Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Recovery

The grand facade of the Royal Hospital of Avalonia, a blend of pristine white stone and shimmering transparisteel, stood tall against the Avalonian skyline. A promise of hope and healing lay within its walls, there the air was filled with a hushed reverence and the quiet hum of machinery blending with the soft murmurs of medical staff and the occasional beep of a monitor.

Ivalyn lay in one of the private recovery suites, a sleek, sterile space. Beside her the glow of the medical equipment cast a gentle light across the room, highlighting the pastel pink sheets and the array of flowers, and the many get-well cards that adorned the side table. The atmosphere was a mix of efficiency and reassurance.

Strong in body as she was, Ivalyn bore the mark of the recent trauma. The projectile that had torn through her had been a, through-and-through wound that, while not fatal had left her in dire need. While some may have opted for cybernetics, Ivalyn instead opted for organ regeneration. The wound itself was a testament to the violence that had shattered her otherwise tranquil life, but her spirit remained unbroken.

Beside her, her girlfriend Merryn sat in a chair beside her. Her hand intertwined with Ivalyn's. Merryn's eyes were red-rimmed from late nights and worry. She maintained a brave face, squeezing Ivalyn's hand gently. Merryn continued to offer support, her dark brown hair fell in soft waves around her face, a contrast to the white alls and the medical paraphernalia around them.

Opposite of her, stood Ariel Yvarro, Ivalyn's mother. She had always been a rock for her children, and had always tended to them. However, seeing Ivalyn in this state tested her resilience. The love she felt for her daughter, coupled with despair, meant she devoted herself to staying with Ivalyn as much as possible. Ariel splitting her time between Ivalyn and Zola, her younger daughter who rested a few floors up.

The steady rhythm of Ivalyn's monitors provided a constant, albeit tenuous reassurance. The doctors reassured them that the regeneration process was progressing well, but the waiting was agony. Every moment felt stretched, the anticipation of healing clashed with the fear of all that could go wrong.

Ivalyn could scarcely open her eyes, they felt so heavy, but with Merryn's subtle touch, and gentle reassurance. All she could do was squeeze back. Ivalyn was still there, trying her damnedest to wake.

A soft knock to the door broke the silence,and a nurse entered, her expression professional yet kind. "How are we doing in here?" she asked, her eyes scanning the room, landing on Ivalyn with a reassuring smile.

All the Dosuunian could manage was a weakened reply of, "here."


Ivalyn Yvarro Ivalyn Yvarro

All that mattered to him was his legacy and the continuation of the Imperial; his children were a vessel to realize his goals and were one of the few people he trusted with his secrets. He had heard the news of his daughter’s recent injuries and made quick to see her. What she suffered was not fatal, but it drained her from consciousness.

He did not require any of the staff to escort him to Ivalyn’s room. Whatever doors were denied to him he’d slice it with ease using the tools at his disposal.

It didn’t take long to reach her room, knocking thrice before entering the room. At first glance he saw the nurse and his daughter in bed rest, before realizing an unfamiliar woman was there and a former lover.

“Ariel,” acknowledging her presence with a quick glare from his one good eye.
Ariel knew it was Djorn a moment before he entered. He was many things, she knew, however when his children needed him. He was there, so when he acknowledged her with a quick glare from his one good eye. Ariel slowly rose to her feet, and leaned over to give Ivalyn a quick kiss to her forehead. "Your father's here, Ivalyn," she said softly, and then carefully stepped around Djorn and motioned for Merryn to come with her.

"Come along, Merryn, we'll pay Zola a visit," she told her, gently guiding Merryn out of the hospital room. Leaving Ivalyn with her father, with the beeps of monitors and hums of machines.

Ivalyn was pale, with small bruises around where the machines had been. Her body's strength having been sapped, energy used to keep her basic functions going. A gasp, and Ivalyn managed a, "hey." Weak as it was, fluids being fed intravenously. Slowly, she canted her head to the side to see her father. The nurse swapped fluid bags here and there, adjusting wires and cables so Ivalyn could be a little more comfortable.

After a moment or two the nurse departed, and Ivalyn continued on, "some party." A very, bad joke at her own expense, but she couldn't think of anything else. "Some security," she added after a gasp for breath.

Djorn Bline Djorn Bline | Taeli Raaf Taeli Raaf [Merryn]

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