Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Hey guys to sum it up I hate all of you and I'm running away with [member="Cryax Bane"] so we can elope!!


I've been a little sick lately, I think it's just a cold. But anyway I also start work again tomorrow after like a month of forced leave. (Corporate mumbo jumbo budgets prime directive) anyway to all of my loyal fans and slack jawed lackies. I will be posting just depends if I'm feeling alright or if I'm at work. So bellow are my following most active accounts. If you have a thread with them I will get to them eventually I'm just a bit off right now.

[member="Rexus Drath"]
[member="Patricia Susan Garter"]
[member="Gorgeous John"]

Thanks guys and I should have decent amounts of time for ooc Tom foolery. You can always find me on Skype as well.

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