Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reduced Activity - 1 Week

Connor Harrison

Hi all! Not a TOTAL LOA but more reduced activity. I'm slightly crippled for the week as my laptop fan broke today and its in repair. Won't be back for a week so I'll only be posting on form 9hrs a day at work unless I get a spare laptop in the meantime.


I'm struggling here to use my phone and getting frustrated already so I can't spend frustrating minutes making posts that will be lacking usual quality or formatting or witty gifs etc.

I'm really sorry but as I say I WILL be active at work for now. Sorry for all this will affect for speedy posts.
[member="Connor Harrison"]

Sorry to hear that, dude! I had a laptop that got completely fried from within, motherboard and everything, and repairing it would've cost me more than the price I purchased it for. <_<

That was two laptops ago. :p

Don't worry about the skirmish, I'll take the lead on that one. You just jump in whenever you're able to, bud. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] Should be back to form by next weekend! :)

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"] Thank you my friend - I'll be here as much as possible during the day and as best I can at night with a temp laptop. :)

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