scope (allows maximum range shooting with some accuracy) and shoulder straps. The 'bayonet' slot at the tip can be filled by a small stun gun, or it can be replaced for a source of light. Unlike the weapon itself, the stun gun is almost silent.
  • Probably Illegal somewhere Probably? It is the type of weapon one would use during open war when no one cares about rules and regulations. So Zet keeps it on his back, under his cape but that's not exactly hidden.
  • I need (more) ammo Such high fire rate eats through the ammo cells very quickly if used constantly. The stun gun technically has a higher capacity, because despite having a much smaller power cell it's fire rate is far less.
  • Heavy It is heavy enough it can be used as a cub if it runs out of ammunition.
  • Loud Stealth is NOT an option if the rifle is used.
Someone once said 'One shot, one kill', to which a Mandalorian promptly replied 'But what if I need several kills?' and then the Mandalorian Assault Rifle was created. And then improved by the clan Reav making it more comfortable to wield. This model was used to open holes through walls to throw grenades in, or simply to cause some pain and general slaughter. It is meant for nothing but pure destruction, plain and simple, without relying on advanced technological implements so it can still be used after EMP grenades are thrown in. Some might call it over-powered but Zet calls it 'Not over-powered enough' so the grip made more comfortable and then a smaller stun gun was put in.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Zet Reav Zet Reav

Nicely made submission! I found only one problem: You wrote the Low as effective range, but there is no Low effective range. Please modify that one to a valid rating:
Effective Range: Long Range (500m maximum) (Low for Stun gun)
Effective Range: (Effective range in relation to the weapon type. Remember that a carbine will have a longer range than a pistol, an assault rifle longer range than a carbine, and a sniper rifle longer than an assault rifle. Choose from None, Point Blank, Personal, Average, Long Range, Battlefield, and Extreme. Battlefield and Extreme will require justification in strengths and weaknesses.)
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