Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction Reconstituted and Consecrated

United in Passion. United in Conquest.

The grand chamber aboard the mobile space station Ascension hums with an air of solemnity and purpose, its towering walls adorned with the sigils of the Ascendant Orders and illuminated by the faint crimson glow of Sith and Imperial designs. The room is a testament to the unity and ambition of the Order, its architecture blending the austere elegance of Imperial tradition with the dark, imposing aesthetic of Sith philosophy. At the center of the chamber stands a circular holoprojector table, its surface alive with flickering star maps and tactical displays, while the elevated tier of seating around it are empty - waiting to be filled by Sith Lords, military commanders, intelligence operatives, and key advisors. The atmosphere is charged with anticipation, for this gathering will mark a pivotal moment in the history of the Order, a step toward their transformation into a true galactic power.

Ascension is the product of the cruel cleansing of Waystation Oasis, formerly a faint beacon of false hope and the lie of peace, it has now been turned into the beating heart of the Ascendant Order. With production lines, dockyards and barracks to training centers, quarters for Sith and even Academy grounds, the massive construct is a testimony of change. What once served the decay and corruption of the Galaxy, was now turned into what served change and conflict, the true constants of nature.

Around its space the beginnings of the Ascendant Navy lay in cold anticipation, the hulls of its ships silently humming through the void of space, martial might captured in the shape of a speartip. Its integrated shipyards working relentlessly to reinforce the growing strength of the Order and ensure its role in the Galaxy will be acknowledge, through shadow and flame, fire and blood and the reckoning of all that has been infected with the taint of idleness and complacency.

The Ascendant Order has summoned its members to the Ascendant Council Chambers to gather and present its path forward. A gathering of purpose and direction.


| Darth Imperius Darth Imperius | Darth Callidus Darth Callidus | The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger | Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin | Crane Baxa Crane Baxa | Hellmarch Hellmarch | Aemicia Vaiken Aemicia Vaiken |​

Mid Rim | Ascension | Council Chambers

Darth Imperius stood at the large viewport next to what could only be described as a throne. There were more of its kind around, but not all stood on an elevated podium. His dark eyes looked at the Harrowers and their escorts ships that were gathered in the space outside. It was completely empty otherwise, no planet or astronomical object was close. Quite literally the void of space. But also a place where at the current transitional period, nobody would search or find them, even if tried. Coordinates were given and Ascension had a homing beacon that was only accessible by Ascendant Order members, created and installed by the Dark Lord himself.

He waited. He thought about what was to come and what would be coming of this meeting here today. There was no place for casual idleness and inaction. The Ascendant Order was to be different and it would pursue the cause to make a difference, to change, to destroy and rebuild with relentless purpose. While he knew that opportunity was a Sith's greatest drive, he was more than intent on making sure that the Sith that rallied to his banner, would be given more and more opportunity. Passion for blood, for conquest, for domination, for rule, for knowledge could all be united and achieved under the auspices of this new order.

It has been far too long that he took the reigns himself, not following some reluctant monarch, twisted philosophy or fallen ideology. He was made to lead, he had made himself to become an instrument of the Dark side. He stood with his hands clasped on his back, his chin was high. Many would see arrogance where he only saw truth. He was awfully aware of his own abilities, knowing far more about himself than anyone could hope to witness in a lifetime and therefore it was not hubris or pride that drove him. It was knowledge. It was certainty.

He turned as footsteps announced the coming of others.

The Horror in the Darkness

R & C

"Horrors, I believe, should be original--the use of common myths and legends being a weakening influence."
- H.P. Lovecraft -
Location: Mid Rim | Ascension | Council Chambers


The air of the Dark Side was presently strong, locked inside the orbiting metal sarcophagus with its intricate designs and fashioned banners embroidered with the Sith Ascendency logo. Every few meters, standing erect like statues chiseled from marble, where soldiers of the Ascendency, staunch in their sworn duties.

I walked through the spacious corridors, ignoring the respectful bows from passing soldiers and non-military personnel, tossing bits of rancid meat out in front of my steps, as Archie danced across the floor plucking them up; devouring each piece in precision timing. For one so little, his appetite was fiercely legendary; like his Master, who too consumed the lives of others for both nourishment and barbaric pleasure.

As I passed by viewports, I caught glimpses of my reflection; horrifying by design. I didn't just represent fear and death, nor did I project it outward like some ancient hologram, though I was far ahead in years, but I was fear and death personified. There was a time, eons ago, I was once pretty, beauty beyond the complexion of the word; but my cruelty held no such visions, metamorphosing my beauty into that of hideous creature of death.

At last we arrived to the council chambers, where the entirety of the scene before me played out like a powerful and wisdom induced seance, I saw
Darth Imperius Darth Imperius standing proudly, as he should, for his vision for a better Sith was blossoming from the rotten fruit he harvested from the Sith Order. I took a seat at one of the empty thrones, whilst Archie flutterrd his way to the throne's right armrest.

"My Lord."


Tags: Darth Imperius Darth Imperius Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin

"It is a pleasure to see you again, Lady of Death."

The voice was soft, yet it carried through the vast chamber like a phantom whisper, slipping from the shadows themselves.

Then, with slow, deliberate grace, Darth Callidus emerged from the darkness behind one of the great thrones. She had been there all along, unseen, a patient predator veiled within the Force. She relished these moments—the silent observations, the unguarded reactions of those who thought themselves alone. The first arrival was always the most revealing. Would they hesitate? Stand tall? Dare to assume control of the room?

Her eyes caught the dim light—faintly glowing red orbs, smoldering like embers beneath the hood of her robes. They did not simply reflect the fire of the Dark Side; they burned with it, betraying the power that simmered beneath her composed exterior.

Few entered the presence of Darth Imperius without Callidus knowing long before their arrival. Fewer still did so without her permission. At last, she turned toward Imperius, inclining her head with the practiced ease of one who understood ceremony, not as a constraint, but as a weapon.

"My Lord," she murmured, her voice a careful blend of reverence and amusement, as though she were humoring some grand game only she understood. "Ascension personnel report that the rest of our guests are arriving without issue."

A pause. Measured. Intentional.

"As for the matter we discussed earlier…" A slow smile curled her lips, though it did not quite reach her eyes. "Simply say the word, and tonight's entertainment will be brought in." The words dripped with layered meaning. Callidus did not offer mere amusements. She curated performances. Displays of power, of suffering, of control.

And tonight, someone would learn their place.
Credius Nargath| Darth Halcyon

The waystation had become a beacon of Sith authority and power after it had been overrun and inevitably cleansed by the forces of the Ascendant Order. From within the meditation chambers aboard the Gluttoneria, the Lord of Hunger could sense it, he could feel it, even see it through the force: the magnitude in which the Waystation Oasis had changed and turned into a veritable seat of power for Darth Imperius.

An armored hand slowly slid over the edges of the obsidian chair he sat on, his fingers caressing the electrum detailing upon the armrests, as he could feel the presence of all those who sought to stand at the pinnacle of the Sith. Even through all the sorcery, all the alchemy, Imperius' presence was most clear, like a dark beacon of neverending night, his presence within the force was surprisingly tranquil, balanced and strong, a testament to the unwavering will the man exuded. Lady Callidus was different, but not any less, hers was colder, more like blizzard than a deep void. The third one he could sense was Lady Moskvin, whose presence was somewhat new to the Monster, she felt raw and unfiltered, as if she still needed to be polished or consciously embraced the brutality within herself...quite fitting for someone whose unquenchable thirst for violence was unmistakable.

With a few metallic thuds upon the obsidian throne, the Lord of Hunger rose from his seat, reaching for the Dolos Amulet to subside his own presence within the force, lulling it for others to not sense his presence unless if he wanted them to do so. However, as he still wore his family jewel; the Vele Jivanikas, that in itself would give off a strong and deep dwelling within the darkness of the force.

With heavy steps, the Lord of Hunger emerged from his meditation chamber, passing through the long, winding corridors of the Gluttoneria, which with its considerable girth and length loomed over the Waystation like the sword of Damocles, the unmistakable flagship of someone who held more power in the palm of their hand than any regular mortal.

Holding his armored arm in front of him, Credius started to accumulate a dark fog in front of himself, a feat which had become so much easier as of late, it must have been the Force which was fulfilling the Lord of Hunger lately, the battles, the experiments of Imperius seemed to be strengthening the abomination, it became clear that the decision to support darth Imperius' ambitions had been the correct choice.

As soon as the swirling fog managed to reach a suitable size, Credius' hand reached deep into it, as he allowed his entire body to sink into the darkness...Until a similar black cloud of fog started to form within the Waystation itself, the stability of this spell strengthened by the presence of the Sith present, the Lord of Hunger slowly emerged from this portal right in the middle of the circle of thrones, his vibrant inhuman eyes slowly glancing from left to right. Slowly, he raised his left hand and snapped his fingers, with the fog dispersing in an instant as if it was ruptured and shattered like a bloodvessel under pressure.
"You have called... Darth Imperius?" Despite his own size not being small by any meassure, the Lord of Hunger could see how the Ascendant Lord towered over him, still...a chuckle escaped the abomination's mouth as he turned towards the other ones present. "Darth Callidus, Darth Moskvin... so...a gathering it is than."


Darth Callidus Darth Callidus | Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin | The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger | Crane Baxa Crane Baxa | Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar

The first one to arrive was Darth Moskvin, her grace carried with undeniable malice, an unholy alliance that made her as much a volatile weapon as it made her a true follower of the Sith Code. He did not need anything less. She was not easily impressed or followed empty promises, she sought action and purpose. It was her talents that secured her a place, acknowledgement and appreciation in the Ascendant Order. She was regarded with a subtle nod.

Darth Halcyon, more commonly known as Credius Nargath, was as much a wildcard as he was one of the most useful and skillful assets. His ambitions and entanglements in the Galaxy left most spymasters guessing on which side of the conflict he would appear to bring his substantial assets and exceptional mind to bear. He was not a mere warrior, scientist or engineer, he held all of them in himself, not too dissimilar than Imperius. It was a common ground that allowed for a connection that bonded beyond mere pragmatism. And so he received a nod as well.

Where there were skills shared and embraced, the one who did not need to arrive as she was already there, there was a common vision, a union of ideals and purpose with his Shadow Hand. Darth Callidus more than any other in the room was a part of what and how the Dark Lord saw and wanted to shape the Galaxy. It was a future that was waiting for them, seeing it from the two angles of a conqueror and of a subduer. Two sides of a coin that presented itself to overcome any challenge that threw itself into the way of the young Ascendant Order. He regarded her as the greatest ally and greatest threat. Her presence required no acknowledgement, no greeting.

"I welcome you here today. Darth Callidus, Darth Halcyon, Darth Moskvin. The Sith Ascendant Order does not bother with frivolity or revel and yet the need for gatherings is necessary, not only to join each other in the Order we are building, but also to make our intentions and ambitions become direction and purpose."

His steps carried him, slowly, clamly and with a profound clank towards the forefront of his throne.

"We have announced our presence to the Galaxy, leaving behind the shackles and decadent ruins that is the so called Sith Order, we have brought fire and blood to the Naboo on Enarc and we will eradicate the feeble flame that is the New Sith Order and their lackey savages and monks to claim an Empire. Our path is not paved by mere intentions, but by actions, decisive and purposeful. It is our unity, our discipline that will transform our strength into victory."

"But there is no respite. The Galaxy is vast, our enemies are many. To solidify our hold, our powerbase, we are preparing to launch a Crusade into the Unknown Regions. We will claim what nobody has seen or dared in millennia. We shall fuel our engines of war with the fuel they require to let the one truth reign supreme and to let the Galaxy know that Sith are not mere politicians, liberators or avengers."

"We are the rightful rulers of this Galaxy, by the law of the strongest. It is a long way ahead."

Tags: Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin Darth Imperius Darth Imperius The Lord of Hunger The Lord of Hunger Darth Callidus Darth Callidus

The pain...that was all the Chadra-Fan could think of, the distinct pain in his face, his eyes...the very fur on his body had turned a dark brown. The burns, the fights he had and even the small stint in prison had done a great deal of damage to the Chadra-Fan in the small amount of weeks that had occurred to the Greedy Rodent. The idea that the Chadra-Fan would even join this...Ascendant Order was beyond anything that would have normally happened in the past, if it was not for the actions that transpired after the fact. The credits, the jewels...Greed itself has taken over the rodents very soul and mind, almost a puppet now to the Dark Side itself.

But the cost has already been high, the soft scratching among the floor was evident of that. The legs were not normal, in fact they were far removed from what would been considered normal for the Chadra-Fan. It had not increased his height, at least not visibly. The legs seemed familiar, the feet resembling something of claw like feet, reverse jointed. In the legs itself was visibly two lightsabers, one in each leg with various small screens inside. The Chadra-Fan was a technological expert, even a user of Mechu-Deru that proved to be invaluable but the legs themselves reflected not only stealth but also the little nuances of climbing, agility, thievery as a few electro-picks and dataspikes could be found around the legs.

Moreso, it seemed to be a strange Electrum like color to them, making them rather expensive but it had some strange reflective hue on the legs. Anyone who had been around similar items would know it was a coating of Phkalt Metal, a very expensive metal that exhibited properties similar to Beskar. It also had additional properties such as cloaking technology but it would not do much in this kind of environment. The only additional thing was how it could extend the users height, making it a more proper height for dueling if required but still having the shorter body.

Regardless, he was of regular height, his legs reverse jointed and heading into the chambers of what would be considered a gathering of Sith Lords. He had never been part of an organization like this, rather he been a criminal most of his entire adult life. Even when frozen in Carbonite, he went back to doing what he did best until the first time he died...then this happened and caused a bit of an existantal crisis. What was his goal? Credits was the only answer in his mind, the greed clouding his judgement once more.

The Chadra-Fan would arrive into the chambers, noticing how many others were now present. He had not known any except one in particular, a Darth Moskvin Darth Moskvin whom he had met for the first time while piloting a particular walker to kill the Jedi on planet. That was when the Seed of Rage was...more or less, confiscated from the Rodent. That led to the prison a bit later, than him wounding back up over here after somehow surviving the prison raid from the Mandalorians. Whatever their reason was to keeping him, it was still not fully known to the Chadra-Fan. He was trained in the Force, an accomplished Duelist in Makashi and almost something akin to an Intelligence Operative...if he stopped stealing half of the things, hence why eyes had to be on him anywhere he went outside of his room. Not that it stopped him of course....

Kneeling down slowly as he awaited for the speech from the one and only Darth Imperius Darth Imperius to finish, the whir of the legs would be heard a bit audibly as they were still being broken in at the time. The Chadra-Fan knew something of protocol from his Father, remembering the tales of how to formally address those of higher status. While it was not in his nature, he would attempt it, even without formal training of the Sith kind. Taking to heart the words of the speech, he would only speak when a sufficient silence would present itself, not wishing to step on peoples toes...or lose his legs again.

"Imperator and Council, I come summoned to these Illustrious Chambers as requested."

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