Vash Windrider
The Midnight - Orbiting over Sraeljoarsk.
A.M local time.
The Imperial frigate pierced the void of space about the dark world, like that of a dagger. It's class name sake. The Midnight's blade, or simply 'The Midnight", would immediately activate it's recently ungraded cloaking system and move into a low orbit the primitive world that resting in the wilds of space. Only a few hours lightspeed jump from the edge of Sith controlled space.Under the command and control of the Sith Knight Vash Windrider, the ship had ventured out from TSE space. Deciding on a planet thought to be wild and predatory, void of government or protection from any one or anything but that which lived on or below the surface. The perfect place to train as a Master and a apprentice. It would be the place where Vash would start to forge his apprentice into something worth of the title of Sith. Or the place were she perished, never to be seen or heard from again.
Restless as always, Vash had been waiting and watched most of the voyage from the bridge of the ship. Sealed inside his assassin armor. He watched through the cold expressionless form of his helmet, as the ship came to rest over the planet. And awaited the apearance of his apprentice as he called her through the force. Summoning her without words from their connection in the dark side.
@Clara Cole [member="The Firefox"]