Darth Vulcanus
Better than other-other space Kaiden
And so here it was the edge of reality. A black abyss that stretched forth from the cusp of the galaxy, beyond which there were countless others staring right back. It was here that rebirth would begin, here that history had left its mark centuries ago.
History was an unforgiving teacher. If you ignored her, she gave no quarter to you and yours. Her lessons were harsh, each quiz and question more demanding than the last. Even the galaxy's most proven often failed to pass her rigorous standards, for they only paid heed to the lessons that benefited their own personal views. The Hand would not make that mistake. True Imperials were quiet, attentive students. Now their patience had been rewarded.
The First Fleet cut through the stars with daggered hulls, floating eerily towards the emptiness that lay beyond the final rim of the galaxy.
"Grand Admiral, we are not picking up any celestial bodies on primary sensors."
"It is there, captain. Keep looking." Irridius mused, caressing the Ysalimir curled around his arm as he searched the black canvas for the speck of light he had come for.
The files retrieved from Scariff had enlightened him to a great many things, some of which he had taken to hiding away for himself for further investigation. It had taken months of analyzing, but he'd finally done it. He'd found the capital of his new Empire. The first of many technological marvels he would seek after.
"All ships are to continue the advance on the rim, every scanner focused on acquiring The Rebirth. We will not be leaving empty handed."