Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reduced Activity

Baroness Magrath

While not entirely a LOA, it is just a warning with those I've been involved with; who I owe posts to and whom owe me posts.

Lately my activity has begun to decline again (though I do not anticipate it taking a dive as it had back in April).

This is because of IRL taking over.

I began a new relationship nearly a month ago and much of my time has been focused on that.

In addition, my Job Hunting as continued; and since last Thursday, I've been called back for a second interview this coming Thursday (which another individual hired at the same place as essentially told me to prepare to be called in the following week for training on Wednesday through Friday). This likely means that activity will further suffer because of a new job; at least until I know my schedule (as it is at a Guard Company).

This also comes upon the back of my continued work with the Pathfinder Society Organized Play; acting as a Venture Agent (which requires me to put time into scheduling and running games on Thursdays) coupled with my already established gaming GM and Player duties on Tuesday Nights.

For the foreseeable future, my posting will be sporadic. I will attempt to get posts in on Wednesday Night (though I'll have to call it early to be up early in time for my interview on Thursday).

For now look for the possibility of posts on Friday Night and through the Weekend.

This does not mean that the Order of the Righteous Flame is dead (far from it), just reduced, though I do plan on hitting it with a galvanizing hammer over the weekend; along with jumping into the Baroness and getting her threads going.

Thank you for your understanding.

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