Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reduced Activity 6/21/18 - 6/30/18

Really didn't want to have to post this one, but I'm just too busy.

Just got my security clearance for my software development job, so that's kicking from an internship into a full time position. I'm also working 5 hour shifts every day of the week for my second job once my first job ends at 5 so that I can pay off my dog's vet bills.

I will be prioritizing invasions and other threads that require my timely participation over my private and faction threads. This doesn't mean one story is more important to me than any other, only that my inactivity would penalize other writers, which is something I'm not looking to do.

I will try to post as soon as I can during lulls in my work, and whenever I get home. Please be patient with me, trying to make it all work without dropping my RP stuff all together.

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