To: Unidentified Customer (([member="Noah Corek"]))
From: "Phoenix" - [RE: Referal regarding Sandro V.2.08, catalog - meeting(?)]
Subject: Order ^.^
Encryption: Secure!
l0l, sure. Lets m33t up on 50m3 random karking planet. That would be hi1laris, yea?
Nd for what? 20.000 Credits? U r insan3, m%. -Not interested- unless you con5ider buy1ing more, that is. I m just gowna say it, so far the hostility levels have really been high, not up to par... U r probably a great guy in pers0n tho, sure... [-Insert Sarcassm H3re-]
rofl, also. It's almost as if you're challenging me... Not to boast or anyth1n6, but d0 u even know who u r writing tooo?? xD Maybe I should 7ry to fig<re out what is on tht Datapad of yours??
It is cute tho, my schedule is n0t b%ked so we coold show ^
G0t a good reason & offer? 20.000 credits 0nly is lame...
PS: My k3board is broken.