Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Refitting the Raven

The hanger was a darkness that consumed all light. An inky black that washed the room. From out of this darkness a single spark ignited. A blue flame burst to life, attacking the hull of a solitary Tachyon, sparks sprouted forth from the location of impact. It showered a man in its basking glow. His mask was as equally dark as the blackness that consumed him. The reflection of flame was seen upon a horizontal rectangular visor. “Lights,” a voice boomed from behind this mask. Doonfh, doonfh, doonfh, one by one the ceiling lights illuminated the room. The darkness was pushed back to cower in the corners as mere shadows. A young man stood by the hull of the Tachyon, welder in hand and welding mask upon his face. He dropped the welder on a workbench beside him, roughly ripping the thick, leather gloves from his hands. Fingers curled around the edges of the mask and he pulled it up to rest on his scalp.

Grey eyes adjusted to the dark fought against the light. The man known as Lysle winced, brow buried in a frown. His overalls were ridden with ash, and his jaw was outlined by the substance. His forehead held drools of sweat that worked their way down his cheeks and dripped from his chin. “Phew, it’s hot,” he exclaimed, swiping his forehead with the back of his hand. The heat on Tatooine was legendary, and even the chugging of air conditioning machines were finding it hard to keep the humid air away. Lysle was here to refit his ship. Years of service had worn on his Tachyon, and though he had pulled the ship apart and made replacements countless times, it was starting to wear on the vessel. The Fringer came to the conclusion it was time for an upgrade. Sheets of durasteel had been raised up and welded onto the ship, layer upon layer until seventy percent of the hull had achieved five extra inches of plating.

He had only two very basic goals for his Tachyon, dubbed the Red Raven; faster and stronger. While the freighter would be given military-grade weapon fittings, that was only half of making it stronger. The other half was adding the plating to the hull, something he had already achieved. Next was changing out the engines and hyperdrive, along with adding a new navigation computer. Weapons could be done last. Lysle stood there, hands on his hips as he admired his progress thus far. It was a beauty to behold. The Tachyon’s standard white spray job was replaced with a crimson coating, and the dark outlines of a raven on the starboard side. It got him to wondering as he sometimes did; whatever happened to that Rodian bounty hunter?

Lysle had come far in the galaxy, but was only a mere grain of sand in comparison to the titans of political power, the Jedi and the Sith. Those who couldn’t use the Force were rarely in the spotlight, unless you were Mandalorian of course. Even then, they had quite the number of sensitives themselves. Out here on the fringes of galactic space, it didn’t matter for who you were, you stuck together to survive. Such was the way for the Lords of the Fringe. And Lysle was one of their newest. He hopped down from the step ladder for which he had been using to make his attachments, curious as to what advice he could learn from other Fringers if he shared his plans for his Tachyon. He was sure they would have some interesting attachments in mind, but that would be for a later date.

Lysle moved towards the drawn ramp, leading up into the bowels of the vessel. He fetched a data chip from his pocket. The chip contained the required programming for the C-N:FA01 Navigational System, an upgrade for his computer. All he needed to do was slap it into the system and the chip would do the rest for him. Lysle passed down the corridor to the front of the ship, squatting by the cockpit and placing the chip into its designated slot. The nav began to boot up, data streaming down the screen. He nodded his head and began to move down the back of the ship, leaving down the ramp and out back into the hanger. One of many located in the spaceport. Private, but poorly managed, albeit cheap to rent.
Being a High Councellor has it's perks. Okay so the perks are endless and make up for the whole coffee incident 47628, but what can one say when there's a dragon who gets into the coffee grounds? At least it was entertaining. That all? Beside the point. I'm in full masquerade as I clomp down the space port to check out the newest of our Fringes. What comes up to [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] is a 5'8 Kiffar with dreadlocks piled high atop my head and tattoos all the way down my bare arms and up my neck. Kah'lin Denno: a spacer I met when I was 13. He took me in and taught me how to repair my Lifter and it was always good to hear from the gruff son of a gun.

"Ain't seen you round the bend afore." I duck under a swinging light and hop over a series of paracords laying on the floor. Does anyone clean up this place? "Denno. Any bloke given you a hard time yet?" I nod to this new guy and kick over a bundle of cord. "Yeah, th'maintenance droid's out t'lunch... maybe I shouldn't kicked him out th'airlock."
Lysle was cleaning up his hands, ready for a meeting with a junkyard mechanic. His efforts of brushing his hands together was futile, but he didn't find it necessary to go and wash them with water. He craned his neck when he heard the padding of feet nearby. A woman of seemingly Kiffar origins approached towards him, a smile broke across his lips. "Hey, how's it going?" Lysle asked her, until she kicked the cords, "Aye, watch that, I'm working here an' don't want any problems." He took a step back and fell onto his stepladder, taking a seat.

His grey eyes ran up and down the length of the woman, giving her a quick appraisal. He motioned with his hand as he spoke, "Anything I can help you with? I've got a tight schedule and need my ship up and running. Giving the old girl a re-furnituring, old mate out in the junkyards set me up with a Sekotan, said I can pull it apart for fifty 'kay, most of it is useless chunk. Was in a racing accident but the hyperdrive is still good, class one. Look, I'm rambling now, but if you need anything from me let me know, or if you're looking for work I could use an extra hand with the maintenance. One-off job, I'll pay you good."

[member="Anders Sivas"]
I'll pay you good. . . I've heard that line in many, many, many places and it still puts a bright and shiny grin on my face every time I hear it. To think this is about the repairs to his ship make me pull up my bootstraps and give a heart nod. "Lend a hand on yer tin can, loading' it with new tech, sprucing it up fer th'day? Yeah. I c'n lend my hands. No troubles. Ain't many round here who'll give trouble too often. E'en then tend t'do it once." I click out of the side of my mouth and run my thumb across the tattooed skin of my neck.

Hoofing up to the Raven, I hop over another set of glorified junk and take a look at the immediate repairs. "Racing. What kinda race? Pass me 'at spanner, yo. Yer passive intake's second fuel line's crooked." I chew on the side of my cheek, keeping my voice as gruff and low as a constant chewer of the lesser pleasant past times. "'Ow much? Fer th'work t'day, 'ow much?"

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
Lysle rested his hand on his knee, recalling what the junkie had said to him. Lysle explained, "Wasn't pod racing ma'am. 'Skimming' they call it, they take the fastest ships they can find. Head to planets like here for a smooth surface, and race as fast and as close to the ground as possible. If you skim the ground, you're likely to crash, and if you crash, you're likely to die." Lysle leaned over, fetching his spanner and tossing it towards the Kiffar, rather dumbfounded by her. He said, "Uh-thanks." Lysle looked towards the damage she had indicated, "I'll pay you fifteen 'kay, enough for a speeder bike if you find the right price. But I've got to say, I've got no idea what you're saying lady."

@[member='Anders Sivas'],
"Slicin' yer underbelly on t'ground in a floatin' ship. . . " I shake my head, incredulously. Either the man has a death wish, he loves adrenaline, or the credits were great. Doesn't matter much to me from this end of it.

"Good money. Same t'you." I throw the words over my shoulder and keep working. Head down, shoulders up, hands in. Work like a merc whose glad for credits not bathed in nefarious dealings. A day's work as a 'mechanic' is a far better way to know our new Fringer. "What brings ye't'the Fringe other 'n Skimmin'?"

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
"You've got me wrong," Lysle said in defence, "I don't skim. The Sekaton I'm having brought in was involved in skimming and crashed. I'm tearing her apart to fit my girl with a new hyperdrive." He stood and watched the woman at work, "So what do you know about engines? I'm looking to switch out my sublight drive for something a little faster." He snapped his neck when the sound of the large hanger doors opened, welcoming the gnarled sight of a Sekaton, but the hull integrity was fine, it was the wings that had been snapped to shreds. Lysle commented, "Worth a billion credits when first released on the markets. Second-hand ones can be about five-hundred 'kay, and new ones a million. But shrapnel like this is cheap, she won't be flying ever again."

"Why I'm heading to the Fringe?" He said, moving towards the vessel to give it a run-down, "It's a bit personal. Looking to start again, if you know what I mean." He wasn't going to divulge into a stranger the reason he was going to the furthest and most isolated regions of the galaxy was so he could hide from the countless Mandalorian bounty hunters. That could be saved for another day, with someone who had earned his trust.

@[member='Anders Sivas'],
"Pardon me, my Common's not as profound as usual days, eh? Here I thou't yer th'skimmer. Bout t'check yer head." I grin back and him and dust my hands off, tossing the spanner back in the tool pile. "New Hyperdrive, heh? What kinda speed you expecting' from a skimmer's 'drive? You like tuning up yer ships?" I crouch down and look at the ship from a new angle, it's Kah'lin's trick to look impressive when he thinks. "'Nough t'help y'wit'one, not 'nough t'get me own ship faster n'a couple ticks past passably nubile."

The wreckage comes in and I can only imagine what the flier looked like or if parts of the poor sod are still in the wreckage. I whistle and rub my hands on my trousers. "An' you wanna cannibalize that for yer 'beaut? Yer brave. I'll help ya, but if'n I find me any excess bodily pieces, I'm grabbing' a torch. . . ain't that th'reason alla us're out here? Startin's afresh?" [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]
"The hyperdrive is a point-four, but the crash did it some real damage. The junkie salvages ships like these, managed to get it into working condition. Class one now, suits me, better than my class three," Lysle said. He motioned the junker off, kicking his feet onto a bent piece of metal on the Sekatons hull and pushed himself up onto the roof. He crawled on the top, accessing a maintenance hatch as he shouted, "I don't tune up my ship, per-say, but I do fix her when she's feeling down. I've had her for fifteen years, and god knows how long before me. But her production line isn't too old, but no matter how sturdy this ship can be she can't take everything I throw at her."

"Anything that isn't a hyperdrive is yours," Lysle said, a clang followed as he entered the belly of the beast. "You might want to stay back," he warned her, "I'll be cutting a hole in the hull so I can pull the hyperdrive out. When I bought it the bloke told me there's no way I could get it out unless I do just that, back compartment is too wrecked to open." He dug into his pocket, taking out a small device no larger than a medium screwdriver, and upon activated a plasmatic blade was activated. Commonly used between both surgeons and mechanics, it had its multiple uses. Heck, if you wanted too you could shank someone with it. He pressed the plasma against the hull, beside the hyperdrive. The metal began to slag and melt.

@[member='Anders Sivas'],
A plus about owning a spaceship was that you could travel across the galaxy in the matter of but a single week. And it seemed that this was what Jennifer was doing as of lately, a lot. It was saddening to leave the shop all the time, especially because the spaceship she used was a one seater, making her unable to bring her trusted Rodian friend and companion, Cindo, along. So on this journey it was just Jennifer. It was a part of growing up, and of course she could handle herself.

She had arrived by nightfall on the part of Tatooine where Mr. Rigger had informed her to meet him through Holo Mail. It wasn't a long time ago that she had through him gotten hands on an illegal engine for a custom swooper order. She had even gotten it half the price, but he, in turn, wanted a favor. Grasping a large training bag in her ship and tossing its strap over her shoulder she started to move into the tiny city she had docked at. It was cold here in the desert at night, she liked that, hopefully this job wouldn't take too long. She despised the overwhelming heat of Tatooine anyway. It didn't take many minutes for her to find the hangar Mr. Rigger, or rather, Lysle had talked about, but after such a long trip she needed some refreshments first, so after grabbing a soda and some quick food at the local cantina she went to see how Mr. Rigger was holding up.

A loud buzz noise was heard as she gained access to the hangar. Her footsteps echoing through it as she stepped across the hard stone floor, spotting Lysle by the ship she halted in her tracks, removing her usual round sunglasses and pulling off the hood attached to a black leather jacket that she was wearing.

"Yo, good to see you again."
She cracked a the wide and teasing smile of hers, obviously being more at comfort here than she was at the cantina back when they first met.

"So... What do you want done?" And with that she decided to dump the training bag filled with tools onto the floor with a loud: "BANG!"
[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]​
He had made a great oval in the hull of the wrecked vessel, a great chunk of the durasteel plating collapsing outwards towards Lysle. He quickly leapt out of the way, giving a quick glance around and noticed that the first woman was gone, and now Jen was here. A pleasant surprise. "Well," he said, waving around the plasmatic blade, no bigger than a screwdriver, "I need someone to fit on a few extra guns on the Tachyon. Think you can do it?" He motioned to the far end of the hanger where a pile of poorly assorted guns sat and waited to be moved.

As Jennifer was getting greeted by Lysle she decided to step closer to the ship, looking it over with a smile. It was old, that was clear, but that crimson red color it had certainly did make it look different from a lot of other ships. In a good way, of course.

So he needed to fit on a few extra guns? That was all? Jennifer turned her gaze towards him, the tattoo of hers around her eye clearly seen in the bright light of the hangar, a worthy mention to her appearance which Lysle had perhaps missed last he saw her, mainly because she had been wearing sunglasses throughout the entire conversation, but that was but a detail.

"Of course, but let me get this clear." Jennifer said with the melodious accent of hers, the hint of a suppressed laughter heard in her voice: "You've made me travel all the way to Tatooine for a few guns?" She smirked, turning to look towards the pile of weapons. Perhaps they were illegal or something, making him need someone he knew better than the average mechanic? Or perhaps he just didn't know a lot of mechanics.

Either way, this was quite amusing. She almost hoped that there was more to it than that, but only a little. The sooner she could pay back this favor, the sooner she could get home.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]​
"It's a lot harder than you think - you need to make room for the guns inside and outside the ship. You'll need to do some serious welding and maintenance. Crack down a few walls, make a few new doors, add in a few seats, add the targeting computers, the controls, and the gun portholes." Lysle stepped into the old ship he was tearing apart, and where there had once been a firm hull was now an opening that revealed its priceless hyperdrive. It was pretty banged up, but seemingly still in fairly alright condition. There were some signs of reconditioning, and serious repair. "While you do that, I'll be moving this and replacing my old hyperdrive." Lysle checked it was entirely detached from the ship systems before moving into the depths of the hanger and retrieving a large trolley.

"Oh.. Manned guns?" Jennifer's eyes glanced back towards the pile, now it made more sense. If it had just been stationary guns as she had thought for a second it would only have required some welding. But making space for mounted guns was a something else entirely. "Oh.. Ah.. Alright, sure thing then. Where do you want them and where is the consoles and such?"

Slowly she walked over towards the guns, starting to rummage through the pile to find something usable and intact. So.. Well yea, she would probably need to stay here for a while... Damn favors.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]​
"I want the guns along the underbelly and topside of the ship. Keep them in the middle, and away from the engines." He used a peddle to raise the hyperdrive off the ground before scooping it onto the lowered trolley, he moved around to the handles and began to push it. The wheels protested at the heavy weight of the thing, but it began chugging along the rocky hanger floor. The permacrete was far from nice and smooth. He trailed towards the back of the Tachyon where the lowered ramp was, and from there, it would be the hand work. Getting the hyperdrive through the ship towards the engine room. A whole lot of taking tight corners very slowly.

Jennifer was busy with starting to meassure up the ship when Lysle started to move the hyperdrive towards the engine room. It would be some low grade handywork they would be doing here, unless there was some sort of storage area with metal parts and seats somewhere within this hangar, she for one didn't intend to weld an entire chair into existance. So where did he want them? Top and belly, fair enough. She glanced over the ship, eyes calculating every meter as she took a few pictures of the thing with her datapad.

Judging from how it was looking she could probably fit a cluster of weapons ontop of the ship and on the belly, both seperately controlled from within, but it would be one narrow place to sit, that was for sure. Or well, instead of a person one could connect a droid with a proper A.I targeting device, that would work too. Anyway, She was here to come up with a solution, not create more problems.

Finishing meassuring up the ship she went to sit down on the ground by her bag, starting to draw plans on her datapad for how she would go about finishing this rather complicated task. She wondered though, what had made Mr. Rigger want to do the task here on tatooine? It wasn't really the most comfortable of places, nor a planet for types like him. Or at least she thought so.

She used a few tiring hours on planning out the design with what was available, letting out fustrated groans every now and then when something didn't fit properly in the 3D modelling program she was using. Why did life have to be so complicated? Finally finishing up the sketch work she sprung to her feet "Now! We're going somewhere. It's going to look great. I may need your help soon though!" Jennifer said with enthusiasm, starting to take out tools from her bag.

Now it was time for cutting and welding.

[member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]​

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