Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reduced posting

The situation that has caused my posting to be reduced to a minimum has been going on for a little while now, but I supposed it would be good to inform anyone who may not know yet about it. Without going into too much detail, an issue that has plagued the family for a long time now really went down the deep end and I am unwillingly being pulled down with it. With the workload uni stacks onto it, I am mentally at my wit's end, and with some bad luck it may be a long while before things get better. My mental fatigue simply leaves me unable to properly get posts out, although I am not going to stop posting altogether. Hopefully.

Affected people (In particular): [member="Faceless"] | [member="Ignis Imura"] | [member="Minna"] | [member="Melanah Madine"] | Everyone in the thread Clear Air

TL;DR: Please bear with me while I try to keep my chit together. Thanks in advance.


I'm sorry to hear that Kaalia, don't worry about my rank tags if you need a break. I hope things work out for you soon.

[member="Kaalia Pavanos"]

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