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Reborn A New


[member="Connor Harrison"]

Unknown World
Unknown Planet
Gigantic buildings stood across the planet, each having a spire that pointed in the heavens , a blasphemous act against the gods. Life around them however was nonexistent, rats, and other animals left of what was once a thriving ecosystem. They were remnants of a once great civilization, a superpower that once challenged, and shaked the foundations of the traditional superpowers in the galaxy: The Sith, and the Jedi. Among them, a building, not in ruins stood tall, damaged but not completely broken.

The Aedificium Edificium, once a building that housed one of the largest Dark Jedi temples in the galaxy. Durasteel gargoyles stood there symbolically guarding the temple, as a a dark dragon at the very center of the temple. Spires surrounded the temple, each of them having been used millennial ago to defend the temple, but all that remained were the remains of soldiers, buried deep in the soil.

The building was a shadow of its former self, representing the remains of the once powerful empire that was known as the Dark Jedi of The Bogan. In here, Velon Ielor, a studious individual that studied the dark-side remained, the last of those who followed the teachings of the Bogan. This temple was his solitude, his hibernaculum, and it was here that he would continue his studies, and follow the dark, like he had always did.

The Anzati stood in the hangar, strong winds surrounding him, but Velon stood there, unbroken, and not shaken. His guest would see the ancient symbol of the dark-side, something that indicated what he would be taught, as well as how old the temple truly was. There was no obstacle he could not overcome, and there was no enemy he could not defeat. The dark-side was his ally, his weapon, and it would continue to bring him glory.

For the first time in many years, he however would not be alone. A master that had once sworn himself to defend against the light would arrive, seeking his tutelage, and his wisdom. The Dark Jedi had left the One Sith, seeing it as a deviation of the teachings that he had followed for centuries. He would attempt to fully convert him to his teachings, but more importantly: he would forge Connor into a sword of the dark, an unbreakable weapon that would strike at the hearts of the descendants of the light that had taken everything from him.

Connor Harrison

It was gratifying that those who served the Dark Side were now starting to notice Connor Harrison, former Sith Killer and Jedi Master of the Silver Order. Now he was a wandering, broken man re-establishing his connection to the Force over a series of painful, long days – weeks – months.

Now, another sliver of hope on the horizon from an unknown source to an unknown planet and unknown coordinates. But, desperate, he followed.

Closer than expected, the journey was quick and smooth and he came down outside what seemed to be a derelict former temple, or embassy. He couldn’t tell due to the dilapidation of the décor and surroundings. Even the city he was in seemed to be in disrepair. There was a darkness to the place he found empowering, surrounded by history that spoke of untold battles and disasters.

He walked along the edge of a river bank, looking in to see remains of fighters, tatty clothing and weeds growing from the surface.

Turning back to the building, noting the ancient Sith symbol which peaked his interest, Connor batted his crimson cloak away and walked up the cracked stairs and headed inside past perfectly sculpted gargoyles and dwarfed by the tall spies.

It was spacious and ghastly in equal measure, with stairs and corridors and dirty windows that let staggered light stream in. His boots crunched on broken rubble and bits of glass as he stopped in the centre of the entrance hall.

"Velon Ielor!” Connor called out. "Show yourself!”

Hopefully this was a meeting of minds, and not one with intent to take the Sith Killer’s head.

[member="Velon Ielor"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Velon had fought Jedi Masters before; he knew what they were, and he knew there force connection. After all, the man had been taught by Jedi Masters, after being kidnapped from Dathomir and being forced to accept the Jedi teachings. That was thousands of years ago, and the galaxy did not know who he was, or what he had done. Only he knew what he was truly capable off, and he would reveal some of his power to his student, Connor Harrison.

The Anzati knew he was the only sentient on the planet, so when he sensed something that had a connection to the force, he knew it was Connor. It was however like that of an untrained force adept, someone who was walking on the path of the dark, but did not know the capability of it. He then heard his name called out, further confirming that his student had arrived.

It was now time for Connor's path to darkness to begin.

Velon raised up his hand, and moved it to the left, the door opening and revealing himself to the -former- Jedi Master. He simply wore a black clothing, and a mask, as he never revealed himself to anyone, during his time in the One Sith, and now.

"Welcome to my hibernaculum Master, or should I say, former Jedi Master Harrison. How has your time walking in the darkness been?" he asked.

Connor Harrison

As if on cue, a door opened before him, and a masked figure stood there with a welcome.

Connor squinted a little, and walked forward slowly. It wasn’t unsurprising his name and position was now becoming well known to those he had called enemies once, but it was still strange hearing it all in past-tense, again, spoken by those he now wasn’t out to kill.

"My time? Dramatic.”

He got a little closer and stopped to see the inhuman looking mask, one with very little feature to it, but looking almost like a cross between a Sith warden and a Mandalorian brute.

"I got your message. I take you’re here to show me your view on what the Dark Side is all about? I can’t say I’ve ever come across your name in my years as Jedi. I guess that’s agood thing, or bad, depending how infamous you want to be among your enemies.”

He waved his hand up to the eerie building they were in.

"What was this place?”

[member="Velon Ielor"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Velon then heard Connor's reply, hearing the man speak, and inquire as to what this place was. He would get an answer close to the truth.

"Excellent." he said.

"Before, we begin however, I want to make an important distinction. I am no Sith, I am a Dark Jedi, something I take pride in." he said.

Velon then motioned Connor to walk with him, and soon they reached a room. In the room, there weer many paintings, and statues. Some were of the Dark Jedi Velon had served alongside, others were of famous Sith, such as Darth Bane, Malgus, Sidious, and Vader. In the center however was someone, a Zabrak. A tomb, looking object stood at the center. Velon went, and sat on the object, motioning Connor to stop walking with him.

"As I had said before, this is my solitude, my home. Thousands of years ago however, this world served a temple to train Dark Jedi in the arts of the dark-side. It is the place where you will begin your training to serve the dark, and you will, as the Sith say, 'let your chains be broken.'" he replied.

Connor Harrison

Connor narrowed his eye a little at the Si – Dark Jedi – as they began to walk. Dark Jedi and Sith were very different in his eye, but then that counted for little today.

The Dark Jedi were ones who were stuck in the middle of Light and Dark, not wanting to cast away their past but not willing to embrace their future. Connor saw the Jedi and Sith as one or the other; Dark Jedi he had been once, and had fallen back to the Light easily.

He looked over the paintings of Sith he knew, some he didn’t.

When he was indicated to stop walking, Connor did so, and cast a questionable eye over this masked man.

"With all due respect, I didn’t come here to look for a Dark Jedi. I’ve worked with many of those in my times who still serve the Light. I thought you were Jedi, or Sith. If you were fickle, then the Dark Jedi moniker suited you. Why do you not take the title of Sith Master?”

[member="Velon Ielor"]
The Anzat looked at Connor when he spoke. Velon wondered if he should reveal his memories about how the Dark Jedi came to conception, but decided not to, as he wished to first finish this conversation.

"Mr. Harrison, if you wish to know the dark-side, you must remember that the Sith aren't, and throughout this galaxy, have not been the only followers of the dark-side. You know your history, you know that we were the first to use the Dark side. You also know that the remnants of the Dark Jedi went to Sith space, and taught the Sith Purebloods how to use to the dark-side, while mixing their DNA with the populace. You have entered the dark, and you, during your time as the leader of the Jedi Shadows, must know there are various teachings for those who use the dark-side. Now you, like many, are beginning to walk amongst it, and limiting yourself to one view of the dark-side, is not the right manner." he said.

"You ask why I do not take the title of Sith Master. That is because I do not wish to follow the Sith. I walked amongst them once, in what used to be the One Sith, but I have decided not to, seeing them as deviant from the true teachings that I have followed for many centuries." he replied.

He then wanted to ask Connor, this question, as he did not wish to waste his, or Connor's time. "Now, will you allow me to teach you my perspective of the story, or do you wish to leave?"

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

"How did you – “

The knowledge of him leading the Silver Shadows was troubling, and he nearly blurted out demanding how the Dark Jedi knew. But with recent admissions, it probably hadn’t been hard to learn from allies that Connor was now open to telling his secrets.

He calmed a moment, looking down to calm himself and quell that ego.

The Dark Jedi was correct, and right in following his own view of the Dark Side. Much like the Light, various forms of warriors and soldiers could serve it but not follow certain paths. Dark Jedi and Sith could serve the Dark, but not walk hand-in-hand doing so.

Connor looked up and nodded.

"Forgive me, my ego gets the better of me. Please. Continue.”

[member="Velon Ielor"]
The Anzati had heard powerful friends during his time in the One Sith, and they had told him secrets that he knew, and in return, he had helped them with their own projects. Nevertheless, that was the past now, and he had to focus on the present, and the future.

Now that Connor had accepted what had been the truth, the Anzat stood up, and walked toward Connor. He looked at Connor, lifting him up in the air in a violent manner via telekinesis,. Velon had lost many brothers thousands of years ago, and he would not allow them to be insulted.

"Never speak about them, or myself like that again." he said. "I will not tolerate it, especially here, and now." His tone evidently displayed that he had lost his cool for that instance, but Velon returned to his normal demeanor again, letting Connor go, and returning back to his previous position, as he went to sit on the entrance of his tomb.

"Now, let me teach you about the order that I once served." he said, waiting for Connor to regain his footing, as he wished for his complete attention.

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

As Velon rose and walked closer, Connor turned head on didn’t flinch, preparing to recoil or spring back, but he didn’t have to.

The grip winded him and it crushed his arms in, putting an immense amount of pressure on him but also feeling weightless as he was lifted. Wincing in pain, gasping for the breath now his lungs were crushed together, he didn’t hear much of what the Dark Jedi preached, but he was just grateful it didn’t last long.

He was dropped, and he landed on his feet, but stumbled back on his cowl and fell to the floor. Arching his back to iron out the pain in his muscles, he rubbed his torso and glared up at the Dark Jedi walking back.

This humiliation was worse than ever. Not having the power to fight back yet was crippling in so many ways, and there was nothing he could do. He coughed as he stood up and brushed his behind down.

"Get on with it,” he muttered, wounded pride evident.

[member="Velon Ielor"]
When Connor muttered a response, Velon was sure he had now learned his place. He hoped that this would serve as a lesson for Connor in the future, as the Anzati knew that Connor was well aware of the fact that there were more brutal teachers than Velon, some who would have killed Connor for his outright disrespect. If there was one goal Velon would hope to teach Connor, it was that he was no longer a shark among a small pond of fish, but fish among an ocean of sharks.

"The Dark Jedi of The Bogan, once an empire that challenged the Republic, I am most likely the last of my kind. Our beginnings begin with an ancient Jedi Master, one that had fallen to the Dark, and followed the teachings of Xendor, the first Dark Jedi. He raised an army, and swiftly finished off any of his enemies. The Republic was subjugated and we were left as the supreme power in the galaxy.

We were the successors of the Legion of Lettow, the first dark-siders. Our beginnings were when we secretly began to infiltrate the ship-building world of Eriadu, taking it over in the process. After doing so, we slowly conquered the Outer Rim, before we decided to lay waste to the Galactic Republic. Infighting however, among us led us to lose our front. We were soon, in a swift counter-attack defeated. The Republic then wiped out all of our history, and, evidently, no one has ever heard of us." he said.

"Any questions?" he asked

[member="Connor Harrison"]

Connor Harrison

Connor stood still and listened.

His face had a less than impressed expression going over history as far back as an origin of the Dark Jedi.


He remained still, waiting for Velon to carry on to where ever he was taking this.

[member="Velon Ielor"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]
The Anzati knew that history lessons bored the former Jedi Master. As he looked in the windows, he could see that night time was approaching. The teachings he had with Connor would have to continue tomorrow, and even he knew venturing out to the dark could be dangerous, as this was one of the few places that existed where a sentient could survive.

He then heard a crow call, and Velon began to close the doors. "Night time is approaching. You cannot venture out into the night. It is dangerous Mr.Harrison. Come with me; I made preparations for you, including a bed, and so forth." he said.

The Dark Master then motioned Connor to follow him. He had picked a particular location for Connor, for reasons that were yet to be revealed.

Connor Harrison

Glancing to the windows, Velon was right. Nighttime wore it's cowl and closed in over them all, and it wasn't safe to wander around a place he didn't know. Better of two evils, he was to stay here.

"Thank you,” he said as he followed, "and I don't suppose you have anything I can read do you? Manifesto? History? Any knowledge I can get I want to take in.”

Connor walked with Velon to where he was to bed for the night, and there was enough room for him to be comfortable.

"What will we do tomorrow?”

[member="Velon Ielor"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

"You are free to explore the temple if you wish. As you would expect, a lot of the databanks, and so forth are still -somewhat- active. Just wear this." he said, giving it to Connor. It would help Velon track Connor if he got lost in the large temple, as the former Master was unfamiliar in his territory.

He then heard Connor ask him about what he would do tomorrow. "That will be a surprise." he said. He wouldn't let Connor know what he would do, but Velon intended to forge Connor into a soldier of the dark, someone willing to follow it to its ends. In order to do this, he would have to be surprised, he would have to be broken, and be reborn a new.

"Come with me then Mr.Harrison. I will show you your quarters."

Connor Harrison

That sounded fair enough – he was here to learn and to understand the ways of the Dark Side, and to remember his ego check. No longer a powerful Master of the Light, he was an Apprentice of the Dark.

That would change once his Force connection came back however.

"This is a nice place, in terms of the history and lore it holds. I can imagine it thriving in its glory.”

He walked a little more.

"I look forward to seeing what tomorrow brings.”

[member="Velon Ielor"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

"Excellent Mr. Harrison." the former Sith Lord replied.

They both then reached the rooms, and the Anzat left Connor there, alone in his hibernaculum. When he had originally arrived here, spirits, and visions had haunted him, intending to rip his mind apart. It was only through his will, and mental defenses that he had been able to survive. For the former Master however, he wondered how he would adapt to what he would assume, would be spirits, and visions from the dark seeking to rip him apart.

If he went crazy, Velon, as always had countermeasures. Even then, it didn't matter, as he wished for Connor to experience trials that many dark-siders, from acolytes, to Lords experienced. He wasn't aware if this was Connor's first 'trial', if that was even the right word to use, but the Anzati was hoping Connor would pass it.

When he left Connor, he went to prepare the things he would do to Connor tomorrow. He made sure all the necessary items were in place, and then went to sleep, for even he needed rest.

Connor Harrison

Connor gave a half-bow, half-nod, and as the Dark Jedi left, he let out a breath and sat on the bed.

It was comfy, but he'd had comfier. Still, it would do. He tapped his fingers on the thick mattress and looked at a small bookshelf, turning his head to glance at some titles, a number in Basic, a few in foreign tongue.

There was a carving on the opposite wall, and a thin window on the rear above the bed. It felt more like a cell than a guest room, but then, being a former temple, maybe this HAD been a cell. Connor shivered, and unclipped his cloak and laid it neatly in a pile on the floor before rolling up his sleeves, unbuttoning his tunic and laying down on the pillow.

And so, with a few diegetic noises outside, Connor lay and waited for sleep to come or a million thoughts to keep him awake all night.

Faces of the past, faces from the present. Faces in the future.


He shook his head slightly.

He didn't know, but he was already asleep as the room began to grow darker., why? Iraj...sorry...

Eyes opened with a start - Connor was on the floor, sweating. Wiping his brow with the back of his arm, he dragged himself back onto the bed and hung his head. He didn't know how long he'd been asleep for, but the noises and faces in his mind didn't let him sleep long.

And in the hours to come, Connor would sleep less than an hour in total. He'd wake up with a shout, or a cry, or an exclamation. His mind would be filled with claustrophobic locations with former allies and friends, but Connor could do nothing to get out from the walls as they came in and swallowed him up.

It was a long night.

It was a long, uncomfortable and harrowing night...

[member="Velon Ielor"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]

And the uncomfortable night would continue to the morning, as what the Anzati had planned would make Connor more uncomfortable, but he would tap into his dark-side rage, and continue his descent further into darkness.

As always, Velon walk up early. He then went to Connor's room, having bathed, and so forth. When he arrived in Connor's room, he knocked the door, hoping that he would wake up.

"An hour for you to prepare Mr.Harrison." he said. "Then I will come for you." he said. He didn't care if Connor was fatigued, but he hoped the former Jedi Master would have some energy, as what he would be going through would be worse.

While he left Connor, and had him prepare himself, Velon went to his room, and began to triple-check everything.

All was going according to his plan.

Connor Harrison

Connor had dozed on and off, finding it near impossible to be comfortable. There was so much going on in his head, both naturally and assaulted by external forces, that this was a dark place to be in let alone try and rest.

He didn’t acknowledge the intended wake-up call. He just lay there looking up and the stone ceiling and dozed some more.

Who knew what would be on show today. What sort of lore and secrets would be revealed? No idea. He just hoped it was something he could go away with, taking Velon’s name as a potential ally and more fuel to fire his journey to fully understanding and embracing the Dark Side.

He was tired, but he had survived on less sleep than this in the past.

[member="Velon Ielor"]

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