Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Reducing my Activity

Hey everyone,

This is just a notice for people to know they can expect to have me posting around less often, I was going to just have this as a status update but this has a better chance or reaching people. Maybe.

Basically so people know what's going on, towards the end of last year my mother was involved in an incident which harmed her already fragile back. As a child, there were some days I had to act as her carer because the pain was so great she couldn't leave bed. Right now I need to be around her more so I moved city to live with her and got a job taking care of reptiles with an animal charity. Unfortunately, as fulfilling as that job is, the pay is simply not enough to support two people so going into 2017, I also got a part time job at a supermarket. Now between two jobs, my fitness and language training courses and taking care of my mother, I'm finding Chaos is sucking all of my free time away.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoy spending time on this site and with this community. I have a lot of muse for this character and I really enjoy writing her, she's a bundle of joy! However it has also been causing me a little additional stress as I don't want to let people down and the longer I keep people waiting for a reply, the worse I feel and at the moment I do not need more stress in my life.

This isn't a goodbye! It's not even a LOA really. Who knows, maybe I'll be completely addicted and spend all my free time here anyway but it's a heads up. If we're threading together already or have plans to in the near future, I'm still on board. I just ask you be patient with me at the moment as a single post of mine usually takes between 30-45 minutes or so to make and I simply do not have the time to continue in the same capacity I did before.

Thanks for understanding!
Samka/Alicia :)
[member="Samka Derith"]

As someone who frequently has more muse than time, I totally understand this. You do you, and I'm sure everyone who writes with you will be more than willing to wait with this heads-up in mind.

Good luck with everything! :)

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