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Reclaimer Arms & Industrial: Private Stock & Custom Orders

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[font='Georgia] Reclaimer Arms & Industrial Private Stock & Custom Orders [/font]​

Reclaimer Arms & Industrial is an organization dedicated to providing weapons to a morally grey Galaxy. So no matter who you are, we will sell to you. This section of Reclaimer is to showcase our more rare items that we provide to individual customers with a limit of five orders per limited item and two per semi unique. We also will take custom jobs for unique items. These items include...

Force Imbued Trinkets/Weapons/Armor
Rare Material Armor/Weapons (Beskar, Phrik, Cortosis, non dev thread metals)

And if you have the material on hand we will do whatever job you want. Feel free to browse and buy from the collection bellow. We look forward to having your business.

Weapons (Non Force Imbued)

Phrik Halberd: A phrik polearm designed to keep saber jockeys at bay.

The Ravager: A powerful double barreled sawed off shotgun coated in phrik and comes with two phrik bayonets for killing force users.

Tactical Fighting Blade: A standard phrik sword. Nothing special just a sturdy and quick blade.

The Marauder: A phrik plated heavy assault rifle that was made to hunt down force users at multiple distances. Comes with a choice of phrik bayonet or phrik chainsaw bayonet.

Armor (Non Force Imbued)

Phrik Bracers: A pair of phrik bracers that will block lightsabers and keep you from being dismembered violently.

Savior Class Tactical Vest Comes with accompanying Phrik SAPI: A vest with a phrik plate used to stop everything from bullets, bolts, and lightsabers. If you're looking for casual protection then this is for you.

Desperado Class Beskar Armor:: Beskar armor for the inner fringe loving desperado in all of us. A set of survivalist armor that is as tough as they come. Plus a dope ass hat.

Reclaimer Modular Helmet: A custom phrik helmet for every species. Protects your dome from multiple damage types and is top quality craftsmanship.

Armor (Force Imbued)

Defender Bracelets: Force imbued leather bracelets that can create a TK bubble to protect you. Completely rechargeable and capable of being used by NFUs.

Enigma Class Gas Mask: Force imbued gas masks that of course filter toxins and conceal your identity visually as well as mentally by providing a force barrier to keep mental attacks from entering your mind.

Weapons (Force Imbued)

Cruciatus Blades: Pain inducing blades that turn your opponents wounds into soul crushingly painful agony and has all the added perks of a force imbued blade.

Kandosii Blades (Mandalorian exclusive): Force imbued blades that fill the user with a sense of courage and pride.

Bone Breaker Trench Club: A force imbued trench club with the added benefits of standard force imbued sword. Bash your opponents brains in with this wonderful weapon.

Drifter Class Shotgun: The drifter is a force imbued lever action shotgun with a charm placed on it causing it to fire slugs and buckshot as fast as a high end railgun.

Stealth Products

Phantasm Class Stealth Cloak:: A Stygian wired cloak that turns the user invisible and undetectable through traditional scanners.
[member="Miss Blonde"]

I'd like to place a custom order for a body suit that acts like giant crushgaunt. I want it to make me faster and stronger, be made of beskar, and able to slip underneath my regular armor.
[member="Miss Blonde"]

Sister dear, I have need of a second Phantasm Cloak, and a second Drifter Shotgun. I've just learned I have a long lost daughter. She'll need protecting, you understand I'm sure.

Order (Buying it all, lol)

- (01) The Ravager
- (02) Tactical Fighting Blade
- (01) The Marauder
- (01) Desperado Class Armor
- (02) Defender Bracelets
- (01) Kandosii Blades
- (01) Drifter Class Shotgun
- (01) Phantasm Class Stealth Cloak

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