Taeli Raaf
Standing on the bridge of the first Exalt-class Star Destroyer, Taeli, known as Darth Arcanix, couldn't help but smile a bit as she gazed at the planet in the bridge's viewport.
Iridonia, homeworld of the Zabraks, was ripe for the taking by the Sith and it was her job to expand their control into this region.
Around the Star Destroyer, a small flotilla of Sith forces began to emerge from hyperspace, carrying the forces that would take the planet. So far, no security forces had risen up to engage the new arrivals, but these people were proud. They would not accept the yoke of Sith control unless the Sith actually earned it in combat. Understandable of course, the Sith had once had a hold of this planet through martial might and the same had to be done again.
Taeli knew that taking the world meant they could have a stronghold for expansion in this region of space, but what was equally important was tapping into the large amount of Force users on the planet and establish a new Sith academy on the surface, as had been the case almost two millennia ago.
"Begin the operation," she said, nodding at the commander on the bridge. Starfighters and transports began moving out, all of them with the purpose of expanding the power of the Sith and the Dark Lord
[member="Melori Raaf"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Elensa Jari"]
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]
Iridonia, homeworld of the Zabraks, was ripe for the taking by the Sith and it was her job to expand their control into this region.
Around the Star Destroyer, a small flotilla of Sith forces began to emerge from hyperspace, carrying the forces that would take the planet. So far, no security forces had risen up to engage the new arrivals, but these people were proud. They would not accept the yoke of Sith control unless the Sith actually earned it in combat. Understandable of course, the Sith had once had a hold of this planet through martial might and the same had to be done again.
Taeli knew that taking the world meant they could have a stronghold for expansion in this region of space, but what was equally important was tapping into the large amount of Force users on the planet and establish a new Sith academy on the surface, as had been the case almost two millennia ago.
"Begin the operation," she said, nodding at the commander on the bridge. Starfighters and transports began moving out, all of them with the purpose of expanding the power of the Sith and the Dark Lord
[member="Melori Raaf"] [member="Darth Venefica"] [member="Darth Veles"] [member="Darth Ferus"] [member="Elensa Jari"]
[member="Nulgath Zardai"]
Objectives would be:
1. Establish One Sith control of the system - this can include taking a city, killing local security forces if they resist, win honor duels against a planetary champion, capturing politicians, blackmailing someone to be your puppet, etc. etc. and all that fun.
2. Build a new Sith academy there - Iridonia was the site of a Sith academy once upon a time, and because of the high turnout of Force users here, establishing one to expand Sith influence over these people would be crucial.
3. Fortify and build military presence - With Iridonia being a very martial world, and also close to our favorite neighbors, it would need some build-up to be a proper staging point for further incursions in that sector of space and to make anyone think twice about attacking it
4. Wipe out the influence the famous Jedi have on the population - For you Inquisitor types, the Zabraks of Iridonia seem to like their Jedi, and this is just unacceptable. Purging the files, razing statues, and all that would need to be done.
1. Establish One Sith control of the system - this can include taking a city, killing local security forces if they resist, win honor duels against a planetary champion, capturing politicians, blackmailing someone to be your puppet, etc. etc. and all that fun.
2. Build a new Sith academy there - Iridonia was the site of a Sith academy once upon a time, and because of the high turnout of Force users here, establishing one to expand Sith influence over these people would be crucial.
3. Fortify and build military presence - With Iridonia being a very martial world, and also close to our favorite neighbors, it would need some build-up to be a proper staging point for further incursions in that sector of space and to make anyone think twice about attacking it
4. Wipe out the influence the famous Jedi have on the population - For you Inquisitor types, the Zabraks of Iridonia seem to like their Jedi, and this is just unacceptable. Purging the files, razing statues, and all that would need to be done.