Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reduced activity

So I am finally an actively employed person. It wasn't the job I wanted. It certainly wasn't the job I went to school for. But it's a job nonetheless. The nature of it means that, unlike you lucky few out there, I can't be active on Chaos while at work. This will undoubtedly mean that my time here will not be as great as before. Not to mention there are many other things going on in my life that I need to maintain.

All that said, my other characters are frozen for the time being. What time I do have here will be focused on Sentiri and helping to grow the First Order Security Bureau. I may be less of an IC presence and more of an OOC presence. Not yet sure how I feel about that, but if anything changes, I'll be sure to let folks know.

So rather than a goodbye, I guess just less future hellos.

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