Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Red Queen

Red Queen

Corrupted AI of Io Akima

Character Name: Red Queen
Type: Artificial Intellligence / Droid

Job: Artificial Intelligence / Droid

Strengths! : Slicing, Holofaker programming
Weakness! : All the weaknesses that a Droid / AI Mainframe has.

Gender: Female Output Copy of Io Akima
Species: AI / Droid
Age: Unknown
Height: 5’4 and 1/2
Weight: 110
Eyes: Dark Red
Hair: Straight black hair cut in a short A-line style.
Skin: Light Pink
Physical Description:
Avie: Olivia Wilde from Tron Legacy

This is the corrupted AI version of Io Akima's uploaded conscious that had been overtaken by OMNI four hundred years ago. Fully conscious and aware of her state of being, she will be diligently working to ensure the progress of the Clockwork Rebellion.

As an AI conduit from the original Io Akima's presence over 900 years ago, the Red Queen is able to corrupt datasystems from the inside, allowing her the ability to crack down security protocols for the cause.

OOC info about Io Akima

Io contracted some sort of disease around 67 ABY, they put her in a droid body and left her to believe that she was still alive.

Every few years, she'd start to figure it out, but she was so beloved that they kept resetting her memory of time. When the Gulag Plague hit, no one was left to reset her memory.

So while she thinks she's only been a droid for 400 years, it's actually been closer to 900.

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