Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi | Olympia Galney Olympia Galney


Aina Holdings had dipped its toe into agriculture with the Lilasate Order, building a massive greenhouse on a cooler planet. Then of course, his kelp and ocean farming projects that were in their early testing phases. Yet this was different. This venture was one a little closer to home. Born out of his nightly sip-and-talk sessions with Myra Arceneau Dashiell Myra Arceneau Dashiell ,the thought was to go into owning some vineyards. Their compound on Joiol had one slowly progressing but it was more a hobby, a pet project to experiment with flavors and ideas.

Now he had purchased a large vineyard on Zadaria in the Hapes Cluster.

Standing at the top the vineyard on the green grass, the winery processing facility behind him in a rather rustic building. Today he was looking at potentially bringing in two investors to expand a wine brand in the Core and Inner Rim. Chi Chuchi was was vaguely familiar with, the woman had styled his adopted daughter. In turn, he had commissioned a speeder for her, especially since Persephone could be very brash. Olympia Galney? As far he knew, an infamous family of shipwrights with a stake in KDY. Yet both had been recommended when he put feelers out for investors. What that investment would look like though was still up for debate.

For now, he assumed both women might want to see the launching point of said investment.


Ji-Ji helped Chi from her seat in the Dernier Cri where he had parked it in the vineyard's drive. Today she was dressed in a rather chic black top that left her arms bare save for the translucent sleeves slit up the insides that hung to the knees of her white breeches. A black belt and matching low-heeled boots, their gold fastenings coordinated with her jewelry, completed the outfit. She gave the droid a nod and made her way down the walk while he minded the speeder.

Spotting Makai, she left the path to join him, calling out with an easy smile once in comfortable range. "You must be Mr Dashiell!" She knew he was from her research on his adoptive daughter, Persephone. And speaking of. "Persephone's told me so much about you." She held out her hands to him, he looked no older in person than his photos suggested, and she was pleased to meet someone so young interested in his family's success.
Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell Olympia Galney Olympia Galney
There was something comfortable about coming home, sinking back into the comforting familiarity of family and a society she knew, even if it was just a fleeting visit. It was meant to be a short stop, just long enough to reload her ship and turn it around, but even such a short stop was long enough for the paperwork to catchup with her. It was like a journey she could never quite escape from, the monster that was always chasing her wherever she might flee in the galaxy. Thankfully near the top of the list of files on her datapad had been an invitation to the opening of a wine yard, a legitimate business trip. or at least that's what she would tell her accountant.

The drive out through the wineyards had been pleasant, she'd even wound the window down, enjoying the smell of the vines as her speeder came to a stop by the large building that lay at the heart of the yard, offering her driver a small nod as she lifted a hand to shade her eyes from the sun before padding towards the other two, a smile curling up the corner of her lips.

"I will admit, I've only heard rumours, but I look forward to finding out more. Especially if you're inviting us out to somewhere as...picturesque as this."

Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi | Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell

Wearing \ Gear : X | X | X | X | X
Interacting With : Chi Chuchi Chi Chuchi | Olympia Galney Olympia Galney

Makai raised an eyebrow in amusement at the arriving of the Pantoran fashionista. If Persephone was here, she would, without a doubt, be freaking out at the haut ton arrival of Miss Chuchi. He had to admit it was quite the entrance and he was mildly impressed himself. He could see why the teenager might be a little obsessed with the woman. Makai met her half-way, clasping her hand and kissing her cheek in greeting.

"Makai is just fine, Miss Chuchi." The half-Galan chuckled at her other statement. "Has she? We've heard so much about you. You've made quite the impression. Obsessed may be the word I would use."

Before he could inquire more about why the young teenager may be enamored with Miss Chuchi, their other investor had arrived. Despite not knowing much about Miss Chuchi, he knew even less about Miss Galney beyond her business reputation. Not one for starships, perhaps that was why.

Makai greeted her in the same fashion as Miss Chuchi, clasping her hand and placing a kiss of greeting on Miss Galney's cheek.

"Rumors about myself? I can't say I am that interesting of a person.A pleasure to meet you Miss Galney."

Perhaps a little more visible now that he was married to the eldest daughter of Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau .Such an event tended to turn a little more heads in his direction.

"Thank you for joining me out here Miss Chuchi, Miss Galney. Although I didn't bring you both out here to discuss rumors but investment. My general idea is a wine brand, both with high-end wines but also mid-range that would be affordable for the average citizen to capture a larger market. I think the biggest issue we will face today, should you wish to invest, would be distribution of a partnership. Do we want to go in equally? Silent backing? Joint expansions?"

Gratefully accepting the welcoming, and cheek kiss which she hadn't expected but adapted to with the ease of someone used to immersing themselves in strange cultures, Chi was heartened by his words. "That's high praise, Makai." She considered a moment, looking out over the fields he had been a moment ago. "I do my best for every client, but she reminds me of the joy in my work. Probably why I'm so willing to do that little bit extra for her."

"Miss Galney,"
Chi greeted the newcomer after she'd been welcomed by Makai and there was a moment. His proposal was interesting, if a bit direct. 'Crude,' would be how her mother would describe it. But the woman had always been a traditionalist in business and had tried to pass that on to her daughter. As for herself, Chi had gone into the Galaxy with a more flexible mind for how things were done. As a Representative, she'd also been a diplomat. "I don't think I could answer that question without knowing the current state of the label, business structure, scope, or plans. I'm also sadly unfamiliar with Zadarian wines, preferring those from the South and Center." Where Pantora and Coruscant lay.
Olympia Galney Olympia Galney Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell
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