Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reduced Activity

Long story short, my work place recently had our supervisor resign along with one of our powerhouse techs. Naturally, this does not bode well for a department where the entire staffing including management is under 10 people. Because of budget cuts and general hospital whatnot, it doesn't look like we'll be hiring replacements anytime soon—and that means that supervisor duties are going to be split up among the surviving​ remaining employees.

I’m not certain as to what is going to happen, but over the next few months I might slow down thread wise, or posting will come in bursts. There might not be much of a change in my activity at all, but I just wanted to let y’all know in case I suddenly disappear into the abyss. :)

Connor Harrison

[member="Joza Perl"] I hope things work out for your work and you get back to some stability!

We'll still be here doing what we do best as and when you're ready. :)

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