Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Red and Orange

[member="Anaya Fen"]

Soliael wandered through the building, no sense of urgency or rush about him, simply strolling on through until he found what he was looking for.

In truth, he had not expected to see her here, he had not expected to see her at all actually. The last time they had seen each other it hadn't ended well. Either she had ripped him off or he her, it was difficult to remember, especially because of the events before hand. He frowned slightly, shaking his head as he remembered flashes of red skin.

It had been fun, but not half as fun as it was with Kira.

Of course the person that he thought of was none other than Anaya Fen. She was, predictably, one of the few Sith Lords that Soliael actually respected. One of the few that he did not mind calling Sith, and one of the few that he did not mind saying was his equal. Though he no longer claimed to be Sith, Soliael still held the title in high regard.

Anaya more than met that regard.

Her devotion to chaos, death, and all things her own made Soliael proud to call her Sith. Perhaps Moridin had not failed everything.

“Anaya.” Soliael said as he rounded a corner and finally found her.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya's lips curled into an all too familiar smirk, and she straightened up from the balcony rail she was leaning on, peering over her shoulder at Moridins' son. Turning, she leaned against the rails and folded her arms, drinking in his image from head to toe and biting her lower lip at the flash of her own memories.

"Hello Sol," she purred at him. "You look more like your father each time I see you." She finally settled her gaze on his, sharply reminding herself the Ovmar was but a short walk away.

"What brings you to this collection of misfits?"

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

“Even I can only pretend to be a god for so long.” Soliael said in response to her, heavy booted steps drawing him closer. “Eventually, it gets tiring.”

He would have taken her words as an insult before, something that Anaya was well aware of. Soliael had never liked Moridin, had never liked living in his shadow or being a part of his legacy. Yet now he had come to accept it. Kira had helped him see, had opened his eyes and done what no one else had been capable of doing.

She had helped him move on.

“Perhaps I was seeking the company of those that had an ego of similar size. They're so prevalent here that it feels like home.” He smirked at her, coming to a stop right in front of her and taking her hand. He planted a soft kiss on her knuckles, then let her go, looking passed her and onto the view behind her.

“And you?” Soliael said, orange gaze flickering back to her. “I'd never thought I would see you tamed by anyone.”

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya chuckled "Ah yes of course. Nothing like socializing with other overly large egos so you can measure up."

Her eyes flashed, glittering with something predatory, perhaps slightly insulted at being called tame. Still her smile remained.

"I came to make a nuisance of myself, to put my feet on peoples tables and eat their cake. Lucien has a bounty on my head and I count at least three others at this party that would gladly see me six feet under." she grinned "And none of them can touch me." She turned her back on Sol, looking to the view. It was her beleif that you could never truly tame a wild animal, not without losing something of its nature.

"Not tame, just indulging in the smaller pleasures."

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

“I see.” He said with a smile one his face, walking to a point beside her and leaning on the railing of the balcony.

Soliael and Anaya had never been friends, not really. Lovers? Yes, but friends? No. The two had never had a real conversation, just bouts of bandying and baiting, insulting one another and mutual displays of power. Thats what he had always enjoyed about her, there was no vague mysteries, no double talk.

Oh there was lies and deceit, but that was only natural.

“I'll have to warn Jared then.” He mused. “I'm sure he believes otherwise.”

That brought a musing smile to his face, and a quick glance towards her.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya brought a hand to her her heart and made a mocking gasp.

"And spoil my fun so soon?" She pouted. "Come now, Sol, don't be like that."

She was content, comfortable even, where she was. Whether it would last or not only time would tell. Sol might notice, if her looked carefully that anaya had aged more than she should have. Just a touch here and there.

"I have a reputation to uphold, after all."

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

He let out a sigh of exasperation that was played up more than a little bit.

“Fine, but if he ends up dead you'll really make me kick myself.” Soliael grinned at her, then cast his eyes towards the view one last time. He didn't have many friends, mostly because he wasn't a very approachable person, his own sister could attest to that. Slowly Soliael repositioned himself on the balcony, looking to the Twi'lek and studying her.

At first he wished to discern her true intent, whether she was truly just playing or actually here for a reason. Kira had taught him to read body language, kinetic communication she had called it, and he attempted to read Anaya.

What he noticed however was something else entirely.

Aged lines on her face and Lekku, a haggardness to her, a heavier weight to her shoulders and eyes. He looked at her, his lips thinning slightly. “And you Anaya?”

“How fares your struggle against death?” It was a question that could cut to the core. For him, life was long and nearly everlasting, others were not so lucky. It was the hallmark of a Sith, immortality. It was what they all quested after, what they all sought. He had never known if Anaya wanted such things, her motivations had always been chaos and destruction. Now however with the lines written upon her it seemed a question worth asking.

Nisha Decrilla

Anaya smiled slightly, looking down at her hands. She ran them across the coarse stone then lifted her gaze. "I've had my fair share of close calls. But then that comes with the territory." She looked at him then, studying, trying to understand what had shifted the conversation this way. For a moment, she said nothing, she simply gazed at him like he were a puzzle.

"I do not struggle with death. Avoid it? Yes, absolutely. Perhaps not anywhere near as carefully as I should." she glanced back towards the party with a small smirk, that disappeared quickly "But it will come for me. The choice to stay or go will not be mine. That, was never my goal."

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

He smiled at her. It was a soft smile. Most Sith considered themselves beyond death, even if they weren't. It was part of their hubris, part of who they were. Perhaps Anaya simply accepted the truth of the matter, her words certainly suggested it.

“So then you'll not emulate my father? Cheating death again and again?” He smirked at her, though the questions were rhetorical in nature.

That was Moridins way. Die, come back, die again.

Even now many expected him to return, either reformed or remade with that same old smirk. Soliael heard it many times, though he doubted it would ever happen. He noticed her mannerisms as she looked back towards the party, the smile that crept across her face. “I suppose an end is not so bad, provided you spend the time before it comes with the right person.”

The conversation was turning rather morbid.

Nisha Decrilla

"Feth no." she said with a laugh "Though, I imagine that's a little out of spite more than anything else." She pursed her lips "Always did have a love-hate relationship with Masters." She shrugged and rolled her eyes at him.

"Don't be ridiculous. No one like endings. An end is very much a bad thing." She turned her body fully to face him, hip resting against the rail, arms folding across her chest a deep frown on her forehead. "But they will come. The key, is to live in the moment, and without regret." She shivered slightly as a breeze cut across the balcony.

"You've never poked holes or tried to analyze my psyche before, Sol. What got you so interested?"

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

He shrugged. “Perhaps after the fading of my Empire I've finally matured enough to care.”

Soliael shifted to equal her stance, albeit instead of leaning against the railings he stood upright and looked down at her.

“Or perhaps it's because like you, I've attached myself to someone.” An odd way of putting it, but truthful nonetheless. “An act that has made me rather introspective. The situation has made me questioning my past actions, decisions. What I did wrong, what I did right. You are part of those decisions, but one that I've never truly bothered to analyze. You were simply there, mulling within my memories.”

That was true enough, he had never really questioned the things that had happened with Anaya. The day on Zeltros, the vault on Tatooine, they had simply occurred. “As with all things, I crave understanding.”

Nisha Decrilla

"I'm quite content to remain there, mulling." she replied softly. "No good ever came of analyzing me, there's a whole room full of people back there that can confirm that for you. Sometimes, its better not to know, sometimes its better to simply accept that we both enjoyed the eventual outcome. How, or why doesn't matter. How or why is probably out of reach of our understanding."

She smiled. "I understand though. When your attached, there is more to think about than the chaos the next day might bring. Looking back never solved anything though. I'd quit while you're ahead." she paused. Wondering what would happen if she looked back, then recalling the state of her mind what this time would perceive as weeks ago.

"It gets messy. I can tell you that."

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

He scoffed, though in truth it was more of a chuckle. Smiling he looked down at her.

“Well then, I'll quit while I'm ahead then.” Slowly his gaze shifted back towards the party. Amorella was in there, Dissero was in there, a dozen other names that he knew and that knew him. It was an odd thing how people so close to the top tended to all gather together. He wondered if anyone was going to get killed before it was all over.

He looked to her again.

“So, what now?” His smile crossed his face. “We part ways? You go have your fun? I have mine? Never to see one another again?”

He was being far too dramatic about it, but it amused him.

Nisha Decrilla

"Ahw Sol," she said shifting back into her mocking stride easily, she put a hand on his chest. "I never knew you cared, so much."

She tilted her head. "We can do dinner dates on the first Tuesday of every month if you like? Provided I'm not up to my elbows in trouble."

Teasing was so much easier than serious conversation.

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

“Tuesdays are bad for me.” He touched his chin, tapping it with the pad of his index finger. “Can you do Mondays? Much easier to schedule.”

He was more than capable of rolling with her mockery, always had been.

Maybe that was why she hadn't killed him when she'd had the chance. “Though I'm sure its moot, these guys will kill you before we can reach the second date.”

Soliael jerked his thumb towards the room.

Nisha Decrilla

"Hmmm, Mondays are a little tight for me. They're my 'piss off Spencer' days." She laughed, "Hell I don't need a day to do that, it only takes five minutes."

She glanced past his shoulder and pursed her lips. "I duuno," she mused "I'm thinking sitting on Jared's lap and looking pretty for the rest of the night might just save me long enough for us to reach a second date." She looked back at him.

"But where would the fun in that be?"

[member="Soliael Devin Talith"]
[member="Anaya Fen"]

“Even his good graces won't keep you alive forever.” Soliael said, an edge of serious creeping into his tone.

Soliael had no wish to see her dead, no desire to one day wake up without Anaya Fen in this galaxy. She amused him, brought him a sense of comfort knowing that there was a proper Sith running around.

“Eventually, their egos will break.” He shrugged. “Always do.”

“Though I'm sure you'll manage to take a few of them with you.” He winked at her.

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