Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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She had been dealing with a great deal of things that were being presented to them. She was looking at some of the dangers here but as she had found and discovered. Creating with a number of pieces different parts of her lightsaber. A trial for any jedi and one she had discovered much like her it served a great deal to make her want to continue. To not let her family line down and improve upon it until she was looking at all of the very nice things here.
She could feel more of it and was letting herself go around with a few ideas. She had been working to get Sasori's information with their synthmesh for this as it was. Wanting to work with more of it all until the little padawan had the pieces of a lightsaber that had been worked on with the synth mesh and with the crystal weave. It would be a beacon of the lightside of the force itself.
Her journey through and out of the village into a ship had been important. it had brought her around and her attention to many of the things that they were all doing. Elizabeth wanted to work on many of the things themselves until she was here and alone. Going over each piece of the lightsaber she was assembling. The force was warm when she felt like there were hands resting on her shoulders to give her aid.
Elizabeth focused as she listened to the words in the back of her mind. "The crystal is the heart of the blade. The heart is the crystal of the Jedi. The Jedi is the crystal of the Force. The Force is the blade of the heart. All are intertwined. The crystal, the blade, the Jedi. You are one." The force was there and slowly as she closed her eye the mantra was repeating in her head.
She wasn't running the risk of many things here, she was unable to really feel more of it, she was unable to risk some parts of it but she was getting a better idea and let her mind race with thoughts when she was repeating for the time that she was here. Looking to have the saber there when she would be able to work on it, when she wanted to allow herself to hold it as the crystals went ito the saber.
She was allowing the force energies themselves to push the power and the saber. Allowing all of the energies that they were doing until she wanted to work on many more of the things. They were working over all of it, of all the pieces so that she would have it. Elizabeth was pushing more of the force energies themselves until she built upon it and was letting her meditate.
The saber continued to be constructed, to be built for what she was looking to do and Elizabeth let the force energies guide it until she was finished. She didn't know how much time had passed but she was holding the saber itself. She was looking at more of it, she was looking at some of the materials here. The saber coming to her hands as she turned it over rubbing the casing.
The saber was completed, the feelings of it, the energies it gave and all of the information for herself. She was uncertain about the saber before she gripped it in her hands. Feeling the force crystals inside and the material that was making the saber itself up. All of it was apart of the force, all of it was apart of her as she had poured her everythign into it and felt her family.
Down the long blood line she could let the force energies travel to better understand and augment for herself, down the work and power that all of them had. Elizabeth was looking to make sure it was an impressive feat for her own skills until she was ready. Standing up in the small room with her eyes opened wide with the light burning her eyes from being inside for all of the time.
She could see with the saber whie she was looking. The paleness of the light was there, letting the force flow though her limbs and into the saber itself. She wanted to give more of the force but the blade was smaller and defined. It might not be able to deflect bllaster bolts but she would be able to cut and duel others. Preparing herself wbefore stepping back and letting herself hold it with one hand.
The blade wa sin her hand and she could feel the hilt of the saber, the reinforced duraplast was important it made the hilt stronger, the internal emitter and lens very different then what others could think about or offer. A risk sure as she might not be able to block and deflect blaster shots but the casing was waterproof, able to handle ion pulses and emp shots as well as lightsaber strikes.
Elizabeth could see all of it when she looked forward letting the pale colors shift. Blues, greens, everything that came from the blade before she turned around for a moment with a small grin appearing on her face. The path outside of the small area led back into the sun and all of the brightness. She could see some fo the jedi here with her as the wind picked up and blew her hair to the side of her face.
The desert air was coming to her, the feeling of the force as she stood here in the oasis with more of the jedi around her. "Is everything alright padawan?" There was a look so that she would be able to develop some things here. Prepared to work with all of it, prepared to test out her saber as she was walking to meet and get joined by a companion that Jarl had sent to help her a friend.
The sound of them came as they stood there, an astromech droid that could pilot the ship when she went towards it. "BEEP BOOP BEEP" The sounds from him made her look so that she would be able to have a small look back at the small oasis with the trees here on the desert planet. "It is okay boy, we'll find something better to do that will help us." Saying it with a small look on her face.
She touched the dome of the astromech as they were walking up the ramp of the seeker class freighter now for them. She had been told that there was a lot of attention tot he ship. It had been set and programmed so that she could be able to pilot the ship or the droid would at least so they could go around the galaxy. here int he desert she could just see where they went over towards the different compartments.
"Set the course and take us home little buddy." Saying it while she stood there ready for anything, the seeker class had well it had a lot of things including these really cool looking smuggling compartments in the floor, roof and wall panels. Pretty much anything that they would be able to use to hold spare equipment and systems, the nose of the ship with these two triangular sections held large compartments you could walk into.
The other parts of the seeker ship that she could see was here, looking at the small lift that went up to a second level of the ship. More rooms and much of the same design itself. There was a third lower level that they were able to use and it wasn't perfect but you could have in the more mechanical areas different parts. With the droids that were set up on the seeker.
Elizabeth was looking at more of it until she felt the ship taking off. A small look there as she stood in the lift of the ship with a small look on her face to go up to the second level. The small two person lift would go up the levels as she came out into the hallways with a viewport showing them going into space and the tiant from the twin suns that appeared. A grin appearing on her face.
"Oh Master Elizabeth you are back, it is wonderful to see you once again." She got a look at the protocol droid that Saotome had developed for the jedi and compared to the other ones it was a lot more hardy. Built like a commando droid in all of the different ways instead of as well, instead of as a stiff thing that barely moved. She could work with that walking in the pathway around to the crew quarters.
The ship was leaving and the two of them... well three of them were setting the course as well as using the information for the jedi on where they might be able to go. A smirk when she entered the room and looked in the mirror seeing the dirt and grim on her face before she wiped at it. "THis was more productive then I had thought it would be and now where to go?" She said it looking out across the galaxy map the hardlight projectors gave.

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