"Really? Let me tell you then...."
I looked around real quick.
"Alright. So, Eight hundred years ago, I was an admiral under the command of the Hapan Royal Navy. I was doing experiments on clones on the side. Big experiments. We're talking full physical modification. I learned how to make female clones to function as infiltrators and clandestine officers and the like. But one was flawed. She was born basically without most of her life functions... And she was born Force sensitive. I saved her, at the cost of... fundamentally changing her. One day, somebody from High Command came to take her away... And arrest me. I shot him. He survived, but he had me put on trial and nearly executed. In the end, I and more than half a million other people were exiled on the HRN's version of an Outbound Flight project."
I shuddered a bit from the memory, and continued.
"WE got as far as the Unknown Regions... And all hell broke loose. A plague swept through and killed most of my people. It happened within a week. It was so bad, that I gave the order for everybody to go into stasis. Eight centuries of sleep. All my loved ones, with the exception of my brother, died when they were removed from stasis. My creation.... My daughter.... She's comatose. The stasis had an effect on her nervous system or something. When the people first came out of stasis, I almost had a mutiny on my hands when they found out she was on board. My dear Sammy. She would've hated that. She would go around in the parks and feed stray animals. Give money to the random homeless people she saw. But now, because of my arrogance, she and hundreds of thousands of others have no home, no reality, and some of them don't even have families anymore."
I realized I was crying. Damn. She wouldn't be impressed with that.
"I am without a doubt, a despicable creature. I would feel better if everything that happened was by my own design, but it was all because of my arrogance and subsequent stupidity."
I smiled at Rikki, a small, sad, smile.
"You're right, you are different from other women. Everybody else who's ever heard this story has screamed, or run away, or told me to go die somewhere. Thank you."