Caston Arkith


Caston never realized how warm blood was.
He looked down at his hand, the olive skin almost entirely drenched in dark crimson that drip, drip, dripped onto the floor. Caston's hand felt warm, sticky, and as he moved it around in the light, closing his fingers into a fist, he realized he loved it. "I thank you for your sacrifice..." Caston said to the two bodies in the room, broken and unmoving as Caston stepped over them. He had known them both for months on a personal and professional level at the university, but in the end, it had come down to them or himself. He had made his choice as had they, and they had proven to be inferior to him. Their deaths had served as his rebirth, and the heralding of a new age for Caston.
He looked down again at the holocron in his other hand. The glowing red pyramid called to him, invited him to keep it close. It promised knowledge and power should Caston learn its secrets. He lowered his other hand, covered in blood, to the black and red hilt of the lightsaber he had at his side. The weapon hardly worked, the crystal within was ancient and near the end of its life. Caston had been forced to bludgeon his fellow students with his bare hands when the blade gave out on him. He would need to find a way to fix that, and the holocron would not doubt give him that answer as well.
Caston departed the research wing of the university where their storage room had been. This late at night he did not pass anyone as he made his way back to his quarters. He needed to get his things and be gone before the bodies were discovered later. He had a new life, a new destiny to discover, and it would not do for that to be ruined by getting arrested. Clothes, trinkets and what credits he had were thrown into a bag and hoisted over his shoulder. He left his quarters, and set out towards the small landing pad connected to this building of the university. He needed to find a ship.

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