Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reduced Activity

Alright so I'm going to be reducing activity starting this week. As some of you may notice, I tend to spend lots of time here on Chaos. Even if I'm not posting I lurk a lot and almost always have the site open when I'm not even doing that. To enlighten on that point, I'm currently transitioning jobs and finishing up school so I've been spoiled with more free time than most people in my field tend to have.

Now that my few months of transitioning is coming to an end, I need to be a responsible adult again. You'll probably notice my commitment as an FO and Codex Judge won't change but I'll be shelving all my characters except Anja and [member="Aleksandyr Gaillard"]; with limited activity for a few others on an "as needed" basis. I will of course be finishing threads on my shelved characters incase you're wondering.

With warm weather coming around I'm going to get back into running again too. So I'll probably be spending about half of my free time trying to be a "healthy and normal human being" or whatever they're called these days.

Breaking habits is hard :(
[member="Danger Arceneau"]

Perhaps we could jump ahead, pick up with Danger discovering what was really going on and then open up parlay with The Primeval to create some neutrality over trade lanes or something ? :)
Well-Known Member
Ah boo.

I too have been a bit spoiled with free time...

The only difference is that my free time is an illusion xD

Best of luck with being an Adult! I sure don't wanna do that :/

Even though I gotta soon... >.<

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