Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NPC Storyteller
"Run for your lives, the Brotherhood are back!"

"No, it's ok, these Brotherhood are Jedi."

"But they're followers of an apocalyptic prophecy, just like the old Brotherhood!"

"Yeah, but they're trying to prevent the apocalypse, not cause it."

"So they're not the planet-destroying, mass-enslaving Brotherhood that killed trillions about thirty years ago?"

"No, they're not the Brotherhood of the Maw, they're just The Brotherhood."

"... why would they call themselves that, given the historical precedent?!"

(Best of luck with the faction!)​
Will this faction have a Jedi-led government similar to what the Silver Jedi were? How much Jedi Lord-ing are we talking about here?
This is an insightful question, and I appreciate the opportunity to clarify my vision. The concept we're exploring differs from the traditional 'Jedi Lords' approach. Our aim is to foster a play style deeply rooted in core Jedi values. Therefore, we're seeking players who are inclined towards a more traditionalist interpretation of Jedi principles.

Unlike the traditional 'Jedi Lords' depicted in the source material, who often resembled kings / warlords our concept is more akin to Jedi Watchmen.
Members will have the esteemed role of leading their own temples, with a primary focus of cooperating with local institutions to serve as the primary protectorate body against the hostile forces of the outer rim, with a secondary duty to maintain the tenants of the order.

"Run for your lives, the Brotherhood are back!"

"No, it's ok, these Brotherhood are Jedi."

"But they're followers of an apocalyptic prophecy, just like the old Brotherhood!"

"Yeah, but they're trying to prevent the apocalypse, not cause it."

"So they're not the planet-destroying, mass-enslaving Brotherhood that killed trillions about thirty years ago?"

"No, they're not the Brotherhood of the Maw, they're just The Brotherhood."

"... why would they call themselves that, given the historical precedent?!"

(Best of luck with the faction!)​

You've raised a valid point. Initially, 'The Brotherhood' was intended as a more secretive name for our group, aligning more closely with 'The Fellowship.' Reflecting on it, I realize the name might seem a bit ambiguous, but it's not too late for changes. Perhaps using 'The Fellowship' as both the title and the banner name would create clearer association and recognition. As a new writer, I wasn't aware of the old Brotherhood's association with a doomsday prophecy, so this insight is quite helpful. We're still in a flexible phase of development. Currently, we're conducting an experimental test to gauge interest in this campaign style. We've planned an initial campaign spanning a few months to see if this concept resonates with players and maintains their engagement for a fun and immersive experience.
Not to be prickish but I think someone did Jedi Watchmen in the last two years...though memory escapes me by whom.

My idea can be viewed as something kinda like a hybrid between the two but it's more its' own thing as I've outlined above. Was in voice chat talking with some other players and spit balling ideas and that one term came up as like similar to X.

I suppose we felt that Jedi Lords were a better representation of the concept because it leans more towards that vein of Jedi. The Jedi Watchmen are typically lone wanderers that assign themselves to defend a planet, while our idea is to be an official standing defense force in collaboration with local people. As it is a far more militarized example of this, we felt Lords were far more accurate. They still hold local influence, just not complete focused on complete rule.
I'm not going to worry too much about the minutiae and semantics of what we call our concept. I've shared my idea in the way I felt best represents it and have tried to clarify it for anyone interested. Right now, I'm more focused on seeing if others are interested in joining and participating in a collaborative and enjoyable story. This idea has already sparked interest among some players I've discussed it with, and I'm now looking to open the door for more players to join in.

I'm pleased to say we've received some encouraging responses so far, and I'm excited to move forward in the coming months to see how this initial campaign develops.

Yennic Zhan

I was also going to mention earlier about the brotherhood as a name, but didn't want to sound salty if you liked it haha. But now you have changed it I can say that my mind immediately went to elder scrolls brotherhood when I saw the initial post.

Yennic would be interested in interaction if you are a fridge Jedi tradition as she has spent years studying Jedi history leading to her and her mentor founding their own fringe group on the exact opposite side of the galaxy
This sounds rather interesting, my character Envir Vadul Envir Vadul is currently trying to find his Jedi path in the Coruscant academy, due to his unclear/confused mindset I think it would make sense for him to gain interest in joining this newer group. His past master was quite mad and would go on a lot of prophecy tangents… Envir would definitely get reminded of his old master. Anyways it should be noted that my dear Envir is eventually going to have a corruption arc haha

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