Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Red Darkness


Location: Coruscant Level 1907
Tag: Seth Tarkin Seth Tarkin
Gear: Officer uniform|
AT-SH4 Holdout Blaster

Coruscant still hadn't bounced back from the invasion. The upper levels were relatively back to normal, although with the capital relocated to Fondor, Coruscant was no longer the galaxy's greatest jewel. But life still continued despite the ongoing war. The lower levels on the other hand had yet to fully recover and relief efforts were sparse with a lot of resources dedicated to protecting the Alliance's borders. But with news of the lower levels falling to gangs and warlords, this matter could not be left to security forces alone so the GADF sent a reinforcements to restore order as best they could. A detachment was sent under the 98th Support Company under the command of Maj. Ysennia Lee Ysennia Lee to perform peacekeeping and relief operations in support of Coruscant Police who were pacifying Level 1907. They were given strict orders not to engage the enemy except in defensive situations. This not only applied to GA personnel being fired upon, but civilians and security forces as well.

This wasn't Ysennia's first rodeo so she knew the drill. Mediate conflict, don't let trigger happy alliance troops get any ideas, and do whatever was necessary to protect civilians. Unfortunately they couldn't catch a plot to bomb a shopping center which killed 20 and injured 59. Not to mention the amount of civilians caught in the crossfire between gangs. Clinics found themselves understaffed which meant the 98th had to throw in some extra hands to help out with medical emergencies. They locked down the Etusi District, a commercial district that was transformed into a military base. Alliance troops patrolled the streets with checkpoints at vital entryways. Quartermasters set up pantries and shelters. A makeshift hospital had to be set up in an abandoned warehouse that was near full capacity for patients. Victims of the shopping center bombing were brought here in ambulances and were working non stop alongside volunteers.

Ysennia knew the situation was bleak and all she needed was a few extra hands. She had set up in an abandoned two-story office building which she used as a command center. She had requested reinforcements to help out with the medical emergency and was told that a Cpt. Seth Tarkin would be assigned to assist her. She didn't there were any Tarkins serving the Alliance but she was willing to take anyone who knew had even a lick of medical expertise. She was going through his dossier and was impressed with his accommodations and achievements. Apparently he was force sensitive too. Time would tell if he was ready to handle the oncoming storm.

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Equipment : 8th Company, 76th Pathfinder Regiment, GADF
Location : Coruscant
Objective : Report for orders

Orders came through the impermeable and somewhat inefficient but still effective GADF bureaucracy to Captain Seth Tarkin and his 8th Company for active deployment. He was assigned to report to Major Ysennia Lee. Seth was energized when he received the orders, because the GADF counted on the 8th to be able to save lives when lives needed saving. He immediately flashed deployment warnings to his command group, the twelve most important members of the company. In no time at all, the Company was ready, packed up in full battle gear, loaded aboard its shuttles, and transferred to the objective.

The Etusi District in sight, was by now well supported by other GADF units, when the 8th deployed in their two shuttles, fully manned, and ready for action. With a safe zone set up, Seth took his entire unit with him, and would set his own HQ there before going into action. Coruscant's high population density made operating here a challenge, but he trusted his people to do their jobs carefully and well. Two Kolto-Class shuttles in bone white paint landed near the building identified as the HQ.

As soon as they were down, the entire company save for Seth and his command squad of five power armoured giants deployed and began unloading their equipment. Already Lt Syndulla was preparing an area for the 8ths hospital unit, and Lt Pirankus was supervising all the action. The shuttles stayed hot, the companys Airborne Platoon ready to deploy if required for medivac. Their mechanics and supply crews disembarked with the rest, setting up a refueling and rearming station in case it might be required. In a very short time, the 8th's own HQ took shape in the shadow of the HQ building. Three squads of the 8th deployed in a protective perimeter, their spread preparatory to any hostile activity directed at the HQ.

Captain Tarkin in his own power armour, led the other five members of his squad into the building in search of the Major. He'd report to her for orders, and a current sitrep, while his people got set up and linked up with those already on scene. They all knew their jobs, and for now he didn't need to tell any of them what to do. Lt Blair, Sgt Blackstone, and the Corporals Hardman, Nozhos and Gizoshin followed their Captain wearing the same bone white paintjob on their large armoured power suits.

As he identified Major Lee from her military record, Seth tromped over to report to her.

Captain Tarkin with the 8th Company reporting. He saluted, though the suit made it somewhat comical, as if one were being saluted by a large moving statue made of white painted iron.

The others of his command squad, similarly encumbered by their power armour stood back and out of the way, like a collection of sibling statues trying not to block the people scurrying around their legs. Seth ignored them, eyes on the Major. He hadn't met her before, but her record was impressive and laudable. Even without that he would give her the respect due her rank, but he preferred to work under the capable.

There was no small talk, not yet. For now, they had a job to do. They could play get to know you later. Lives were on the line and time was in short supply.


Location: Coruscant Level 1907
Tag: Seth Tarkin Seth Tarkin
Gear: Officer uniform|
AT-SH4 Holdout Blaster

"We're overloaded ma'am. We've been spending more time wiping blood off the floor than anything. We're already on back order for medication and I have medics taking naps standing up." said Lt. Karo Yun, Ysennia's XO in the 98th and old acquaintance from the academy on her holocommunicator.

"And how are you doing?" Her tone was soft and tender. She carried herself as Karo's older sister figure, he was always working around the clock with very few opportunities catch a break. So she always made sure to check on him when things were quiet.

"I haven't slept in 3 days. Don't even know if I missed breakfast or not ma'am."

"The reinforcements are inbound. We'll make sure you get them as soon as they report in."

As if on cue, one of her staff entered her office, "Ma'am, 8th Company is inbound."

Ysennia nodded in acknowledgement before turning back to face Karo, "We'll talk later." The call ended and Ysennia could hear the sound of shuttles flying overhead as they landed around the building. The place was already off limits for civilians unless they had authorization to pass through. The building itself took up a whole block so it wasn't like there were any civilians who would get caught up in military affairs. Not like much of a district was inhabited anyway. People who lost their homes and were living in makeshift shelters. Ysennia had to work out a deal with the landlords to house families and other vulnerable people. It was scummy, almost extortion. Everyone just wished everything could be normal.

There was a stark contrast between the 8th and 98th companies once side by side. The 8th were quick and had their own lot to themselves, with all their assets in one place making everything easy to access. The 98th were spread out across the district and found themselves doing 5 things at once. The troops were exhausted after 3 weeks thinking some some days wondering if they would die from stress or boredom.

The 8th reinforced the already thin perimeter around the building. They were more active than the 98th who were already burnt out. Ysennia felt it too. Hopefully their reinforcements could pick up the slap for them. She was about to stand to introduce herself to the captain, but him and his staff and showed up in her office, standing at attention.

"At ease, captain." Ysennia said as she stood up. "Take your medics and head to the No Wheel Co. Warehouse, they're overloaded with patients. Some are in critical condition and we can't get to all of them." Ysennia was exhausted as she spoke to Seth. "I'll have my staff forward the coordinates to your men and tail you on the way."


Equipment : 8th Company, 76th Pathfinder Regiment, GADF
Location : Coruscant
Objective : Get orders, be ready

Seth stood at ease when ordered, and then listened carefully to Ysennia as she gave him his instructions, nodding. Understood. Already he was formulating a plan to deal with the situation effectively. Whatever you and your people need, my people will make it happen. Mother and Father will be on your comm network very soon. He felt some sympathy for those who were suffering but damped down on those feelings, for he couldn't afford them now. He had to be cold, precise, and calculating if he was to do some good overall.

What sort of opposition are we facing? He asked, having to weigh the forces he would deploy, if things were too heavy he'd keep his hospital here and bring the patients to it via shuttle. Otherwise he could secure the location with his advance team, and then set up a forward hospital right there. His people were good, but the unit was only a company, and they weren't able to stand up against whole armies alone for long.

In his faceplate, Seth could observe the linking up of the 8th's comm network to the 98th, noting, pleased, that Lt. Pirankus, wasn't wasting any time. With a glance, on his own head up display, the young captain could see that all his people were online and standing by, via the little signifiers next to their callsigns. When the time came to give them their orders, they would be ready. Seth's eyes went down the list of signifiers at the edge of his HUD, all his people, ready to do their part. STORM 2, Lt Blair's icon indicated he was in communication, though not with his Captain.

Having overheard the conversation between his Captain and the Major of the 98th, Lt Blair, Seth's second in command, had already flashed the Wheel Co. Warehouse location to the rest of the Company, so that everyone could prepare. This was Coruscant, so full 3d schematics were available, though there were not as yet live sensor feeds to show locations of individual living beings.

Icons marked MOTHER, actually Storm Mother, but shortened for convenience and familiarity, Lt Syndulla, head of the medical platoon, and FATHER, likewise shortened, Lt Pirankus, head of the logistics platoon, were also active. Those last two individuals would be of the most assistance to the Major's people. Pirankus was a grumpy overweight Quarren who despite this, could find anything, anywhere, at any time. And Syndulla despite being awfully young, was a certified medical genius who could heal anyone.

The 8th were the Galactic Alliance's elite medical rescue Company, and Captain Seth Tarkin was determined that they live up to the lofty expectations he placed upon them. He'd put together a team of apparent misfits and troublemakers, and forged them into a unit, that he hoped would prove mightily effective. Now they were being put to the ultimate test.


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