Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Red Line Overload

How long had it been since he just took a flight. He hadn’t known. Jared Starchaser was working on linking in the Dawn Treader to Levantine Sanctum’s Defense Fleet. With Lia taking classes at the Oswaft Station Astro Academy, he made sure the Star Destroyer stayed at the Laekia system. There were plenty of other ships where his crewmen had moved to, for short stints, to help train and learn the ways of the Sanctum’s defense fleet.

They weren’t bad, but some of the planetary militias could always use help. Not that he was teaching them from the Stormtrooper Academy, Jared might be a pilot, but he was an Imperial Pilot, and even canon had TIEs taking down X-Wings. All over the place.

And that was fine. He was helping to make sure that the Defense Fleet was ready, he was working with Warbird Wing and some of the native wings in the Sanctum. Running tactics and working with mixed unit combat. He brought some TIEs and was mixing them with the Cutters and X-Wings that the Sanctum was using.

It was a treat, really.

But still, he needed to get out and stretch the legs of his fighters. The TIE Exalt was a wonderful craft, and switching from the Fel Flashpoints to the Fringe Exalts? He couldn’t have asked for a better situation. Sure, they didn’t replace all the pilots, but there were some. And he was one of them.

Pulling from hyperspace, he was beyond the borders of the Levantine Sanctum now. He wasn’t really looking for trouble, but the station he pulled out and around? There was something here. He wasn’t sure what it was. The Force? Maybe…

Checking the ships… there it was. Pirate? What was that fighter?

Right, couldn’t allow those to identify him and follow him home. Pushing the Exalt up to combat speed, he made his way after that fighter.

[member="Arrbi Betna"]

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