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Public Recruitment and Bounty Office

High Commander of the Lilaste Order
Near the end of Dock 4, positioned strategically closer to the military checkpoints that lead deeper into Aurora Station, lies the Recruitment and Bounty Office. This dynamic center buzzes with energy and purpose, serving as a pivotal hub for new recruits and seasoned bounty hunters alike, all operating under the banner of the Lilaste Order.

The office is a large, well-organized space with a sleek, modern design that exudes efficiency. The entrance is flanked by digital billboards displaying the latest assignments, recruitment drives, and bounty postings. Holographic advertisements project enticing offers, from lucrative bounties to promising career paths within the Lilaste Order's military and security forces.

Inside, the atmosphere is a blend of military precision and the rugged spirit of adventure. To the left, a row of recruitment desks is manned by uniformed personnel, ready to guide aspiring recruits through the enlistment process for the Lilaste Order. Informational displays and brochures highlight the benefits of joining the Order's ranks, detailing everything from training programs to career advancement opportunities. The air is filled with the low hum of conversations, as recruiters discuss the future with potential candidates.

To the right, the bounty office section is more bustling and informal. Here, bounty hunters of all stripes gather to review the latest postings. A large, interactive display board dominates the wall, showcasing a constantly updating list of bounties, complete with detailed profiles, rewards, and mission briefs. Hunters of various species and backgrounds can be seen huddled in groups, discussing strategies and sharing intel. The room is alive with the clinking of gear, the rustle of maps, and the occasional burst of laughter or heated debate.

At the center of the office, a circular reception desk acts as the nerve center, staffed by knowledgeable attendants who coordinate activities and provide assistance. They direct recruits to the appropriate desks and help bounty hunters with mission details and verification processes. The walls are adorned with inspirational posters and mission accolades, celebrating the accomplishments of notable recruits and hunters who have made their mark.
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Captain Antio Way'lurr was clearly out of place in the bounty hunters office. In contrast to everyone there with their armor and gear, Antio was dressed in a clean white civillian ship captain's uniform with ornate gold trim. And as everyone seemed to be clustered into conversational groups, Antio was standing totally alone with his back rigid and his meaty Dornean hands clasped behind his back. He stood at the bounty board, staring as various bounties and contracts scrolled up the wall for everyone to see.

Suddenly, his second in command, Breve, walked into the bounty office, dressed in a similar, if less ornate version of Antio's uniform. He fell-in beside his captain and assumed the same stance with his hands clasped beg his back.

Antio spoke first, "how did the sale go?"

Breve tilted his head slightly towards his captain while not taking his eyes off the wall, "It's not closed yet, but it's looking good. The appraiser seemed like he really wanted to buy the beskar, so I don't think they'll lowball us on this one. Turns out you were right!"

"Is Carvahan still in a tizzy about the beskar?" Antio asked, regarding his other senior manager from the Verdict.

Breve chuckled, "He is still skeptical. He doesn't want to admit that he was wrong about selling the Neebray Manta blubber to Damascus Station for credits instead of precious metals."

"We would have definitely gotten good money for the blubber on Damascus Station, for sure," admitted Antio, "they are always willing to pay good money for food stuffs. But they put less stock in their precious metals than most organizations. By taking beskar as payment, we were sure to compound our returns by taking the metal here, where they pay a higher price. It's all about navigating supply and demand. This little detour will more than cover our cost for fuel, I assure you."

"Good thinking," complimented Breve. There was a moment of silence as they watched the board for a bit. Then, Breve changed the subject, "so, why are you here now?"

"Well, we're in between hunting seasons now." Antio explained, "I think our Neebray Manta hunt is good and done this year, and we have a few months before the purgils are done their mating season, so I figured we might score a decent contract while we were here."

"I'm not seeing anything good for us, Captain," observed Breve. The list was starting over and Breve was beginning to see the same contracts making laps on the screen.

"No, but I wasn't holding my breath for the public bounty board," Antio explained further, "This board is mostly for small until operations, or solo contractors. I got a number so I can talk directly to the procurement officer and see if they have anything off the books or odd tips that they normally wouldn't have posted."

"What number do you have?" Asked Breve.


"And what number are they on?" Breve persisted.


"Ok," Breve sighed, "let me see if I can move things along, here."

Breve wheeled on his heels and then strode over to the reception desk, "hello, we're not here to file a complaint or anything, but we'd like to hire out our heavy cruiser for a large scale contract if you have anything of that nature. Is there any chance we can see a procurement officer sooner than later?"

Laphisto Laphisto
High Commander of the Lilaste Order
The reception desk was manned by several humanoids, a zabrak, twilek and then a selkath. By the time Breve was motioned up to the desk, the selkath man turned in his chair and faced them. The man wore an official outfit of the Lilaste order. With their rank embroiled on their right chest, the man seemed to be a sergeant by the looks of things. The first words out of the man's mouth were a polite greeting " welcome to Aurora station recruitment and bounty board, if you are here to join the ranks of the Lilaste order, please take the form on your right and fill it out, you can sit in the waiting room to your left"

He motioned over towards a waiting room, much like you would find in an office space, with several people filling out forms and even some talking among themselves. But the area was roomy enough to fit several more. As he spoke, he motioned them to the right. " if you are here for bounty work then you can take a look at the bounty board over there, but be advised that it is first come, first serve. any fighting over bounties will result in neither of you getting the job."

when Breve spoke the selkath shook his head " im sorry but we do not allow prioritization over others who were here bef- " as the man spoke, he quickly looked down at his terminal and so did the zabrak and the twi'lek. of which all three began to hurriedly type away at their stations, the selkath looking up quickly in between keystrokes " a heavy cruiser you say? Well , lucky for you, we got a priority one distress and with our current navy spread thin there is an all hand on deck for available resources to Kerkoidia of which you, alongside a few Lilaste order corvettes will be able to respond to "

as the selkath spokje he ejected a data chip from his console and handed it outwards towards breve. " All the information alongside the available rewards will be found on this here if you feel your up to the task "

Captain Antio Way’lurr Captain Antio Way’lurr

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