Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Rebuilding Corellia . . . Again

So as Corellia is still broken into pieces, perhaps it might be a good idea to begin terrforming and trying to put the pieces back together again.

One theory or attempt could be to use large dovin basals to bring the pieces together while explosives are set where the planet's core was to re-liquefy the core and rebind the planet. Might get a few new mountain ranges, but in theory it could work and the Sith could use this as a massive PR move to show the galaxy the lengths they can go to.

Just a thought of course
[member="Darth Skaarj "]That should be fairly obvious: we obtain another world in proximity to the Core; show the Galaxy that we can create as easily as we destroy and, finally, at least offer the Corellians of the board (such as myself) a means by which to return home, even if not the original. That's no small thing.

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
I would like to take a moment to interject here. I had begun a thread during the March Event revolving around Corellia (though the thread got buried under everything else). I currently have a new one, with the newly crowned Duchess offering Corellians (or those that remained or were holding out, the offer to relocate to the Avidonian Dominion). Her true purpose though is to potentially acquire designs or other bits of tech from the other half, the plant Lashtu.
As the writer of Lashtu, and a semi-ally of the One Sith, I felt it important to let it be known. The Lashutan species were known in the Vong Galaxy as ship builders (think Corellians, Givin and Mon Calamarian love children apex of ship building). There could potentially be a couple alien vessel designs or bits of vessels left over to be reengineered.
Just wanted to make it known that setting explosives at the planet's exposed core will do nothing except break it apart further. There is actual world-building technology in star wars that should see use, improvised methods will do little more than destroy what is left or create an expensive heat flare.

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
What Silara said.

There are world building technologies that will be in use.

Titan Industries was given full control of the Corellian system by Reverance and the One Sith. So far we've been focusing our efforts on the rebuilding of the drive yards and the relocation of what is left of the Corellian population to Tralus and Talus(The Twin Worlds), which have more than enough space for such a mass increase in refugees. Along with this, Titan along with ATC has been establishing new facilities in order to provide work and sustainability within the Corellian System for those who lost everything. Development has so far focused on these projects. This ensures that the Corellian System will remain functioning and prosperous while Corellia itself is little more than a pair of floating rocks.

On the sidelines Titan Industries has been terraforming and vongforming worlds for years, being involved in a number of planet altering events. Using this experience Titan is developing new technologies that will allow for the re-forging(for lack of a better term) of Corellia itself. Once the two planetary halves are put together we will begin the terraforming of Corellia back into the world it once was. Doing this however takes a vast amount of time as well as financial resources.

The point of this is to say, There is a plan, no explosives will not be used, yes everyone can help, but it will take time. This is not something that can or should just be handwaved, especially considering that Corellia has a Netherworld portal floating over it.
I think someone needs to be working on a Codex Lore entry for this. I don't want the breaking of Corellia to be forgotten, or the gate into Chaos, or the fact that half of it is now an alien world from the Vong Galaxy.

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